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Ashley 路 1 号大楼丨英国丨Alison Brooks Architects

2024/06/17 11:46:09
Ashley 1 号大楼是 Alison Brooks Architects 事务所为 Related Argent 打造的地标性建筑,这里是通往 Tottenham Hale 重建区 Heart of Hale 的门户。本项目位于 Walthamstow 湿地和 Lea 谷水道旁,属于一项大规模改造计划的一部分。这个大型改造是将一个后工业时代、以机动车交通为主导的枢纽改造为一个风格鲜明、多元化且适合步行友好的社区。这座大楼由两栋住宅塔楼组成,中间有一个庭院。塔楼中共有 183 个住宅单元,还包括三层零售空间、孵化器办公空间,以及屋顶花园和公共区域。
One Ashley Road is Alison Brooks Architects’ landmark project for client, Related Argent, forming the gateway to the Tottenham Hale redevelopment, Heart of Hale. Located near the Walthamstow Wetlands and Lea Valley waterways, the scheme is part of a large-scale transformation of a post-industrial, traffic-dominated transport hub into a characterful, diverse and walkable neighbourhood. It comprises two residential towers that frame two sides of a courtyard block. The scheme houses 183 residential units, above three levels of retail and incubator office spaces, as well as roof gardens and new public realm.
▼建筑全貌,Building overview©Paul Riddle
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▼高视角概览,Top view © Paul Riddle
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▼街道侧视角,Street view©Paul Riddle
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设计者在本项目中积极响应了场地的历史以及当下和新兴环境的特点——新的交通枢纽北侧,同时还是通往活力社区的门户。他们计划在场地中使用“船头”的造型打造了个充满植物的市民广场,还有一条通往 Berol 工厂院子的特色步行道。
Alison Brooks Architects’ design responds to the characteristics of the historic, existing, and emerging context. It defines the northern edge of a new transport interchange and acts as a threshold to a dynamic new neighbourhood. The scheme offers a new tree-filled civic square at the ‘prow’ of the site, as well as a characterful new pedestrian passage that leads into the Berol Factory Courtyard.
▼建筑立面,Facade©Paul Riddle
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▼建筑立面细部,Facade details©Paul Riddle
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Ashley 1号大楼项目属于Hale中心总体规划的“前门”。建筑生动的轮廓和底部柱廊结构被建造在Tottenham Hale交通枢纽的对面,是一个令人眼前一亮、并根植于当地的新地标。本项目设计参考了该地区工业遗产建筑,特别是旁边的Berol大厦,这栋建筑曾经是鹰牌铅笔公司工厂的一部分,像一个“雕塑物”般灵活生动。这些都是通过多面的形式和明显的垂直线条打造的;还有颜色鲜艳的橙色砖石外表皮和闪闪发光的金属内表皮,这里的灵感来自标志性的Berol鹰牌铅笔的六边形截面和颜色,这些都被转译为建筑语言隐藏在结构中。
One Ashley Road acts as the ’front door’ to the Heart of Hale masterplan. Its animated silhouette and colonnaded base, situated opposite the Tottenham Hale transport hub, creates a memorable new identity rooted in place. The scheme references the area’s industrial heritage, particularly the adjacent Berol House which was once part of the Eagle Pencil Company Factory, with a ’carved’ and animated perimeter block. This is expressed through a distinctive, faceted form and a more pronounced verticality. With a rich orange brick outer skin and a shimmering metal inner skin, the design is inspired by the graphic colours and hexagonal forms of the iconic Berol Eagle Pencil. These have been translated formally as abstract surface patterns within the architecture of the building.
▼室内咖啡厅,Interior space©Paul Riddle
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▼室内公共区域,Interior public space ©Paul Riddle
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▼接待处,Reception©Paul Riddle
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▼通高的空间,Full height space©Paul Riddle
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在本设计中,设计者计划在三层处利用阶梯式体量打造一个安静的平台花园和一处联合办公空间,并在七层打造一个朝南的公共屋顶花园。从这个公共空间能够俯瞰前方的新广场,并且中层建筑的高度平衡了高层建筑和公共空间之间的界限。Ashley 1 号大楼的外立面采用了光滑的陶土材质,内部立面则采用了多面金属盒式面板,能够将光线反射到街区的内部,远远看上去好像一层闪闪发光的面纱。
The scheme’s stepped massing creates a secluded residents’ podium garden and co-working space at third-floor level, and a south-facing communal roof garden at seventh-floor level. This prominent space overlooks the new square, and the mid-rise scale softens the transition between the tall elements and the public realm. In contrast to its smooth terracotta exterior, One Ashley Road’s internal elevations feature faceted metal cassette panels which reflect light into the block interior, so that its heart becomes a shimmering veil of light.
▼其它室内空间 ©Paul Riddle
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▼户外公共空间,Outdoor public space©Paul Riddle
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▼屋顶花园,Roof garden©Paul Riddle
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Overcoming a significant underground constraint with both ingenuity and sculptural intent, One Ashley Road’s design responds to the presence of two Victoria line tunnels running through the plot. By strategically locating the two towers and their respective piling on either side of the tunnels, the project team navigated loading, acoustic, and vibration requirements from the London Underground infrastructure. This innovative approach to the site’s unique conditions resulted in a stepped-base massing block, which recesses to the north to offer communal green terraces. These outdoor spaces provide residents with access to air, light, and panoramic views, seamlessly integrating the built environment with the natural landscape.
▼夜览,Night view©Paul Riddle
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The gardens and hexagonal terrace weave green space throughout the project, creating communal destinations for residents to get together, socialise, and relax in a variety of quiet, secluded locations.
▼项目区位,location plan© Alison Brooks Architects
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▼首层平面图,ground floor plan© Alison Brooks Architects
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▼不同楼层平面图,floor plan © Alison Brooks Architects
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▼户型平面图,floor plan © Alison Brooks Architects
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▼剖面图,section© Alison Brooks Architects
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▼阳台细部,balcony detial© Alison Brooks Architects
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▼构造细部,detials© Alison Brooks Architects
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Client: Related Argent Architect: Alison Brooks Architects Structural Engineer: Whitby Wood Contractor: Galliford Try Contractor Delivery Architect: KDS Architects Services engineer: Sweco Planning Consultant: Quod Acoustics: Sandy Brown Facade Engineer: FMDC Fire Engineer: OFR Interior Architect: Conran and Partners Landscape Architects: Andy Sturgeon, Adams & Sutherland Architects Daylight: Malcolm Hollis Aluminium Cladding: CCS Facades Brickwork: Grangewood Brickwork/ San Anselmo (Selmo Orange Brick) Metalwork: GKE Glide on Balconies: Brooksby Glazing installer + supplier: Galliford Try/ SDS Architectural Glazing (Aluprof system) Curtain Wall: GKE (entrance)/ SDS all others (Aluprof system) Kitchens + Joinery: MH Atlantic Contracts Concrete Frame: O’Halloran & O’Brien (OHOB) MEP: PR Morson
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