

This is a photography studio which is designed for the photographer Mr. Zhou Wei. The base of the project is an industrial factory building that is located in the East Five Rings of Beijing. Nearly 7 meters’ height of the space and continuous triangular roof truss are typical features of this industrial building. We hope that the space attributes of this site can be retained and utilized more or less in the renovated space in order to create a space atmosphere which can make us have a unique experience.In terms of photographic art, our understanding is to capture the tension between the object which is photographed and the environment, or the internal tension of the object that is photographed. From the aspect of space, we also hope to express the tension and the sense of contradiction of space through the volume comparison and combination between virtual and real and some other space designs.
谜舍刻意压低了原厂房的入口高度,并置入了一个旋转约15°的黑色钢盒作为入口,旋转的动作除了打破了入口的常规状态使之迎向人流主动线之外,更避免了通过入口过于直白的看到内部空间,营造出一定程度的暧昧性.钢盒底部暗藏的线性光源,使盒子视觉上更加轻盈,并起到引导客人的作用。We lowered the height of entrance of the original factory building, and placed a black steel box with a rotation of about 15 degrees as the entrance. Besides breaking the normal state of the entrance and making it face to the main stream of people, the action of rotation avoids seeing the interior space too directly through the entrance and creates a certain degree of ambiguity. The source of linear light which is hidden at the bottom of the steel box makes the box lighter visually and plays the role of guiding guests.▼一个旋转约15°的黑色钢盒被作为入口,a black steel box with a rotation of about 15 degrees was placed as the entrance
谜舍将摄影办公区一分为二,在空间的北侧搭建钢结构二层,功能性的房间集中的布置在这里。留出南侧的吹拔空间作为接待区和等候区。从较为封闭的盒子进入到完全开敞的吹拔中庭后,又进入到相对密集的功能区域,由空间体量的变化创造出了这样不同的空间节奏.We divided the photography office area into two parts, and build the second floor of steel structure on the north side of the space, where the functional rooms are centralized here. We set the void space on the south side as reception area and waiting area. From a relatively closed box to a void area and then to a relatively dense functional area, we created such a different place through the change of space volume.▼接待区,reception area
谜舍将吹拔空间定义为一个小型美术馆,以纯白色的环境为背景,前台、入口盒子、摄影棚大门、钢梯等一系列大体量的建筑构件的造型被处理的非常完整且具有雕塑感,很自然的成为了这个“小型美术馆”的“艺术展品”。在通往二层办公区的楼梯前端谜舍设置了具有户外质感的水泥地台,并使用铺在地上的白色砂石汀步连接楼梯,在室内创造出具有室外感受的区域,模糊室内外的空间界限。We define the void space as a small gallery, with the pure white environment as its background. The front desk, the entrance box, the door of the studio, the steel ladder and a series of large building components are processed and they are very complete and full of the sense of sculpture, which has naturally become the “art exhibits” of this “small gallery”. We set up a cement platform with the appearance of the outdoor cement platform on the front end of the stairs to the second floor, and we connected the stairs with white sand and stone which are tiled on the floor and created an area in the interior which is similar with the outdoor area in order to blur the space boundary between the interior and the exterior.▼等候区的水泥地台带来户外氛围,the cement platform brings an outdoor atmosphere
黑白照片是周维先生镜头下最具感染力的作品类型,谜舍也将空间整体的主色调定为黑白两色,以简约写意的方式突出空间纯粹的艺术氛围。The most appealing works of Mr. Zhou Wei are the black-and-white photographs. We also set color black and white as the dominant tones of the whole space, and to highlight the pure artistic atmosphere of space in a concise way.▼影棚,studio
▼化妆间,dressing room
谜舍将接待室的墙面打开,并设计为白色格栅。兼具开放性和私密性的格栅墙与完整的背景墙连成一个整体,形成了一幅虚实相生的图像.We designed the wall of the VIP reception room as a white grille. The open and private grille wall is connected with the background wall as a whole, which is an image with the deficiency and reality.▼接待室的墙面被设计为白色格栅,the wall of the VIP reception room was designed as a white grille
▼接待室内部,reception room interior
二层会议室如同一个悬挑的白色盒子插在二层的楼面,垂直交叉的空间关系极大的提升了空间的戏剧性,既营造了前台区域的私密感又丰富了会议室空间使用者的体验感。摄影是光影的艺术,谜舍在空间中使用了大量的线性光源以渲染空间简约洗练的氛围。白色格栅底部埋入成品灯条烘托格栅的秩序感。The conference room on the second floor looks like a white box inserted in the second floor. The vertical and crossed relationship of the space greatly improves the dramatic sense of the space, which not only creates the privacy of the lobby area, but also enriches the experience of the users who are in the conference room. Photography is the art of light and shadow. We use a large number of linear light sources to heighten the simple atmosphere of the space. The finished light bars are put into the bottom of the white grille in order to emphasize its sense of order.▼二层会议室悬挑于接待室的格栅墙上方,the conference room on the second floor looks like a white box inserted in the second floor
▼二层会议区,conference room
二层办公室立面采用大小高度不同的透光窗洞丰富立面的肌理,并通过间接发散的光线照亮二层过道空间。The light-transmitting windows of different sizes and heights are used in the facade of the office on the second floor to enrich its texture and the corridor space of the second floor can be lighted up by indirect light.▼二层休息区,seating area on the second floor
▼办公室,staff room
▼过道区的天花使用连续的成品灯条作为空间唯一照明光源,以增强空间的清洁感 The ceiling in the corridor area uses continuous finished light bars as the only source of lighting in the space to enhance the cleanliness of the space
▼楼梯顶部和底部使用暗埋光条烘托楼梯的雕塑体量感 The light bars are hidden at the top and bottom of the stairs in order to heighten the sculpture volume of the stairs
▼简约的暗门设计和空间导视系统的使用提升了空间的精致感 Simple design of the stealth door and the use of visual sign system of the space can enhance the delicacy of space
▼一层平面图,1F Plan
▼二层平面图,2F Plan