

MINNAN vientiane city shop, put the stone with the characteristic of minnan modelling style, beautiful case, Chinese flowering crabapple Angle line, red brick elements combine together, make minnan characteristics and the design of the new element, the natural fusion to the original space, to give the newborn to history, not flashy, but keep the old who can’t name it, build the atmosphere that gives bright and encouraging for restaurants.
▼餐厅外观,exterior view of the restaurant
MINNAN vientiane city shop special increased open cooking area. Is also the culture of dessert art exhibit. Through the pillars of the traditional model combined with modern kitchen. Let the past behind the old one on the new stage. With the new art to express the old culture. To see is pure bright. Spread the unlimited impressions on the vision. See through the space hidden layers of surprise.
▼明档区域,open cooking area
Full of amorous feelings of minnan woodcarving and plaids. Construct private dining space. Do not break detail keep administrative levels. The simple sense of terrazzo and brass. Weakening sense of conflict and optimize the spatial experience. Promote the style of the restaurant and dining atmosphere.
▼闽南风情的用餐区,Minan style dinning area
▼木雕和花格构造私密的用餐空间,woodcarving and plaids construct private dining space
▼水磨石与黄铜弱化空间冲突,terrazzo and brass weak the sense of conflict
Warm and cool colors. For the restaurant space is undimmed. Differential beauty. To enrich the space language.
▼卡座区域,dinning booth area
▼空间冷暖色对比,space in both warm and cool colours
包房分封密式空间与半开放式空间,半开放式是以木格栅为推拉门,延伸了包房空间的视觉。 Sealing type space and half open space. Half open space is a wooden grid for sliding door. The vision of extending the room space.
▼封密式包房,sealing type space
▼半开放式包房格栅,wood grid for half open rooms
▼装饰细节,decoration detail
▼空间模型,space model