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2019/01/29 20:07:15
温暖、时尚、设备齐全的The Hide Hotel Flims,是如今旅行者们一直期待的山中避风港。酒店位于瑞士Flims小镇阿尔卑斯山壮美的山峰之中,是新建Stenna Flims综合体的一部分,同时也是优美的阿尔比斯山度假区和冒险游乐场的一部分。这里,一个探索性的美食项目与世界一流的spa和大量为各种级别滑雪者提供顺畅滑雪体验的设施一同,让这个酒店成为迷恋追求刺激者、寻求平静人群和当地人的吸引点。在这个现代化的中心,启发性、放松和社交联系都是真实可感的、风格现代的、充满多种可能性的。Hide酒店展露出舒适性和现代性的完美融合,这是旅程起始点,让客人可以自行决定一个活动多或少的旅程。
Warm, chic and well-equipped — The Hide Hotel Flims is the mountain hideaway modern travelers have been waiting for. Set amid the dramatic peaks of the Swiss Alps in Flims and forming part of the brand new Stenna Flims complex, the hotel is equal parts elegant Alpine retreat and adventure playground. Here, an explorative gastronomic program sits alongside a world-class spa and endless facilities to grease the wheels for a seamless ski experience for visitors of all abilities, making this hideout a magnet for adrenaline junkies, peace seekers and locals alike. A modern hub in which inspiration, relaxation, and social connection are all tangible — and stylish — possibilities, The Hide presents the perfect amalgamation of cozy and contemporary for a getaway where guests determine for themselves just how much, or how little, activity is on the itinerary.
▼位于山峰之中的酒店,The Hide Hotel Flims set amid the dramatic peaks
Hide Hotel Flims客人无需乘坐汽车,可立刻直接抵达224km滑雪坡、4个滑雪公园和28个滑雪缆车,便捷的滑入/滑出方式使客人更加接近该地区原始的滑雪道,延长的斜坡让顾客能够在酒店门口降速然后结束滑雪。建筑项目由Baumschlager Eberle设计,建筑师在瑞士Flim小镇切出了一个线条流畅的形态,四层楼高的建筑综合体对当地建筑条件来说是一个挑战,但建筑设计同时表达了对环境的敬意;它细长、抬高的结构轻松地插入到景观中,模仿这里山区的岩石特质。
With immediate and direct access to 224 km of ski slopes, four snow parks and 28 ski lifts, The Hide Hotel Flims removes the need for car transportation, while the easy ski-in/ski-out approach places guests in even closer proximity to the area’s pristine pistes, with an extended slope allowing guests end their descent right at the hotel’s door. Designed by Baumschlager Eberle and cutting a sleek silhouette in the tony Swiss town of Flims, the four-story complex challenges local architectural norms while also paying homage to its environment; its elongated, elevated structure slotting into the landscape with ease while simultaneously imitating the rocky nature of this mountainous region.
▼酒店周边美丽山区景色,the nature view of mountainous region
上述的设计为47间顶层客房和套房打造了一片引人入胜的景观,这些房间由Stylt Trampoli工作室的设计师Erik Nissen Johansen进行舍内设计,设计师设计使用了多样变化的壁纸、宝石色的天鹅绒、几何形墙板和从地面到天花板铺有瓷砖的洗手间,同时采用黄铜装饰和低高度悬挂的照明灯具。每一间房间都设有一个室外露台作为私人观景台,从这里可以欣赏阿尔卑斯山被联合国教科文组织认证为世界遗产的景色一角,以及远处叹为观止的山谷和群山景色。公共空间设计同样平衡了温暖舒适与复杂精致之间的关系。粗糙的天花板、裸露的管道和引人注目的柱子,结合醒目的长绒地毯、绒布窗帘和亲密的角落空间,吸引着无数前来休闲和观赏的人群。
It all sets a striking scene for the 47 top-floor guestrooms and suites, each dressed by Erik Nissen Johansen of Stylt Trampoli in a striking compilation of oscillating wallpaper, jewel-toned velvets, geometric wall paneling, and floor-to-ceiling black mosaic tiled bathrooms, all finished with brass accents and low hanging lighting. Each accommodation is crowned by an outdoor terrace that serves as a private observation deck from which to take in this UNESCO World Heritage certified corner of the Swiss Alps, with breath-taking views of the valley and mountains beyond. Public spaces equally toe the line between snug and sophisticated. Raw ceilings with exposed piping and striking pillars converge with bold deep pile carpets, plush curtains and intimate corners that invite endless lounging and people watching.
