知末案例   /   餐饮空间   /   中餐厅   /   黄永才


2020/01/01 01:24:30
Whether it is willing or not, contemporary design from ideas, principles, to techniques are defined by the west .From Gutenberg’s printing press to the Bauhaus , Western designers stand on the altar and overlook other civilizations in the fields of plane, architecture, interior, and industry.
Although good design belongs to the world. But as a contemporary Chinese designer,The Republican Metropolis Architecture team believes that the ancient Oriental aesthetic system was originally perfect, but there was no opportunity to have a chemical reaction with the industrial revolution. From the ancient and oriental aesthetics, the most important thing is not to write the so-called “ancient town”, “ancient architecture” and “classical oriental style” at the pixel level, but to mirror the temperament of an era with classic elements.
▼室内空间一览,overall view of the interior
The Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties have deeply influenced modern China. But in the view of relatively objective Western scholars, the Chinese culture in the modern sense is shaped in Song Dynasty.
Columbia University ‘s Weatherhead published such a passage on the official website of the East Asian Research Program, mainly saying that before the Song Dynasty, some cultural habits and phenomena that modern China took for granted did not exist. For example, large-scale consumption of rice, tea drinking, population explosion, Confucianism in the system, flying cockroaches in the architectural form, and so on. Therefore, although there are called “Han people” and “Tang people”, in fact, today we are more called”Song people.” The Song Dynasty was also the highest peak recognized by the ancient Eastern aesthetics. Therefore, it is most appropriate to continue the modern design from the aesthetic image of the Song Dynasty.
▼餐厅logo,restaurant logo
史上艺术造诣最高的皇帝宋徽宗目睹此景,落笔画下瑞鹤图。这幅《瑞鹤图》堪称有宋一代文化艺术的巅峰。设计师从中受到启发,撷取了 “鹤羽” 这一微妙的元素,从中建立起新感官的全貌。
The ancient books”lucky crane map”had recorded: on the second ninght of Lantern Festival in the second year of Northern Song Dynasty , suddenly the sky above the capital, the clouds floated, and the cranes flew over the palace. They hovered for a long time and refused to leave. The two cranes fell on the two tall kisses on the left and right sides of the palace.The people who attracted theimperial palace were astonished and the people on the road stopped to watch.The aerial crane looks like an understanding of the meaning of the person. It seems to be screaming for something, and it does not scatter over time. Later it flies northwest.
In the history of the art, the emperor of the highest emperor, Emperor Huizong Song, witnessed this scene and dropped the paintings “Ruihe”. This “Ruihe” is the pinnacle of the Song Dynasty’s culture and art. The designer was inspired by this, taking the subtle elements of “crane feather”and establishing a new look of the senses.
▼受《瑞鹤图》启发,就餐区设置巨大的羽翼装置,inspired by the “Ruihe” paintings, huge wings were installed in the dining space
Song’s Chinese Cuisine uses modern materials and design techniques to interpret Chinese restaurants. 100,000 pieces of heterosexual stainless steel bricks and 400,000 pieces of colored feathers constitute the basic form of the Song’s Restaurant.The curving shape of the surface breaks the imagination of the Chinese restaurant and creates a unique spatial experience.
▼前厅,不锈钢砖组成的弯曲墙面分割空间,curved walls composed of stainless steel bricks at the entrance hall
“山有小口,仿佛若有光,复行数十步,豁然开朗。”初步入餐厅,曲折蜿蜒,砖墙贴面,采用 10800 块不锈钢砖复刻中国古典青砖墙,神秘,引人遐想。砖墙上的书柜,陈列着书简古籍,似乎让人能立马抛去外面的都市浮躁,内心变得清净起来。前厅中央的花艺,随着二十四个节气更换;恰逢“秋分”:秋分者,阴阳相半也,故昼夜均而寒暑平。
The ancient poem said: “There is a small mouth in the mountains, as if there is light, and dozens of steps are repeated, and suddenly it is clear.” Initially entering the restaurant, the road is winding and winding. The veneer of the brick wall is engraved with 10,800 pieces of stainless steel bricks, which is mysterious and fascinating.The bookcase on the brick wall, showing the manuscripts and ancient books, seems to make people immediately throw away the urban impetuous outside, and the heart becomes clean.The flower in the center of the front hall is replaced with twenty-four solar terms; it coincides with the “autumn minute”: the autumnal, the yin and yang are also half, so the day and night ,winter and summer bouth are half.
