


Firm: Ohene Twum Architecture
Type: Cultural › Cultural Center Pavilion Memorial Landscape + Planning › Public Park
STATUS: Concept
SIZE: 3000 sqft - 5000 sqft
BUDGET: $50K - 100K
The Ode to Nature Pavilion is a representation of the power of poetry and introspection to shape one's view and appreciation of their surroundings. From the details in the materials chosen to the careful design, the interconnectivity between the literary arts, the visual and spatial arts is highlighted.
It incorporates sonic design to amplify the sounds of the surroundings and deepen the spiritual connection of the visitor to the site as a whole. With a different profile from each side, the pavilion is a testament to how poetry shifts perspectives and transforms the mind. Also, the personal nature of poetry in which each person has their own interpretation is laid bare.
The pavilion celebrates the life and legacy of Governor Ames and his family. The faceted landscape design pays homage to the Ames Shovel factory as well as mitigate flooding and redirect water for rainwater collection. The marriage of history, poetry and sustainability epitomizes the beauty of Easton and connects it to a greater future. The concrete in the pavilion represents the spirit of posterity. As a shovel unearths the old, so does this pavilion by giving new meaning to an old landscape. The essence of 'Gesamtkunstwerk' is present with the creation of a landscaped play area for the young, a versatile administrative and exhibition space for the older and a distinct pavilion for all. Altogether, the triangular plan of the pavilion creates a powerful light effect within the space that alludes to the enlightenment that poetry can help facilitate.