

T-Book Station is a self-operated bookstore curated by Bence Books and Suzhou Rail Transit. Located in the lobby of an office building near Huangtiandang Metro Station in Suzhou, it is an experiment of combining “travel” with “reading.” The challenge of this project is to integrate a place related to reading into the fast-paced environment.
▼书店概览,bookstore overview©卢小平
▼上架前的书店入口,bookstore before loading books©悠作设计室
▼挑檐下功能的植入,function intervention under the eaves©悠作设计室
As a bookstore encountered by people on their daily commute, the traditional steady and quiet bookstore atmosphere is unsuitable. In the initial discussions of the design, we came to the idea of regarding the bookstore as a “convenience store for reading.” A distinguished store atmosphere is created through the uses of contemporary materials, structure, and shelving systems. We hope the freshness of the space can attract passers-by on their daily commute and promote public reading at large.
▼收银区与窗边座椅,cashier and seating area along the window©卢小平
▼望向室外景观,look outside©悠作设计室
空间的划分依矩形场地现状顺势布局。场地两侧的 L 形实墙沉闷不可破,我们在这两边挑出屋檐靠墙布置书架;场地中间区域最为核心,我们在原建筑顶下架起一片匀质的矩阵,设立多样的展示空间;西侧的落地窗外有郁郁葱葱的绿植,我们沿窗放置休憩长凳。
▼空间轴测分析,axonometric analysis©悠作设计室
The organization of space is based on the layout of the rectangular site. The L-shaped solid walls on two sides of the site are heavy and solid, so we installed bookshelves with roof elements against these walls to create a “reading corridor”. In the central area of the site, different display systems are designed to cater for different product types and to enrich visitors’ shopping experience, including book display, object display, poster boards, LED screens, storage rack. Along the West side, we placed benches against the windows, providing resting area next to the green landscape outside.
▼中央展陈区,central exhibition area©卢小平
▼中央展陈区,central exhibition area©悠作设计室
▼架子系统带来多元展陈方式,various exhibition methods according to the shelf-system©悠作设计室
The “train station”, as an architectural typology, provides a sheltered place for vehicles and pedestrians to stop. In our design, the “roof” is used as an architectural element which signifies a gesture of sheltering. Not unlike the space you will find at any train station, the roof here above the shelf invites visitors to step in by providing a sense of belonging. If you are tired walking through the books, you can always lean onto the guardrail – a kind of “standing chair” we call it- as you like. The “roof” and the “standing chair” are two highlights of design elements in the space. They form a new kind of intimate space in the public environment; they are so simple yet relates to people’s action and scale in this particular scenario. We think these architectural expression – rooted in users’ behavior – is the key innovation in our project.
▼书廊、站椅、展架,book corridor, standing chair and the shelf ©悠作设计室
▼展陈细节,exhibition detail©悠作设计室
▼书架之间,between the shelf©悠作设计室
▼展陈细节,exhibition detail©卢小平
The store furniture such as bookshelves, benches, and tables are built with steel structure and wood panels. The paired 30×30 stainless steel columns weaken the heaviness of the structure, bringing a delicate and light atmosphere to the place. The treatment of the original color of the materials and the exposed structure further alludes to the natural and undecorated quality of the space.
▼“立椅”,standing chair©悠作设计室
▼南北剖面,North-South section©悠作设计室
▼主入口立面,main entrance facade©悠作设计室
▼概念轴测-动与静的空间叠加,Layers of Space©悠作设计室
▼概念草图-立椅,standing chair©悠作设计室
项目名称:T-Book Station 星连书站
设计方:atelier yoo 悠作设计室
项目地址:苏州市金鸡湖大道 1661 号黄天荡控制中心 1 楼