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Van B 住宅丨德国慕尼黑丨UNStudio

2024/06/24 12:55:17
UNStudio 和开发商 Bauwerk 最近在慕尼黑完成的 Van B 住宅项目包含一至三室、高度灵活的公寓、单元、画廊阁楼和屋顶公寓,它不仅能满足不断变化的人口结构和多家庭组合的需求,还能提供室内外生活空间、公共空间、共享设施和新型高度灵活的插件系统,使 40 平方米的公寓感觉就像 60 平方米的阁楼。
With its one to three room, highly flexible apartments, flats, gallery lofts and rooftop flats, UNStudio and developer Bauwerk‘s recently completed Van B residential project in Munich not only caters to changing demographics and multiple family constellations, it offers indoor-outdoor living, communal spaces, shared facilities and a new highly flexible plug-in system that can make a 40m2 apartment feel like a 60m2 loft.
▼项目外观,Overall view© Evabloem / Hufton+Crow
Van B 住宅丨德国慕尼黑丨UNStudio-3
‘Van B’位于一个广场上,毗邻创意区和奥林匹克公园,地处慕尼黑三个最佳行政区的交汇处,共有 142 套公寓、单元房和顶层公寓,配有 81 个地下停车位。
Located on a square next to the Creative Quarter, and the Olympiapark, at the confluence of the three best districts in Munich, Van B houses 142 apartments, flats and penthouses served by 81 underground parking spaces.
▼街道侧立面,Street view© Evabloem / Hufton+Crow
Van B 住宅丨德国慕尼黑丨UNStudio-7
拓展空间 Expanding space 在人与室外空间之间建立联系,并将室外空间作为居住空间的延伸,是‘Van B’中至关重要的设计理念。窗台、阳台、屋顶花园和露台、共享花园和私人花园、可 360º 饱览全景的屋顶花园以及设有健身和休闲区的中庭,营造出室内外一体的、连贯的生活体验。
Creating connections between people and the outdoors and using outdoor space as an extension of the living spaces was essential to the design of Van B, where a sense of expanding the space is created by pushing the inside out and pulling the outside in. The indoor-outdoor living experience is created by bay windows, balconies, roof gardens and terraces, alongside shared and private gardens, a rooftop garden with 360º panoramic views and an inner courtyard with fitness and relaxation zones.
▼街道侧立面细部,Facade details© Evabloem / Hufton+Crow
Van B 住宅丨德国慕尼黑丨UNStudio-11
‘Van B’还在建筑设计上体现了共享经济、社区创建和包容性生活方式的理念。因此,住户可以在家办公或社交聚会,享受共同生活空间,还可以使用邮筒系统、汽车/电动自行车共享、充电站和自行车维修站。
Van B also offers an architectural expression of the ideas of the sharing economy, community creation and inclusive ways of living. As such, residents can enjoy a co-living space for working from home or social gatherings and make use of a parcel box system, car/e-bike sharing, e-charging stations and a bike repair station.
Ben van Berkel:“社会关系对我们的健康至关重要。现在,我们比以往任何时候都更清楚地看到,许多人渴望并需要定期与家人、朋友和邻居见面。但是,尤其是与邻居,这种会面通常是自发的,因此需要为其提供便利。建筑可以创造框架,使人们能够见面,形成邻里社区,从而促成自发的邂逅。”
Ben van Berkel:“Social connection is essential for our wellbeing. Now more than ever, we are seeing that many people desire and need to meet regularly with their families, friends and neighbours. But with neighbours in particular, such encounters are usually spontaneous and so they need to be facilitated. Architecture can create frameworks that enable people to meet, where neighbourhood communities can be shaped and where spontaneous encounters can occur.”
▼庭院侧立面,Courtyard view© Evabloem / Hufton+Crow
Van B 住宅丨德国慕尼黑丨UNStudio-17
Where quality meters become more important than square meters
四种不同类型的公寓(面积从 33 平方米到 168 平方米不等)形成了多样化的组合,‘Van B’还挑战了面积和固定占地面积的旧有传统,使人们能够以更灵活的方式生活。通过‘Van B’插件系统,您可以在几秒钟内轻松改变同一楼层空间的用途,使房间从宽敞的办公室变为舒适的客厅或卧室。
While four different typologies create a diverse mix of apartments (ranging in size from 33 m2 to 168 m2), Van B also challenges old conventions of square footage and fixed footprints to empower people to live in more flexible ways. The Van B plug-in system allows you to easily change the use of the same floor space in a matter of seconds, making it possible to transform a room from a generous office into a cozy living room, or a bedroom.
▼公寓入口处,Entrance© Evabloem / Hufton+Crow
Van B 住宅丨德国慕尼黑丨UNStudio-23
为了实现这种灵活性,UNStudio 与 Bauwerk 合作设计了一种可调整的隔断和家具‘插件式’系统,可以安装在所有的‘Van B’公寓中,无论面积大小。该系统引入了一套九个可选插件,使住户能够根据自己的即时需求重新配置公寓,让他们能够围绕自己的一天所需来安排空间,而非相反。
To achieve this flexibility, UNStudio, in collaboration with Bauwerk, designed an adaptable partition and furniture ‘plug-in based’ system that can be installed in all of the Van B apartments, regardless of size. The system introduces a set of nine optional plug-ins that enable residents to reconfigure their apartment to their immediate needs, allowing them to choreograph their space around their day, instead of the other way around.
