知末案例   /   家装空间   /   别墅   /   Joe Adsett

悬崖之上的创新之家 | Clifftop 住宅

2018/08/30 19:14:02
▼建筑立于一条绿树成荫的Teneriffe郊区街道旁,the building located in a leafy suburban street in Teneriffe
悬崖之上的创新之家 | Clifftop 住宅-2
Originally, the site presented as a triangular parcel of land apologetically wedged between grand, sweeping residences in a leafy suburban street in Teneriffe. A poorly constructed “character house” sat  on the site, accessed from the smallest frontage. Beyond the house was a dramatic, sheer cliff with views over the river to the North East.Our Client’s brief was to restore the house and accommodate a family of seven; however the existing house was in poor condition and could not be raised or lifted. An unorthodox solution lay in utilising the sliver of land between the existing house and clifftop. Thankfully, the question “Would you like to build a three-storey extension to the boundary on a crumbling clifftop?” captured our Client’s sense of imagination and Clifftop House emerged on pieces of yellow trace.
▼建筑外览,the exterior view
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Clifftop House originated from the idea of building a three-storey extension in a sliver of land perched on the edge of a cliff. As the first sketches were presented a landslide occurred, destroying an enormous historic porphyry wall bounding the property along Walker Avenue. Our Client surprised us by remaining wedded to the idea of building along the clifftop, recognising the advantages outweighed the risks. Moreover, it was decided that the ruined wall would be rebuilt in porphyry to retain the visual amenity to the area. The main approach to the site is from a low vantage point ascending the hill; thus the monolithic stone wall would serve as a dramatic podium for the new structure.
▼整体石墙将被作为新结构的墩座墙, the monolithic stone wall would serve as a dramatic podium for the new structure
悬崖之上的创新之家 | Clifftop 住宅-9
▼从悬崖底仰望,房屋仿佛漂浮在悬崖和树冠上方,the house floating above the clifftop and tree canopy when viewed from the base of the cliffs
悬崖之上的创新之家 | Clifftop 住宅-11
The floorplan of the existing house was divided into quadrants. We selected the largest rear quadrant, which was not visible from the street, to dissolve and connect to an extension of 5m with a 27m long elevation to the clifftop. The extension is raised up 1500mm from the existing house to capture river views and breezes and also to the upper storeys to float above the clifftop and tree canopy when viewed from the base of the cliffs.A weathered and natural material palette has been inspired by the texture of the cliff face. Concrete was utilised as the structure and main fabric of the building, deliberately exposed and finished in a worn and weathered manner. Timber window frames and cladding were introduced to soften the architecture from a Brutalist statement to an expression of a finely detailed and crafted interior tailored to the complex dynamic of a family of seven.
▼从建筑背面看悬挂在悬崖上的三层的扩展空间,a three-storey extension in a sliver of land perched on the edge of a cliff viewed from the back
悬崖之上的创新之家 | Clifftop 住宅-15
▼延伸部分向上抬起了1500mm,这样的设计能让人更好的观赏河景和感受户外的微风,The extension is raised up 1500mm to capture river views and breezes
悬崖之上的创新之家 | Clifftop 住宅-17
悬崖之上的创新之家 | Clifftop 住宅-18
▼建筑庭院入口,the courtyard entrance
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▼新老建筑结合部分,the combination of new and old building
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悬崖之上的创新之家 | Clifftop 住宅-23
建筑内的卧室被建造在原始建筑和扩建部分之间,家庭成员们会聚集在一楼的起居室,第三层则设计作为男士的空间(也可根据五位女主人的要求作为家庭房),屋顶花园也在该层。房屋中间的空隙为房屋引入自然采光,同时提供良好的通风。这样的空隙也提供了房间之间的视觉和声音的隔离和垂直的联系。为了平衡共享空间与私人空间,我们说服业主去扩展建筑方案,以此来实现这种平衡。Clifftop住宅的建造预算也恰好满足了我们对场地复杂性和现有房屋的限制的改造。预算的限制同样体现在房间的大小设计和采用木工设计上,但这一系列的设计恰使整个空间变得灵活起来。该建筑的主要材料是混凝土,其中与工程师合作设计了有效的悬浮混凝土结构,节省了费用。建筑的平板本身很薄,通过与3D软件的协同工作得以实现。 我们还与室内设计师合作,他也是业主的密友,一同设计橱柜,这项工作为我们带来了丰富的经验和知识。在现场建造过程中,我们与承包商的密切关系也促进了设计的进一步改进优化。
▼房屋中间的空隙为房屋引入自然采光,同时提供良好的通风,central voids funnel a stream of light into the house whilst allowing cross ventilation
悬崖之上的创新之家 | Clifftop 住宅-26
悬崖之上的创新之家 | Clifftop 住宅-27
▼卧室空间采用混凝土作为内部饰面,bedroom space with concrete as interior finish
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▼通风良好的儿童房,well-ventilated children’s room
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▼白色饰面与混凝土饰面相结合的楼梯,staircase with white finish and concrete finish
悬崖之上的创新之家 | Clifftop 住宅-33
Bedrooms are split between the original house and extension, with the family brought together in living areas on the ground floor or the third storey which was designed as a “man cave” (or family room according to the five females) and roof garden.Central voids funnel a stream of light into the house whilst allowing cross ventilation. The voids provide visual and acoustic separation between rooms, whilst still affording a vertical connection. In order to balance the shared spaces with the need for solitary, private spaces, we were able to convince our Client to extend the brief to incorporate a series of small “interludes”.Clifftop House was built for a budget appropriate to the complexity of the site and constraints of the existing house. Restraint was employed with the sizes of rooms and the joinery design enabling spaces to be flexible. The building’s main material is concrete and expense was saved in working with the engineer to design the most efficient suspended concrete structure. The slab itself is impossibly thin and was only achieved by working collaboratively with 3D software. We also collaborated with an Interior Designer who is a close friend of our Client and brought a wealth of knowledge to the resolution of detailed cabinetry items. On site, a close relationship with the contractor allowed further improvement to the design intent and details.
