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Lune de Sang 住宅

2019/01/08 18:54:09
Lune de Sang所在的场地原本是一家乳制品公司,该项目所在的整体规划旨在对其进行宏观的开发和改造,并将亚热带的茂密雨林重新带回到拜伦湾的腹地。第一批幼苗已经逐渐变得茂盛起来,而要形成足够成熟的热带雨林则还需要3个世纪的时间。这一旷日持久的计划需要足够合适的建筑来与之匹配。
A former dairy property, Lune de Sang is now the centre of an ambitious project that is bringing back a pocket of subtropical rainforest to the Byron Bay hinterland. The first seedlings are beginning to form an impressive canopy but it will be another 3 centuries before this slow growth forest reaches maturity. This enduring, multi-generational project demands architecture to match; if not in a continuously functioning capacity, then in the capacity of ancient stone and concrete ruins; witnesses to the early years of this extraordinary project.
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该项目是Lune de Sang园区中最新的一栋建筑。园区内共有5座建筑,其他4座建筑包含两栋办公楼、一间酒店和一座管理人员公寓。尽管被用作住宅,该项目展现了明显的公共特征。它分为两个截然不同的部分,其中一个是开放的、公共性的集会场所,另一个是较为隐蔽的、私人化的休息区域。
The project’s latest component, the Pavilion, sits as part of a suite of 5 structures on the Lune de Sang site. These include two working sheds, a guesthouse and a general manager’s residence. While categorically a dwelling too, the Pavilion’s function is distinctly communal in nature. The building is divided into two, very discrete parts: an open, functionally public, local gathering space, and a hidden, intensely private retreat.
▼住宅深入亚热带的茂密雨林,the building is embedded in the subtropical rainforest
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The communal component of the pavilion has more in common with public architecture than with private dwellings. Its scale walks a fine line between retaining a degree of domestic comfort without feeling oppressively private – you won’t feel awkward waiting on this couch. The pool and accompanying amenities are similarly geared toward visitors and the space has already played host to community and family gatherings. At no point is the connection to the emerging forest interrupted; its only solid wall is a continuation of a stone landscape retaining wall, while floor to ceiling glass brings the forest inside.
▼宽阔的落地窗将森林的景致带入室内,floor to ceiling glass brings the forest inside
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▼游泳池和景观石墙,the pool and the stone landscape retaining wall
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Physically the building is one structure but the two parts are so distinct that to enter the private retreat one must step outside into the landscape before coming in. Once inside a kitchenette and living space stress the pavilion’s public function. There are no sweeping views of the landscape, instead the glass perimeter looks onto a lush rainforest embankment lending the space a subterranean quality. An exquisitely refined concrete and stone structure provides the thermal mass that keeps the space cool while robust blackbutt joinery partitions the space.
▼入口空间,entrance area
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▼四周狭长的玻璃立面带来沉入式的空间体验,the glass perimeter looks onto a lush rainforest embankment lending the space a subterranean quality
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▼黑基木单元起到分隔空间的作用,robust blackbutt joinery partitions the space
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▼公共平台,public terrace
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The proportions and scale of the retreat are intimate and reveal the refined craftsmanship so critical to ensuring this building capacity to stand the test of centuries. It’s an outcome that demanded an incredibly close partnership between client, architect, engineer, builder and expert craftsmen, each spending months on careful, hands-on iteration. While endurance is a defining feature of the architecture, it is also a key feature to the building’s ecological response to the site. Great care was taken in ensuring a minimised carbon investment and this was bolstered by using locally sourced and recycled materials.
▼屋顶结构细部,roof detailed view
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▼夜景,night view
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施工中的用水均取自当地,并最终回到森林生态系统当中——这一过程需要林业专家和水利专家进行密切而有效的合作。通过提高建筑的耐久度、融入森林生态系统并使用当地环保材料,Lune de Sang住宅楼旨在成为一个可持续发展的、能够为不同时代的家庭和社区提供长期服务的项目。
All water is collected locally and returned back into the forest ecosystem after use; a level of integration that demanded close partnership with forestry and hydraulics specialists. Between endurance, integration into a forest ecosystem and the careful use of locally sourced materials, Lune de Sang’s Pavilion aspires to be a sustainable project that will serve a family and their local community for generations to come.
▼融入森林生态系统的可持续建筑,a sustainable project that integrates itself into a forest ecosystem
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▼首层平面图,ground floor plan
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▼屋顶平面图,roof plan
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