The former Chapel of Sint-John in the Cathedral of Our Lady in Antwerp is rebuild into a meeting place for churchgoers and tourists. The bar, designed in a contemporary gothic style, serves as central greeting and reception space. Eye-pleasing and functional.
▼从教堂看向酒吧,view from the Cathedral
The entire design and furniture has plenty of gothic and thematic references to the inside of the Cathedral: chapels, annexes, porches, cross ribs, vaulted ceilings, objects of art, … The buttresses and arches are translated in the carpentry structure. Therefore it gives the impression being turned inside out: sculptured on the outside, lining on the inside.
▼酒吧吧台概览,overview of bar
All woodwork is done in French Douglas Fir, the European version of the Oregon Pine – in which the original floor was made. All furniture (tables, chairs, bar) is custom made.
▼扶壁柱和拱通过法国道格拉斯冷杉的木结构表达,the buttresses and arches are translated in the carpentry structure made of French Douglas Fir
The bar rises up from the floor, as do the towers from the cathedral. The serving apertures in the bar are shaped after the windows of the Cathedral. Gothic with a twist: four-leaf clover, a curved triangle and a pentagon. The color blue is to be found in the stained-glass window inside the Cathedral.
▼三种变形后的哥特式窗:四叶草形、曲线三角形和五角形,three types of Gothic window with a twist: four-leaf clover, a curved triangle and a pentagon
▼吧台内侧覆以蓝色涂层,blue lining on the inside of bar
▼从吧台内部向外看,view from the inside bar
▼酒吧吧台模型,physical model
▼平面图,ground floor plan
▼剖面图A,section A
▼剖面图B,section B
▼酒吧平截面与竖截面,plane section and vertical section diagrams
▼酒吧平截面与竖截面色彩示意图,color analysis diagrams of plane section and vertical section
Photographer: Jochen Verghote