Desplans offers the chance to acquire genuine works by architects that have until now remained confidential and unavailable to the public. A world away from lifeless blueprints and hastily drawn sketches, the work on show at Desplans ranges from plans, models, and drawings, to watercolours, collages and photographs. Offering experimental visions of the habitat and the city of tomorrow, these creations document not completed structures but rather abstract and stylized preparatory work.
With around fifty works visible in its online gallery, and prices starting at 95 euros, Desplans looks to democratize architecture by putting this discipline within the public’s reach.
展品中包含了各种各样的设计方案草图:从赫尔辛基古根海姆博物馆到大屠杀纪念碑,从米兰自然历史博物馆到巴黎Acne Studios精品店,再到各种商场或者音乐厅,不一而足。另外还有许多与城市规划和设计相关的作品。在实际生活中,只有5%的项目能够真正地被建造出来,而这剩下的95%正是Desplans的关注点所在。
The projects featured are highly diverse, ranging from a proposal for the Guggenheim Helsinki to a memorial to the victims of the Holocaust, the Museum of Natural History in Milan to the Acne Studios’ boutique in Paris, as well as marketplaces and concert halls. Other works mix architecture with disciplines such as urbanism and design. Only 5% of architectural projects are constructed; Desplans seeks to explore the other 95%.
迄今,Desplans已经汇集了全球30多位当代建筑师的作品。画廊的赞助者包括Berger&Berger、Fala、Point Supreme和Andreas Bozarth Fornell等等。Desplans上的建筑师与各类建筑机构共同合作,致力于构建未来的城市,并且已经收获了各种各样的实践成果。他们的绘画、图纸、草稿和摄影皆是名副其实的艺术品,并将在未来成为一系列卓越的建筑项目。
Desplans has so far brought together a collective of over thirty contemporary architects, from all around the world. Berger&Berger, Fala, Point Supreme and Andreas Bozarth Fornell are just some of the contributors to the gallery. The architects featured on Desplans work with the architectural agencies that are shaping the cities of tomorrow and already making their presence felt today. Despite their diverse practices, all our architects share a keen engagement in the preliminary creative and intellectual processes of each project. Their drawings, paintings and photographs are veritable works of art in their own right – preparatory sketches for great architectural projects to come.