知末案例   /   餐饮空间   /   咖啡店

WOOW 咖啡培训学院丨中国上海丨知一设计研究室

2024/06/07 10:25:16
场地 Site
隐匿在上海法租界永嘉路上的一道铁门背后,WOOW 咖啡培训学院将选址落在了画家唐蕴玉的旧宅建筑中。鉴于此次展开设计的场所是被政府监管的历史保护建筑,随之而来的最大限制就是在满足咖啡学院所需要承载的各项功能的基础下,将设计重点放在用轻质的方式去介入,尽最大可能减少在后期施工过程中对原建筑造成的影响和损坏。©Oliver Behind a concealed iron gate on Yongjia Road in the former French Concession of Shanghai, the WOOW Barista Academy is nestled within the historic residence of the painter Tang Yunyu. Given that the site chosen for this design endeavor is a government-Regulated historic preservation building, the primary constraint is to prioritize intervention with a lightweight approach while meeting the diverse functional requirements of the coffee institute. The aim is to minimize potential impacts and damages to the original structure during later construction processes as much as possible.
▼场地,The Site©Oliver
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Condition – Unfinished
The academy hosts exhibitions, classes, Italian coffee making, cupping, and coffee brewing, all of which possess multiple attributes that can intertwine or coexist. Starting from the original intention of a single bar counter, different designs can be derived from these three dimensions to create diverse functional uses and scenes.
▼陈列前厅,The Showroom©Oliver
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吧台在原本咖啡店的功能当中一直都是属于固有存在的部分,而在本案中,我们将原本固定的吧台以未完成的形态分散在空间当中,同时增设了一些可移动的吧台置于空间内。将设计一定程度上也交给了业主,让业主在使用过程中可以进行自由的组合排列,从而创造出更加丰富的空间组合形式。而延展的这个动态过程,也契合与 WOOW 咖啡学院建立初期的状态。从空间排布和设计手法上,我们都去刻意的去表达这种充满可能性的未完成态,增加设计的可适应性。
▼桌椅轴测图, tables and chairsaxonometric©知一设计研究室
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Traditionally, the bar counter is an inherent part of coffee shops, but in this case, we have dispersed the originally fixed counters in an unfinished form throughout the space. Additionally, movable bar counters have been added to the space. This design approach partly empowers the owner, allowing them to freely combine and arrange the elements during use, thus creating more varied spatial configurations. This dynamic process of extension aligns with the initial state of establishment for the WOOW Barista Academy. Deliberate spatial layouts and design techniques express this unfinished state full of possibilities, enhancing the adaptability of the design.
▼意式咖啡教学区,Teaching Area©Oliver
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▼隔断门, partition wall©Oliver
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▼轴测图, axonometric©知一设计研究室
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The original intent of the design was to preserve the initial state of the brand establishment,akin to capturing a photograph.Similarly,this extended state and scene were chosen to be frozen in time using corresponding design language.The approach involved incorporating a continuous bar counter in each space,from which other elements were derived.The resulting shelves,akin to half-walls,enclosed spaces of varying degrees in each room.Much like the game “Snake,” where the continuously elongating body is momentarily paused within confined spaces,we sought to capture this moment.
▼意式咖啡教学区, teaching area©Oliver
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▼教学过道, teaching corridor©Oliver
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▼教学区域, teaching area©Oliver
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▼冲煮咖啡教学, teaching area©Oliver
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The doors and windows within the space allow for visual perception to capture different scenes, even from the same vantage point. Derived from the bar counter, the shelving units further enclose layers within themselves and feature localized openings, responding to the experiential attributes of the original site. Additionally, it is hoped that the activities of each individual within this space can be visually captured and preserved.
▼门与窗, Doors and Windows©Oliver
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▼咖啡厅一角, corner©Oliver
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▼平面图, plan©知一设计研究室
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项目名称: WOOW 咖啡培训学院
项目地址:上海市徐汇区永嘉路 600 号
建筑事务所: 知一设计研究室
客户:WOOW 咖啡培训学院
项目竣工: 2024.04
建筑面积: 100㎡
主创建筑师团队: 毕舟希/雁森/李金龙/徐大伟
客户:WOOW 咖啡培训学院
WOOW 咖啡培训学院丨中国上海丨知一设计研究室-55
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