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Space & Co·工作空间

2019/03/27 15:03:55
As a provider of real estate solutions that support evolving businesses, it was a necessity to incorporate flexibility in both environment and service to be able to respond quickly to tenants ever changing needs. Adopting an attitude of constant evolution was critical. This mindset was nourished throughout the project with frequent user feedback sessions and workshops to ideate the path to the future and how to approach the new site. Because many elements had already been tried and tested on existing sites, the design approach varied from a traditional methodology; the typical design phases were replaced with a process of testing and analysis of ideas to build on the existing model.
▼充满灵活性的工作空间,flexibility working space
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▼空间中具有多样的新元素设计,space in creative design approach
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在这个短期交付项目的限制范围内,每个区域的策略都从长远角度出发,设计需要花费时间提供创新意识同时也要分清项目的主次;设计团队在项目中分辨将对租户产生重要影响的区域进行重点设计。以2 Southbank为例,开发现有空间模式而采用的最相关主题是:工作空间作为服务区域;创造一种真正的托管式体验,满足日益多样化的使用者需求。团队的力量;设置更具灵活性的大型团队空间,满足大型机构项目团队和大型母公司对安全、技术的需求。提升整体建筑生态系统;塑造整个建筑生态体系的重要凝聚力,成为建筑业主和用户之间、建筑用户自身之间的联系桥梁。
The approach to each site takes a long-term view within the parameters of a short delivery programme, recognising innovation takes time, prioritisation is required; for each new site the project team identifies areas to address that will provide the most impact to support tenants. In the instance of 2 Southbank, the most relevant topics developed to evolve the existing delivery model were: Workplace as a service; developing a truly hosted experience that recognises the needs of an increasingly diverse range of members. The power of teams; creating larger team rooms with more flexibility that cater for project teams from larger organisations as well as the security and technology requirements of larger parent companies. Enhance the overall building ecosystem; become the important glue to the overall building ecosystem, a conduit between both the building owner and building users, and between the building users themselves.
▼满足大型团队技术安全要求的灵活团队空间,larger team rooms with more flexibility that cater for project teams as well as the security and technology requirements
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位于2 Southbank 的Space & Co.是建筑整体规划的一部分。由于需要重新出租2300m²的场地,建筑进行了整体翻修以重新确定资产定位。Space & Co.在整个建筑生态系统中承担了重要的角色,商业办公服务空间以酒店式服务为重点,不仅服务于在19层的住户,也服务于整个建筑用户甚至是周边的街区。为了实现这一目标,除了为Space & Co.租户提供封闭、半封闭和开放工作空间外,空间还为所有建筑内的租户提供了一系列的便利设施,包括咖啡厅、可预订的会议室、大型工作室和会议空间。这些区域非常受租户欢迎,被当作是工作场所的延伸。对于潜在的用户来说,这些空间是一张非常具有吸引力的名片。所有的空间设计都有助于营造整体建筑氛围。
The inclusion of Space & Co. at 2 Southbank was also part of a broader masterplan for the building. With the need to release 23,000m², the building undertook a significant refurbishment to reposition the asset. Space & Co. play an important role in this building ecosystem, their model of commercial workspace services with a hospitality focus supports not only the tenants that reside on Level 19 but residents of the entire building and surrounding precinct. To achieve this, additional to a mix of enclosed, semi-enclosed and open workspaces dedicated to Space & Co. members there is a range of amenity available for all building tenants including a café, bookable meeting rooms, a large workshop, and conference space. These spaces have been hugely popular with all building tenants and are perceived as an extension to their own workplace; it has been a weighty drawcard for prospective tenants. All of this contributes to the hosted ethos of the overall building.
▼内部提供封闭、半封闭和开放工作空间,a mix of enclosed, semi-enclosed and open workspaces
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▼空间为所有建筑内的租户提供了一系列的便利设施如咖啡厅等,there is a range of amenity available for all building tenants including a café
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▼厨房用餐空间,kitchen and dinning area
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▼厨房内面向外部景观的用餐休闲空间,dinning and leisure area in the kitchen with a city view
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在Space & Co.整个项目中,设计团队在应对快速变化的环境方面取得了重大进展。这是一种价值和态度,创造新一代工作空间并不是一个一蹴而就的过程,而是设计团队通过完成一系列持续的用户交互项目,成功演化出一种满足使用者不断变化需求的模式。
Over the course of the Space & Co. projects the team has made great strides in responding to a world that is rapidly changing. It is an appreciation and attitude that creating a responsive next generation work environment is not a one-shot deal, it is instead through the completion of a series of projects with ongoing user interaction that we are succeeding in evolving the model to meet members everchanging requirements.
▼小型会客区和休闲区,small meeting booth and leisure area
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Details Project size: 1811 m² Completion date: 2018 Building levels: 1
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