

Fine Café is located in a traditional Hutong area near Gong Wang Fu, a prince’s mansion of the Qing Dynasty. In this renovation project, the architects intend to highlight the contrast between history and modern life, and between traditional Beijing architecture and European style.
▼一层空间一览,overall view of the first floor space
Like many old residences in Beijing, the building is dug on level ground, descending about one metre. To take advantage of this extra space, a loft is builtto divide the café into a lower space dominated by traditional Chinese style and an upper one by European elements.
第一层采用木制桌椅,均经手工打磨,以保留木头的肌理。定制的低桌及矮凳,使顾客能够体验传统的胡同生活方式。地面则为充满现代感的水磨石,特制的图案中加入了大块墨绿色大理石骨料,与咖啡馆的主色调墨绿色相呼应。二层风格截然不同,采用Art Deco风格的钢筋和19世纪古董欧式椅子,让顾客仿佛置身巴黎露台品味咖啡。而木制地板与保留的屋顶木梁,又与一层的风格有机融合。
The first floor is furnished with lowwood tables and stools specially designed to recreate the traditional Hutong lifestyle. The tables are all manually polished so as to preserve the texture of the wood. Against the traditional furniture is the customer-made terrazzo, the dark green marble aggregates in which echoes the same colour extensively used in the café. The atmosphere upstairs is entirely different. With the Art Deco rebar and the antique European furniture, one might feel like sitting in a terrace in Paris.
▼一层空间,采用特制水磨石,木台阶通向沿街窗面,first floor space with customized terrazzo, wooden steps raised to the window alongside the street
▼二层空间风格与一层截然不同,second floor space with entirely different atmosphere
On their way to the second floor, customers will pass by ahistorical archway of grey bricks. This was not in the original design. When realizing that the load-bearing arch could not be demolished, the architects decided to preserveit so that the café blends with the environment, for the grey bricks are widely used in the surrounding Hutong area. Imbedded in a shop serving coffee and pancakes, the arch gives quite a surprising effect.
▼保留原本的木制屋架,original wooden truss was remained
Wood steps are installed as both sitting places and stairs leading to the French windows. In summer and autumn, the windows can be opened so that the interior of the café extends to the exterior. The split-level design, reinforced by multiple decorative mirrors, creates a complex, yet open and communicative space.
▼木制台阶细部,details of the wood steps