Ben van Berkel 说道:“对今天的人们来说,灵活性比单纯的面积大小更重要,因为我们家中的各个空间都必须具有多功能性,既是办公室,又是健身房、起居室和卧室。这意味着,我们现在比以往任何时候都更需要开发新的生活理念,以满足不断变化的家居需求”。
Ben van Berkel: „Flexibility has become more important to people today than sheer size, because individual spaces in our homes have had to become multi-functional, serving as offices, gyms, living rooms and sleeping nooks, all at the same time. This means that now, more than ever before, we need to develop new living concepts that cater to the changing demands of our homes.”
▼公寓空间概览,Interior view© Evabloem / Hufton+Crow
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Van B 住宅丨德国慕尼黑丨UNStudio-30
Van B 住宅丨德国慕尼黑丨UNStudio-31
Residents can choose an individual configuration of plug-ins based on a catalogue of nine elements. Each partition can work in different configurations, as no matter which elements the homeowner chooses, and no matter how they arrange them inside their apartment, the modules will work together.
▼个性化的插件配置展示,Individual configuration of plug-ins © Evabloem / Hufton+Crow
Van B 住宅丨德国慕尼黑丨UNStudio-35
Ben van Berkel 说道:“‘Van B’的独特之处在于,它提供了一种全新的‘智能’生活方式。这种智能不是通常意义上的技术集成,而是重新诠释数字世界的理念,以改善我们所居住的模拟物理空间。”
Ben van Berkel: “What makes Van B truly special and unique is that it offers a completely new form of ‘smart’ living. This is not smart in the usual sense of tech integration; it instead involves reinterpreting ideas from the digital world in order to improve the analogue, physical spaces we inhabit.”
▼个性化的插件配置,Individual configuration of plug-ins © Evabloem / Hufton+Crow
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Van B 住宅丨德国慕尼黑丨UNStudio-40
Van B 住宅丨德国慕尼黑丨UNStudio-41
The building
公寓的大凸窗和阳台在街道、住宅和道路两旁的树木之间建立了视觉联系。这些凸窗还为建筑提供了一个雕塑般的三维外壳,由混凝土和铜色金属框架组成。画廊阁楼的一层面向中心庭院的一侧是玻璃外墙,这使得住户可以打开门窗,将客厅延伸到花园中。每户居民都拥有属于自己的门牌号,这种三层挑高的空间营造一种私人住宅的居住体验。该项目还包括‘Van B Editions’:10 个带私人屋顶露台的独立装修屋顶公寓,全部由 10 位德国顶级室内设计师进行装修和布置。
In the apartments, the large bay windows and balconies create visual connections between the street, the homes and the trees that line the road. These bay windows also serve to provide the building with a sculptural three-dimensional shell, composed of concrete and copper-coloured metal framing. With their glazed facades, the gallery lofts that face the courtyard on the ground floor invite residents to open up their apartments and extend their living rooms into the garden. Having their own address, these triple height apartments almost work as small houses nestled within the building. The project also includes the ‘Van B Editions’: ten individually furnished rooftop flats with private roof terraces, all of which have been finished and furnished by ten of Germany’s top interior designers.
▼公寓公共区域,Public space© Evabloem / Hufton+Crow
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Van B 住宅丨德国慕尼黑丨UNStudio-48
Bauwerk 管理合伙人 Jürgen Schorn 说道:“‘Van B’提供了各种类型的公寓。我们很高兴许多来自世界各地的年轻国际都市人、单身人士和情侣都在这里找到了自己的家,使这座建筑焕发出勃勃生机。”
Jürgen Schorn, Managing Partner, Bauwerk: „As Van B offers various types of flats, we are very pleased that many young cosmopolitans, singles and couples from all over the world have found their home there and brought the building to life.”
▼露台,Terrace© Evabloem / Hufton+Crow
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Van B 住宅丨德国慕尼黑丨UNStudio-53
Van B 住宅丨德国慕尼黑丨UNStudio-54
‘Van B’项目符合德国所有严格的可持续发展规定。此外,之前建筑的部分地基和地下室结构被重新用于新建筑,地下室墙体也得到了加固。这样一来,既节省了建筑材料,又加快了施工进度。屋顶花园还起到了为建筑降温的作用,而窗台的朝向则优化了公寓的采光。
The Van B project fulfills all of the strict sustainability regulations in Germany. In addition, parts of the foundation and basement structure from the previous building were re-used for the new building and the basement walls were reinforced. In this way, it was possible to save on construction materials, while speeding up the building process. The roof garden also serves to cool the building, while the bay windows are orientated to optimise daylight in the apartments.
▼平面图纸,floor plan© UNStudio
Van B 住宅丨德国慕尼黑丨UNStudio-58
Van B, Munich, Germany, 2018 – 2023
Client: Bauwerk Capital GmbH & Co. KG
Location: Munich
Building surface: 15.945 m2 total (9.905 m2 above ground)
Building volume: 51.380 m3 total (29.807m3 above ground)
Building site: 2.419 m2
Programme: residential & office
Status: completed
UNStudio: Ben van Berkel with Jan Schellhoff and Julia Gottstein, Bart Chompff, Alexandra Virlan, Dimitra Chatzipantazi, Ana Maldonado, Patrik Noomé
Local Architect: BKLS Architekten
Landcape Architect: Andreas Kübler und Partner
Cost and Quantity Surveying: Leitwerk AG
Fire safety: Brandschutzservice Zobel GmbH
Photos: ©Evabloem / Hufton+Crow
Van B 住宅丨德国慕尼黑丨UNStudio-75
Van B 住宅丨德国慕尼黑丨UNStudio-76
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