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Malling Dampmoelle住宅综合体丨丹麦奥胡斯丨CEBRA

2024/06/21 15:47:26
在距离Aarhus几步之遥的Malling, CEBRA将历史文脉与当代生活方式融合在了Malling Dampmoelle新建住宅综合体中。新社区坐落在历史悠久的蒸汽磨坊场地上,将52栋现代住宅整合到现有的郊区环境中。Malling一个典型的丹麦小镇,坐落在穿过日德兰半岛并连接Aarhus的铁路旁。项目所在的场地在19世纪时曾坐落着一座被称为Malling Dampmølle的蒸汽磨坊,CEBRA受邀在这个历史遗址之上重新建造规划一个小型住宅社区,该住宅区毗邻车站,周边还坐落着郊区卫星城的教堂。
In Malling, a stone’s throw from Aarhus, CEBRA melds historical reference with contemporary living in the new-built housing complex of Malling Dampmølle. The new community reimagines the site of a historical steam mill, integrating 52 modern dwellings into the fabric of the existing suburban tapestry. Malling is a small and typical Danish market town located by the railway running through Jutland and connects to Aarhus. On the historical site, which used to accommodate the steam mill Malling Dampmølle (Malling Steam Mill) in the nineteenth century, CEBRA was commissioned to design a small housing community, right between the station and the local church of the suburban satellite town.
▼鸟瞰,aerial view © Adam Mork
Malling Dampmoelle住宅综合体丨丹麦奥胡斯丨CEBRA-3
本项目以历史遗址命名,位于两条主要道路Gammel Østergårdsvej街和Holmskovvej街之间,共包含了52栋住宅。沿着Gammel Østergårdsvej的独特立面,将住宅区与城市的主要街道和车站联系在一起。从外观上看,综合体朝向Bredgade的立面从单层逐渐抬升成三层;而朝向Holmskovvej街的一侧则看起来更像一个连贯的建筑综合体,使场地内部的生活与公共空间远离了道路以减少交通噪音。
▼水彩与分析图,Watercolor and analysis diagram © CEBRA
Malling Dampmoelle住宅综合体丨丹麦奥胡斯丨CEBRA-6
The housing project named after the historical site comprises 52 dwellings and is located between two primary roads in Malling: Gammel Østergårdsvej and Holmskovvej. Along Gammel Østergårdsvej, which connects the city’s main street with the station, Malling Dampmølle rises with a distinctive façade, that spans from one floor towards the station to three floors towards Bredgade. Towards Holmskovvej, Malling Dampmølle appears as a coherent building complex, withdrawn from the road to minimize traffic noise.
▼顶视图,top view © Adam Mork
Malling Dampmoelle住宅综合体丨丹麦奥胡斯丨CEBRA-9
The geometry creates intimate environments
The housing complex is a variation of the terraced house typology designed around three central courtyards creating a sculptural form. The yards open towards the surroundings as the wings radiate out from the centre of the plot to create an irregular star plan, shaped by the oblique angles of the site perimeter. Thus, the three courtyards form a series of small private environments for the residents while the shape articulates the historical context of the former steam mill area.
▼内部庭院,inner courtyard © Adam Mork
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▼内部道路,inner road © Adam Mork
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▼庭院顶视图,top view of the courtyard © Adam Mork
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Based on the project’s urban context and a thorough analysis of the daylight conditions on site, the project’s main thrust was born. By “pulling” the roof surface up and down, the volume rises only towards the centre of the site not to cast shadows onto the adjacent private garden. Based on the same logic, only the gables of the building come near the site boundary making it appear small and less intruding to the nearby neighbours. In addition to scaling down the building volume, the enclosed spaces offer intimate outdoor environments and a protected buffer zone between the privacy of the homes and the public streets framing the development.
▼街道视角,street view © Adam Mork
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▼仅山墙部分靠近场地边界,Only the gable part is close to the site boundary © Adam Mork
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A distinct interpretation of the urban fabric
建筑的设计风格无论是从材料上还是尺度上都来源于城市环境。Malling的城市肌理以小而独立的砖房为特征,这些小型独立砖房偶尔连接起来形成了现有的街道立面。因此,由周边建筑立面上采用的页岩和砖材建造而成的传统坡屋顶,使Malling Dampmølle成为了对周围建筑的当代诠释。
The idiom of the project finds its inspiration in the urban context – both in materials and scale. The urban fabric consists of small and mostly detached brick houses, which occasionally connect to form actual street facades. Thus, traditional roof pitches made from shale and brick facades make Malling Dampmølle a contemporary interpretation of the surrounding buildings.
▼活跃的社区氛围,active community atmosphere © Adam Mork
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▼花园与温室,garden and greenhouse © Adam Mork
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▼入户私人花园,private garden © Adam Mork
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The housing complex is constructed using traditional, robust materials which have a very long lifespan, and require minimal maintenance. The exterior walls are made of dark bricks with dyed joints, roofs of natural slate with zinc flashings and gutters. Capping and window ledges are presented in lacquered aluminium, while windows and doors are made of wood on the inside and lacquered aluminium on the outside. Roofs and facades are kept in the same dark shade and with minimal detailing, so the entire development is experienced as one cohesive sculpture.
▼立面近景,closer view of the facade © Adam Mork
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Voluntary community
Malling Dampmølle是一个充满自驱力的当代社区,除了公共住宅、客用公寓外,还设有共享温室和厨房花园,居民可以根据自己的需要参与其中。丰富的屋顶平面与立体几何形状为排布出不同类型的住房单元创造出可能,丰富的住房类型有助于促进社区中的社会多样性,例如能够吸引到老年居住者与年轻的有孩子的家庭,这是维持任何功能良好的社区的关键。住宅单元包括可直接进入花园和楼梯的单层住宅,以及可直接进入二楼的两层排屋,而其中一个排屋是单层的。所有公寓都设有阳台,可俯瞰公共庭院。
Malling Dampmølle functions as a modern and voluntary community featuring a communal house, guest apartment, shared greenhouse, and kitchen gardens, which residents can participate in as they see fit. The shape of the roof made it possible to design a great variety of different housing units in plan and geometry supporting and attracting social diversity with a mix of older and younger families with children, which is key to sustaining any well-functioning community. The housing units include single-storey homes with direct access to gardens and staircases, and two-storey terraced houses with direct access at the first-floor level, while one of the terraced houses is single-storey. All units feature balconies overlooking a communal courtyard.
▼公寓内部,interior of the apartment © Mikkel Frost
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▼室内细部,interior details © Mikkel Frost
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▼夜景,night view © Adam Mork
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▼一层平面图,ground floor plan © CEBRA
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▼二层平面图,first floor plan © CEBRA
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▼三层平面图,second floor plan © CEBRA
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▼屋顶平面图,roof plan © CEBRA
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▼立面图,elevations © CEBRA
Malling Dampmoelle住宅综合体丨丹麦奥胡斯丨CEBRA-60
Location: Malling, Aarhus, Denmark
Size: 5,600 m²
Client: Urbanus ApS
Function: Housing
Completion: 2023
Architect: CEBRA
Turnkey Contractor: CJ-Group
Engineer: Arne Elkjær
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