▼裸露混凝土结构的厨房空间,the kitchen space with bare concrete structure
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悬崖之上的创新之家 | Clifftop 住宅-37
▼卫生间,the bathroom
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悬崖之上的创新之家 | Clifftop 住宅-40
Clifftop住宅通过以类似“反向砖饰面”的方式构造混凝土结构,这样的设计有助于环境的可持续性。在内部较热的地方,我们故意保持混凝土墙和天花板的暴露状态。我们采用木板条和绝缘层相包裹作为墙壁的隔热层,以此实现混凝土墙的隔热作用。 外部覆层系统作为混凝土结构的防雨屏,同时使用低辐射玻璃和实木百叶窗,最大限度地减少热量增加。大型混凝土屋檐作为玻璃窗的遮挡,并在外部盲板凹陷处设置自动百叶窗。长薄的建筑外壳有利于自然采光和通风,22米长的游泳池沿着悬崖边缘延伸,为整个居住空间带来凉爽的微风。Clifftop住宅使用了轻质的雨幕,这种创新方法有效地减少了混凝土墙壁的热量增加。镀铝锌钢板作为整个建筑外观的材料,凸显了建筑持久的品质,其中太空色与自然材质的色调相搭配,同时这种材料也被折叠作为盒式面板、防水板和覆盖物,它如同为建筑砖石的框架打造了一个透气的皮肤。
▼22米长的游泳池沿着悬崖边缘延伸,为整个居住空间带来凉爽的微风,a 22m long swimming pool extends along the cliff edge to provide cooling breezes to living spaces
悬崖之上的创新之家 | Clifftop 住宅-43
▼自动百叶窗细节,the detail of automatic timber louvres
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▼实木楼梯扶手细节,the detail of solid wood stair handrail
悬崖之上的创新之家 | Clifftop 住宅-47
“Clifftop House” makes a meaningful contribution to innovation and excellence in environmental sustainability through the concrete structure being used in a manner similar to “reverse brick veneer construction”. Concrete walls and ceilings are deliberately exposed where thermal mass is relied upon internally. External heat gain through the concrete walls is minimised by isolating the cladding from the walls with timber battens, and a layer of sisalation wrap. The external cladding systems act as a rainscreen to the concrete frame. Heat gain is minimised to the openings by using plantation timber frames glazed with low-e glass and solid timber louvres. Glazing is shaded by large concrete eaves and cast in external blind recesses house automated canvass roller blinds. The long thin building envelope encourages natural light and ventilation and a 22m long swimming pool extends along the cliff edge to provide cooling breezes to living spaces.“Clifftop House” is defined by its lightweight rainscreen which is an innovative means of minimising heat gain to the thermal mass concrete walls. Metallic colorbond steel was selected for its appearance and enduring quality. The colour selected was “astro” which complements the natural material palette selected. The material was custom folded into cassette panels, flashings and cappings to create a breathable external skin to the masonry frame.
▼夜幕下的扩建部分,the three-storey extension in the evening
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▼夜间房屋整体效果,overall effect of the house at night
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▼夜幕中的庭院,courtyard in the evening
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▼场地平面图,the site plan
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▼一层平面图,ground floor plan
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▼二层平面图,floor plan level 1
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▼三层平面图,floor plan level 2
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▼剖面图,the section
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Project size:600 m2 Site size:663 m2 Project Budget:$1700000 Completion date:2016 Building levels:3
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