▼前厅中央设有花艺,随时节变化,flower in the center of the front hall changes according to the seasons
沿着小径缓步前行,便会遇见硕大的球体。时间是流动的生命,以国漆 12 道复杂的工艺沉淀岁月留下的痕迹,即便剥去华美的外衣,留下的也是最质朴的本真的美!
Walking slowly along the path, you will encounter a huge sphere.Time is a flowing life. With the 12 complicated techniques of the national paint, the traces left by the years are precipitated. Even if the gorgeous coat is stripped, what is left is the most pristine truth and the beauty that shocks the world!
▼小径中设有巨大的红色球体装置,red colored huge sphere in the path
A large glass feather art installation with the theme of ” Crane Wing” is on the way through the front hall. The design uses modern materials and design techniques to interpret, through the illumination of the light, reveals a gorgeous dreamy luster, 399,860 pieces of glazed feathers and slender copper columns subtly separate the space, which is opposite to the open kitchen, either open or enclosed. As a unique culture and accumulation of Chinese culture, crane is a symbol of gentleman, noble and honor in Chinese traditional culture, and a symbol of luck and success.
The copper pillar carries the glass feathers and digs into the sky; under the reflection of the ceiling mirror, it seems to cross the dialogue of time. The mirror on the wall doubles the space in the horizontal dimension, which makes the space unbound like a winged dream.We hope that guests will feel that they are surrounded by dreams, confusing and creating a unique sense of space.
▼镜面扩大空间,mirror doubled the space
The modern materials and details selected by Song’s Restaurant reveal the pursuit of atmosphere and ultimate taste.The people can feel the reappearance of the ancient scene, and it seems that people can immediately throw away the urban impetuous outside, and the heart becomes clean and immersed to appreciate the ancient cultural heritage.
▼铜柱和羽毛细部,details of the copper columns and feathers
A gap in a stainless steel brick wall,a screw and the angle of a feather, Inspired by countless exchanges between designers and owners, Song’s Restaurant is perfect under the constraints of design. This highly dramatic restaurant, with every detail polished, should stand up to the diners at close range.Every independent space is amazing, like a Sichuan cuisine with a full flavor. It let the diners linger in it, the spiritual taste buds bloom in the brain, and the aftertaste is endless.
▼施工精细的空间,well constructed space
This is a place where experiencer are sheltered in the building.Building becomes a form that creates a place that is different from indoors and different from nature. People feel the sun and the breeze, but we are in the building again,this is my favorite feeling.
▼精致的羽毛和连接件,delicate feathers and the joints
The Space is no longer just a by-product of the order of events.A dynamic and fast-moving space ideally should be able to feel the state of the material as it passes through it.
▼独具韵味的包间,private room in dark tone
The fluidity of the film brings people a narrative, and the flow of people in the architectural space also brings continuity to the dynamic space experience. To a certain extent, it is also narrative and forms a unique spatial experience.
▼空间生成图,generation diagram of the whole space
▼入口墙面生成图,generation diagram of the front hall walls
▼平面图, plan
Project: Song’s Chinese Cuisine Location: Guangzhou ,China Design Time: December 2015 Completion Time: July 2018 Interior Design: Ray Wong | RMA Interior Design Team: Jet Wong, Jay Wong, Eunice Wong, Bell We, Jam Chan, Jack Qin, Tango Yang Main Supplier: Weicheng Zhang Author: San YU Photography: Jack Qin | RMA, Kaijian Lee Video Shooting: Paul Li |
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