▼美丽的壁纸、宝石色的天鹅绒、几何形墙板装饰的酒店房间,guest room decorated by oscillating wallpaper, jewel-toned velvets, geometric wall paneling
▼黄铜装饰和低悬挂照明灯具,brass accents and low hanging lighting
▼酒店房间都能够看到阿尔卑斯山的景色,each room with breath-taking views of the Swiss Alps mountains
一个高高耸立的两层高的大厅——墙壁装饰着艺术家Bane&Pet的墙面艺术作品、tchotchke架子单元和悬挂式壁炉——这是一个让人眼花缭乱的休憩空间,一楼的Hide Dining餐厅是一个由著名瑞士厨师Adrian Tschanz专门供应Grison地区特色菜肴的现代空间,餐厅同时供应季节性菜肴和国际美食。一个大玻璃柜台将84个座位区的空间分隔开,柜台内悬挂着当地的牛肉,黄铜架子、红色长椅和现代树枝形吊灯共同构成了精致的餐厅空间,更为休闲的Hide Deli餐厅——也是由Tschanz设计——现代中东风味、阿尔卑斯经典的新鲜出炉的面包日夜供应,空间装饰着绿色瓷砖、黄油色软皮靠背椅,形成了一种滑雪后的清凉感觉。
A soaring, double-height entrance lobby — replete with wall art by artist duo Bane&Pest, tchotchke-filled shelving units and a suspended fireplace — is a dazzling space in which to idle, while the first-floor restaurant, Hide Dining, is where modern incarnations of specialties from the Grison region crafted by famed Swiss chef Adrian Tschanz are served alongside seasonal and international cuisine. The piece de resistance of the 84-seat space is a large glass dry-aging counter in which local beef is hung onsite, while brass grills, red banquette seating and modern chandelier lighting compound the venue’s status as The Hide’s fine dining outlet. At the more casual Hide Deli — also led by Tschanz — modern Middle Eastern flavors, Alpine classics and freshly baked bread are served day and night among green metro tiles and butter soft leather-backed chairs for a cool après ski vibe.
▼两层高的大厅装饰由艺术家画作、架子和悬挂壁炉,double-height entrance lobby with art work, shelving units and a suspended fireplace
▼黄铜架子、红色长椅和现代吊灯共同构成了精致的餐厅空间,brass grills, red banquette seating and modern chandelier lighting compound the
▼绿色瓷砖装饰的休闲用餐空间,leisure dinning area with green metro tiles
对于初学者和滑雪狂热者来说,The Hide酒店让冬季运动变得非常简单,滑雪出租店、滑雪储物柜和滑雪与雪板学校都设置在酒店多功能的建筑综合体中。在非雪季,附近250km的徒步小路和室内自行车商店随时满足冒险者的需求,同时酒店和当地游戏管理员之间建立合作,为客人提供探索当地自然和野生动物的机会。这些活动都通过在山上场地中一座礼宾小屋结合起来,在这里能够很方便的租赁各种设备、进行活动规划和参加远距离地区的观光,其中包括“瑞士大峡谷”和壮观的Caumasee湖,湖边界上是茂密的森林。
For first timers and aficionados alike, winter sports are made simple at The Hide, with a ski-rental outlet, ski lockers and a ski and snowboard school all located inside the multifaceted complex that houses the hotel. Beyond the ski season, 250 km of hiking trails nearby and an in-house bike shop are on hand to satiate adventure seekers, while a partnership between the hotel and a local game keeper offers guests the opportunity to explore the local nature and wildlife. It’s all tied together by an onsite mountain concierge available to facilitate any equipment rentals, activity planning, and to provide insight of the far-reaching area, which includes the ‘Swiss Grand Canyon’ and the spectacular Lake Caumasee, bordered by thick forests.
▼用餐空间柜台细部,the counter detail in the restaurant
Inside, recreational offerings are just as exciting, thanks to The Hide’s setting within the Stenna Flims complex. Four cinemas provide entertainment for both adults and children, while the building’s inclusion of a mall puts a number of retail outlets, restaurants, bars and cafés within walking distance. Kindercity, a learning and play center with an emphasis on science, technology, engineering and mathematics, has additionally teamed up with the hotel to offer unlimited and complimentary entry to both little and large guests. It’s all rounded up with an expansive 1000 sq m wellness area complete with a Finnish sauna, a sanarium, ice fountain, rainforest showers and relaxation area, all of which will be open year-round when the spa launches in May 2019.
▼酒店客房空间一角,space detail in guest room
▼铺有瓷砖的洗手间,bathroom covered in tiles
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