杭州南湖未来科学园室内设计丨中国杭州丨Matrix Design矩阵纵横

2024/06/27 13:47:24
由 Matrix Design 矩阵纵横设计的杭州南湖未来科学园,作为世界级一流科创产业园区,联通未来科技城和青山湖科技城两大科创产业集聚区。在杭州南湖山水相融中呈现独特东方风格的科技型园区基地并使空间契合人与自然,矩阵设计团队在杭州南湖未来科学园的室内设计中将场所营造、五感体验设计及模块化研究运用其中,以设计助力未来科技策源地的更好实现。
Designed by Matrix Design, Nanhu Future Science Park in Hangzhou will be a world-class science and innovation industrial park. In order to present a unique science and technology park of oriental style and make the space agree with human and nature, Matrix Design use “Five Senses Design” and modular research to build a first place where design can promote technological development.
▼鸟瞰,Bird’s eye view© 释象万合
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The project is located in Nanhu Science Center, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, with Banqiao Mountain and Shaojian Mountain in the west, Bantian Mountain and Tortoise Mountain in the north, and Nanhu Lake in the northeast on both sides of the road. Shaped by its beautiful scenery and scientific functions, it is a real scientific industry park among mountains and water.
▼夜览近景,Nightview© 释象万合
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Five Senses Design, hidden and deep
Entering the lobby through the visitors center, “five senses” concept can be felt. When visitors step into the lobby through the visitors center, they can suddenly get the core of the company culture of exploring the unknown by seeing the “shadows swaying” made by falsified multimedia, hearing the rustle of leaves accompanied by white noise, feeling the natural breeze simulated by the ventilation system, smelling the fragrance of grass and trees, and cultivating the experience immune to the secular world created by the former four senses.
▼入口大堂,Entrance hall© 释象万合
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▼员工食堂,Canteen © 释象万合
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▼礼堂,Auditorium © 释象万合
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▼运动空间,Exercise space © 释象万合
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杭州南湖未来科学园室内设计丨中国杭州丨Matrix Design矩阵纵横-24
02.趣味感官再设计 Redesigning the Interesting Senses
访客中心中庭中,矩阵将原始剪刀楼梯进行了重新设计,主体造型参考德国数学家 Mobius 的莫比乌斯环,循环往复的形态将原本单一路程的楼梯设计成 1 层至 3 层的循环动线,除满足基础功能需求,更丰富了整个调控区域的壮观层次感,充满趣味性,也意味着无穷无尽的科学探索。
For the atrium of visitors center, Matrix Design redesigns the original scissors stairs, whose major structure is similar to Mobius ring invented by German mathematician Mobius. The stairs are like a flowing line which starts from the first floor to the third floor. It not only has the basic functions, but also rich the layers of the architectural management area, making the space full of fun and symbolizing the endless scientific exploration.
▼莫比乌斯环楼梯,Mobius loop stairs © 释象万合
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▼中庭空间,Atrium © 释象万合
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▼中庭仰视,Looking up© 释象万合
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▼中庭楼梯,Stairs at theatrium© 释象万合
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High efficiency and flexibility, which will keep increasing
▼模块化办公室应用图,modular office application diagram ©矩阵纵横
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杭州南湖未来科学园室内设计丨中国杭州丨Matrix Design矩阵纵横-42
In the main office area, the team takes flexible and incremental as the core of design logic. The open office area is designed with low saturation of concrete and wood to preserve a large area of open space. Soft isolation between different groups can be realized by functional rooms (negotiation room, telephone room, group exclusive meeting room). Through the in-depth study of the grid-layout strong and weak electricity on the ground and the modules of independent office and meeting, the team not only gives a variety of possible changes in the form and perspective among modules in the final layout, but also realizes the function exchange between open office area and meeting area in the case of increasing staff. The design allows around 15% increasing office cubicles without giving up any functions, laying a solid foundation for later development and benign operation.
▼办公区概览,Overall view of office area© 释象万合
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▼休闲区,Recreation area © 释象万合
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▼会议室,Meeting room© 释象万合
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▼茶水区,Tea area © 释象万合
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▼办公区楼梯,Stairs at office© 释象万合
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Interior continuation of landscape ecology
The design team selected the best landscape in all office buildings of the project, and will build the interior plant landscape area and multi-functional office space, combined with the unique exterior landscape to form an extension of ecological experience, which is available for temporary office, discussion and small meetings, etc. Without going outdoors, people can change their working mood by choosing new working environment, creating a relaxed, pleasant atmosphere for research and development work.
▼室内绿化,Interior greenery© 释象万合
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▼强弱电点位图,strong and weak electricity point map ©矩阵纵横
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位置 |中国杭州
建筑设计| Aedas
项目摄影 | 释象万合
竣工时间|2023 年
Project name: Nanhu Future Science Park
Address: Hangzhou, China
Owner: Chuanjia Technology Co., Ltd.
Interior finish: Matrix Design Co.,Ltd.
Architectural design:Aedas
Photo credit: Shixiangwanhe
Completion date: 2023
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