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2018/11/15 12:47:49
“大海孕育了地球上的生命。”——The Big Blue大厦的总设计师Gert Wingårdh如此说道。这座闪烁着微光的蓝色建筑是为REV Ocean组织打造的新总部大楼,呼应了联合国为保护全球海洋而发起的“我们的海洋,我们的未来”行动倡议。
“The sea is a precondition for life on earth,” says Gert Wingårdh, principal architect for a shimmering blue building meant to serve as a hub for the United Nations initiative Our Ocean, Our Future: Call for Action, and a manifestation of the political momentum that has developed for saving the world’s seas.
▼大楼外观,exterior view
该项目坐落在奥斯陆外沿的Fornebu地区。来自挪威的REV Ocean公司希望能够建立一座标志性的公司总部大楼,以提供充足的办公、研究和教育场地,最重要的是建立人与人之间的连接。
Fornebu is a village just outside of Oslo where the Norwegian company REV Ocean was looking to build a corporate landmark and a headquarters with space for workplaces, research, education, and especially meetings between people.
▼新总部大楼约60层高,变化的层级容纳了一系列公共空间,the new headquarters will be about sixty-stories high, with space for a number of public areas on various levels
除了Wingårdh之外,Snøhetta、3XN Architects和Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter这三家事务所也参与了世界海洋总部(WOH)的设计竞赛。最终,Wingårdh的方案“The Big Blue”凭借其闪耀的蓝色外观获得了胜利。 Wingårdh的建筑师Fredrik Lyth表示:“起伏的玻璃立面以独特的方式反射出天空的景象,建筑的外观也随着观察的角度不断产生变化。这一切将带来一种前所未有的独特体验。”
Four firms were invited to compete for the job of designing the World Ocean Headquarters (WOH)—Snøhetta, 3XN Architects, Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter, and Wingårdh. The winning scheme is characterized by its shimmering blue exterior. We called it The Big Blue. “The way the sky is reflected in the glass waves of the façade and the changing appearance of its stepped volume from different viewpoints will give completely different experiences of the building,” says Fredrik Lyth, architect at Wingårdh.
▼闪耀的蓝色外观,the shimmering blue exterior
Clad in faceted glass, the façade is a direct reference to the sea. Just as the wealth of the sea is hidden beneath its surface, this building’s real assets are to be found inside its blue glass façades: research and knowledge.
▼立面细部,facade detail
REV Ocean’s new headquarters will be about sixty-stories high, with space for a number of public areas on various levels. It will have a large conference center with meeting rooms for about 900 people, as well as space for exhibitions, a hotel, café, and a rooftop restaurant with views over Oslo and the Oslofjord.
▼屋顶视角,roof top view
The Big Blue is here to protect the sea, and the building project itself strives to advance the leading edge of sustainability both in terms of construction and energy conservation. The goal is for the building to generate at least as much energy as it uses.
▼致力于保护海洋的可持续大楼,a sustainable building with a goal to protect the sea
Name:The Big Blue Category:Competitions Location:Fornebu, Oslo Client:REV Ocean
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