纯白幻境 | 吉隆坡“伊甸园”装置

2019/03/20 14:27:59
“虽然我的脚被禁锢在地上, 但我的心却在伊甸园中遨游; 这是天堂的奇迹。”
“My feet may be stuck on earth, But my mind is a realm of Eden; The heaven’s wonder.”
▼装置外观,exterior view
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‘Eden’ blurs the boundaries between man-made wonders and the beauty of nature. Opening up your senses to a world of delight and new sensations through a curated retail experience. ‘Eden’ is a celebration of natural elements, merging the lush greenery of the existing site-163 Retail Park with a wondrous landscape referenced from the mythical story of the ‘Garden of Eden’. Providing visitors with a refuge away from the hustle and bustle of daily life; as a space of solace and contemplation.
▼拱形通道和座椅区,将植物景观元素与神话故事中的奇妙景观结合起来,the arched passageway and the seating area, merging the lush greenery with a wondrous landscape referenced from the mythical story
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▼纯白的拱形通道和座椅区,the white arched passageway and the seating area
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步入白色“伊甸园”装置,参观者们便可以通过一系列经过放大的有机结构的细节,来重新发现和感受大自然,置身于一个从未见过的世界中。当参观者将自己的感官沉浸在这个平和和宁静的环境中时,他们就可以全身心地感受这个纯白的景观装置,仿佛误入了一个虚构中的神秘寺庙。此外,受维多利亚时代的钢结构建筑的启发,设计师还设计了一个由一系列拱形结构形成的通道,参观者可以通过一条铺在晶莹洁白的鹅卵石上小径引穿梭其中。同时,这个拱形通道轻盈的骨架结构也是对“水晶宫”——1851年伦敦大博览会(Great Exhibition)的举办地这个建筑和工程上的奇迹的认可和致敬。
Step inside as ‘Eden’ invites you to re-discover how nature can be experienced by magnifying subtle details through its organic structures, transporting you to another world unlike anything you have encountered. An all-white landscape awaits as your senses are treated to the calm & serene environment, akin to being in the grounds of a mythical temple. A pathway covered with crystal-white pebbles leads you through an arched passageway inspired by Victorian-era steel conservatory structures. It’s light, skeletal structure is a nod to the architectural and engineering marvel of the ‘Crystal Palace’; a massive cast-iron structure built to house the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London.
▼装置局部,设置由一系列拱形结构形成的通道,partial view, organizing an arched passageway
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▼拱形通道,参观者可以通过一条铺在晶莹洁白的鹅卵石上小径引穿梭在拱形通道中,the arched pathway covered with crystal-white pebbles, leading visitors through the arched passageway
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In ‘Eden’, the whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts, as elements melt and merge together becoming a single growing structure. Here, the garden passageway gives form to hanging ‘vines’ hovering above the arches, imitating stalagmites in a cave.
▼拱形通道上方细节,一系列装饰性结构营造出垂挂的“葡萄藤”的视觉效果,details of the upper part of the arched passageway, giving form to hanging ‘vines’ hovering above the arches
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仔细观察后,参观者就可以看到附着在悬挂的葡萄藤的尖端上的精致玻璃珠,模仿着雨后附着在植物叶片上将落未落的雨滴。通过不同高度的葡萄藤在周围空间环境中投射出的错综复杂的阴影,设计师创造出一个像大教堂一样的空间。本项目具有洞穴般的造型,其灵感来源之一便是法国作家凡尔纳(Jules Verne)曾为“地心之旅(Journey to the Centre of the Earth)”创作的图画,从而增强了本景观装置整体的空间体验。
▼“葡萄藤蔓”单体细节,尖端上附着着玻璃珠,vines details with glass spheres on the cusp
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Upon closer observation, glass spheres can be seen delicately perched on the cusp of the hanging vines; echoing water droplets balancing on the edge of leaves after rain has subsided. A cathedral-like space is achieved with the varying heights of the vines casting an intricate play of shadow upon it’s surroundings. Jules Verne’s drawings for the ‘Journey to the Centre of the Earth’ provided the inspiration for ‘Eden’s’ cavernous-like quality. Enhancing the overall spatial experience of the journey.
▼拱形通道上方细节,details of the upper arched passageway
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▼装置细节,葡萄藤的尖端上附着着玻璃珠,details, glass spheres are perched on the cusp of the hanging vines
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Where vertical and horizontal vines converge to form seating areas as if they were organically grown from ancient tree roots.
▼装置座椅区底部细节,竖直和水平的藤蔓相交,形成座椅区, roots details, the seating areas formed by the convergence of vertical and horizontal vines
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‘Eden’ wishes to bring you to re-discover the joys of looking closer, to cause you to momentarily suspend your beliefs and become a child once again. To believe, if only for a moment, that you are actually in paradise. With that, we welcome you as you begin your journey into ‘Eden’.
▼正立面局部,front sectional elevation
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