

The project locates at MIX5C in Changxing Road, Taiyuan. With an area of 160 square meters, the shape of it is a right triangle. The length of the side facing the street is as long as 20 meters, having some 5.5 meters floor-to-ceiling windows. In this case, the over-see-through structure makes it less likely to feel surrounded and, as a result, it is not a good condition for us to create a comfortable atmosphere. Thus, the difficulty and key point of the designing of this project is ,on the one hand, to have the customers enjoy themselves here, and on the other, to lower the sense of space aggression that is created by the shape of this project.
▼餐厅外观,exterior view
Facing the northwest, the dining area has plentiful sunshine and the folded metal plate we used can enhance the sense of presence of the light. The color of the metal is changing with the changing of time and also it is with the changing of light. In this way, we preserve the light and make it vivid.
▼室内概览,interior overview
▼用餐区,seating area
▼大面积的金属折板增强了光的存在感,the folded metal plates enhance the sense of presence of the light
Before the noon, the main color of the space is blue and in the afternoon is warm gold, which are the color of the folded metal plate behind the bar counter.
▼吧台,bar area
▼午前,空间的主调是蓝色,before the noon, the main color of the space is blue
▼午后空间变为暖暖的金色, in the afternoon, the palette becomes warm and gold
The seating area is mainly arranged at the side facing the street, for this part is over-see-through in the original structure and putting seats here can help with making the space have a surrounded and private environment. Arch-shaped factors are used at every right angle turning point, which can added to the sense of continuity. Besides, the long strip LED lights can go between the areas and connect each other parts.
▼每个直角转折处都加入了拱形元素,arch-shaped factors are used at every right angle turning point
▼线形的长条灯打破厚实的体块,为空间赋予通透感,the long strip LED lights can go between the areas and connect each other parts
The adding of arch-shape can turn structure column into a “door”. The combination of the semicircular mirror and metal creates an infinitely extended “aisle”.
▼半圆形的镜子形成无限延伸的“通道”,the combination of the semicircular mirror and metal creates an infinitely extended “aisle”
▼室内细部,interior detailed view
▼室内立面图,interior elevation