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Lollo’s Atene餐厅

2019/04/01 18:25:55
Lollo’s Atene餐厅位于雅典郊区的Chalandri,是品牌在Antiparos岛夏季餐厅的一个城市版本。餐厅空间原本是一栋典型现代风格的1950年代单层住宅,设计师的愿望是打造一个简单、清新、如同它提供的意大利菜肴一样健康的环境,同时维持建筑建造时期的独特材料和形式。餐厅室内在过去几年由于一系列用途和布局变化而进行了多次改造,设计师将以往改造中增加的部分清除,让建筑保留最本质和真实的结构骨架。室内外的墙面采用石材构造,旧空间改造需要使用金属梁支撑屋顶,有趣的是,屋顶由实心砖和混凝土构造而成。总体而言,设计师的目标是展现而非隐藏这一复杂的结构体系,让它与新的介入措施相得益彰。
▼餐厅室内概览,overview of the restaurant
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Occupying a typical modernist 1950s single story residence in the Athenian suburb of Chalandri, Lollo’s Atene is the urban version of its summertime sibling on the island of Antiparos. Our desire was to create a simple, fresh and wholesome environment, much like the Italian menu on offer, while simultaneously acknowledging the material and formal particularities of residential architecture of this period. The interior of the house had undergone multiple interventions over the years due to successive changes in its use and internal arrangements. These subsequent additions were removed in order to reach its innermost, sincere form: its skeleton. Interior and exterior walls are made of stone. Older modifications led to the use of metal beams to support the roof, which is, interestingly enough, made of solid bricks and concrete. Our aim was to reveal, rather than hide, the complexity of this structure, and to assist its coexistence with our new interventions.
▼室内的墙面采用石材构造,金属梁支撑实心砖和混凝土构造的屋顶,interior walls are made of stone, older modifications led to the use of metal beams to support the roof, which is made of solid bricks and concrete
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In the dining room, anything located below the window sill is painted in a deep green, as if it is dipped in oil. Everything above our datum line, i.e. the structural elements (stone, brick, metal) and new additions (air vents, lighting channels, speakers), has been covered with a veil of white paint. Through this chromatic uniformity, the complexity of the elements is simplified and roughness of the materials is smoothed. The strict dichotomy of the space gives the diners and the colorful dishes served a prominent role.
▼餐厅内以窗台为基准线,上部结构与新增元素都涂刷为白色,下部都刷为绿色,window sill acts as datum line, structural elements and new additions above it are covered with a veil of white paint while anything located below the window sill is painted in a deep green
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▼天花板、墙面粉刷细节,detail of the painted ceiling and wall
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All textures are smoothed and polished through the use of lacquers and glossy varnishes. A large oval table made of polished terrazzo occupies the semi-circular bay window alcove. Its surface was constructed in situ following the traditional construction method of the period, and is composed of white, black and red aggregate within olive green cement.
▼半圆形的凸窗壁龛内有一张由光滑抛光水磨石制成的椭圆形大桌子,a large oval table made of polished terrazzo occupies the semi-circular bay window alcove
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▼桌子表面由橄榄绿水泥混合白、黑、红色骨料制成,table surface is composed of white, black and red aggregate within olive green cement
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The large glazed surface separating the kitchen, and the lighting fixtures are finished with hammered copper paint, adding a touch of color to the two-toned space. The glazing itself acts like bright screen where the uninterrupted movement of the kitchen is projected. The lighting fixtures featured in the dining area, including the spindly-legged cascading ceiling light hanging above the oval table and the star-shaped sconces on the stone walls, were custom-designed for the restaurant and composed of metal tubes culminating in exposed lightbulbs of a similar geometry.
▼分隔餐厅与厨房的大面积玻璃使用了锤纹铜漆,为原本双色调的空间增添了一抹亮眼的色彩,the large glazed surface separating the kitchen is finished with hammered copper paint, adding a touch of color to the two-toned space
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▼使用了锤纹铜漆的星形金属灯具,star-shaped sconces in hammered copper paint are composed of metal tubes
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The building’s narrow covered balcony and lush garden provide additional opportunities for different seating conditions to the visitor, who is surrounded by one of the few remaining urban gardens in Athens. Through the intense contrasts that are created by simultaneously concealing and revealing the building’s textures and materiality, we juxtapose the smooth with the rugged, the dark with the light, the glossy with the matte, the present with the past.
▼狭窄的带顶阳台和郁郁葱葱的花园为顾客提供了不同的座位区,narrow covered balcony and lush garden provide additional opportunities for different seating conditions to the visitor
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▼石材立面细节,stone facade detail
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Design: ΑΚ-Α (Katerina Apostolou & Minna Colakis) Photography: George Messaritakis
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