

乐于心,耕于田,乐于心田。用食材作为媒介,诚意作为桥梁,寻回与这片田地的美好关系,回溯食物原本的质朴美味,这份「乐于心田」的精神正是源于对大自然的感恩。楽田追求对生活方式的认同,尊重自己,尊重别人,也尊重大自然。从食物与生活中慢慢汇集,品尝健康生活带来的满足感以及与自然和谐并存的关系,体验真正健康生活。「La Terre 楽田」之于「元太」,颇有高山流水般的知遇之情。
▼门店外观,exterior view
在「La Terre 楽田」空间设计中,我们希望能够沐浴在阳光下享受精致的餐食,让成都弥足珍贵的阳光与植物与空间相结合,使得这里成为自然与精致工艺结合的餐食体验空间。
In design of「La Terre 楽田」, we hope to enjoy exquisite food with sunshine which is so precious to Chengdu City, and make this place a restaurant combined with nature and handcraft.
▼服务区和用餐空间,service area and dining space
▼用餐空间细部,detailed view
全空间使用Stellar Works / Offect / Menu / HAY / 梵几Fanji / ESTILUZ等国内外设计师品牌作为家具、灯具搭配。
All space is collocated with brand Stellar Works / Offect / Menu / HAY / 梵几Fanji / ESTILUZ, etc.
▼舒适的家具和灯具与空间形成搭配,the space is collocated with elegant furniture and lighting pieces
In form and structure design, arc brings soft vision, and also neutralizes the sharp of area division. When proper proportion of arc becomes the consistent element, no matter in space divison, or decorated shape, it could bring artistic unity to the space.
▼弧形元素以柔和的方式划分空间,the space is divided softly through the arc elements
▼空间细部,detailed view
Despite material, shape, furniture, lighting and many other aspects, the experience of space should be mixed with circumstance and nature. Depend on the food products, all of these could bring customers immersive consuming experience.
▼自然光洒向用餐空间,the dining area is filled with natural light
▼木制百叶窗环绕着玻璃立面,the glazed facades are embraced with warm timber blinds
▼栅格窗带来柔和的光影,the warm sense created by the lattice window
Sometimes, clients and designers are so self-centered. Different clients are doing different work, and living different life; Maybe the very beginning of an exquisite store only starts from an inadvertent idea. As designer, we design while feeling the world with our eyes and mind. Then we permeate those visons and thoughts into our work. Unique of the idea and proper Permeate make the most delighted process of complementing and appreciating each other.
▼室内细部,interior details
Location: Chengdu, China Project Complete: Oct. 2018 Design in charge: Louis 廖晋南 Space Design: Jessie 景煦巍 | Stan 洪皓 Vivid 范雪蕾 | Rise 李圣磊 Area: 1F 120㎡ | MF 40㎡ | 2F 290 ㎡ Furniture: VAN DER ROHE凡德罗家具 Photographer: 形在建筑空间摄影 Here Space Photography