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2024/06/25 18:21:22
CPI 是成都万华在麓湖的一处新零售业态的目的地。通过因地制宜的设计原则,对原有场地的改造更新,将“去设计化”概念贯穿始终,使其更适应新的场所使命。利用现状植物群落、错落的建筑布置、场地的丰富地形,穿插布置各种游逛通道,拓展商业品牌景观面、经营外拓空间等,打造出移步易景、轻松丰富的环境空间,使场地环境对商业支撑得到最大程度体现。
CPI is a new retail destination by Chengdu Wide Horizon Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. located at Luhu Lake. By adhering to context-specific design principles and continuously incorporating the concept of “de-design,” the renovation and upgrade of the original site have made it more suitable for its new mission. Utilizing the existing plant communities, staggered building layout, and varied terrain, various walking paths have been interspersed to expand the commercial brand landscape and business space. This has created an environment that is both easily navigable and richly diverse, ensuring the site supports commercial activities to the fullest extent.
▼Pop-up 外侧主通道上的消费者,Consumer on the main path outside the pop-up © HOLI
Site Overview
CPI 位于麓湖生态城,场地景观面积约 30000 平方米。临核心生态水域同时邻接天府大道侧的水镇商业组团。未来,随着外侧市政道路的建设使用,项目场地也是游客到达麓客岛、天府美食岛的门户区域之一。场地由一条车行主动线引入,整个一期场地高差约 9 米。前期经由十多年前陆续建设的样板岛,植物密布,建筑掩映其中。但同时场地中,人的视线也被限制,是一个由不同小场地空间而组合成的空间区域。
CPI is located in Luhu Lake Ecological City, with a landscape area of approximately 30,000 square meters. It is adjacent to the core ecological water area and near the commercial group on Tianfu Avenue. In the future, with the construction and use of the external municipal road, the project site will also be one of the gateway areas for tourists arriving at Luxe Land and Tianfu Food Island. The site is introduced by a vehicular mainline, with a height difference of about 9 meters across the first phase. Previously, sample islands built over the past decade were densely vegetated, with buildings nestled within. However, this also limited visibility, creating a space composed of various small sub-spaces.
▼场地鸟瞰,Aerial view of the renovated site© HOLI
Preliminary Site Analysis
The original site was characterized by lush plant communities and numerous small spaces. To transform these relatively enclosed spaces into more navigable public areas, it was essential to preserve the site’s original features while maximizing commercial exposure, visibility, and the potential for brand space expansion. Additionally, the site’s water, electricity, logistics, and accessibility conditions needed to be integrated into the renovation planning.
▼初期场地鸟瞰,Aerial view of the initial site © Yudao Studio
▼初期场地照片,Initial site photos© Yudao Studio
The construction of the preliminary sample area was phased over time. Besides buildings and plants, the infrastructure, including pipelines and other basic facilities, represented a complex and extensive data system. The design team consolidated numerous construction drawings from the original sample room period, mapped the locations of existing buildings and infrastructure, and verified elevations. Given the decade-long growth of trees, the original planting plans were no longer accurate. Thus, the team repeatedly surveyed the site to determine the precise location, shape, and condition of each tree and its spatial relationship with the buildings, establishing an accurate foundational spatial model for the subsequent renovation.
▼基于现场的更新原则,Site-based renewal principle© Yudao Studio
▼场地生成动画,Site Generation Animation© Yudao Studio
思考路径 Design Path 基于 CPI,1.0 版本是对住宅产品极致体验的精致示范区;2.0 版本是富有特色的民宿集群;而现在呈现的 3.0 版本,则是基于现下人们对于丰富物理空间及商业形态的需求有了更新一步探索的版本。
Based on CPI, version 1.0 was a refined demonstration area focused on the ultimate residential experience; version 2.0 featured a unique cluster of inns. The current version 3.0 explores further the need for diverse physical spaces and commercial forms.
▼公共空间的年轻人们,Young people in public spaces© HOLI
▼游逛在林间雾森中的人们,People wandering in the forest mist © Sun Qing
▼临水增设的自然讲堂作为临时的品牌布展场,A newly added natural lecture hall by the water serves as a temporary brand exhibition space© Sun Qing
▼更新的艺术空间外侧,人们倚靠长凳休息,People Resting on Benches Outside the Renovated Art Space © HOLI
What Does Site Renovation Involve? The renovation aims to enhance the quality of the spatial environment, provide more precisely adapted site services, expand the target audience, and stimulate the site’s sustainable use. These considerations are likely a series of reflections and solutions proposed for maximizing land use, focusing on the site’s performance for user needs.
▼前期对于场地设计的定位,Preliminary Site Design Positioning © Yudao Studio
▼初夏的周末,主通道上来客如织,Visitors flock to the main path on a weekend in early summer© HOLI
▼改造后的阶梯草坪展陈的艺术装置,Art installations on the renovated terraced lawn © Sun Qing
▼林间运动,Exercising in the forest© HOLI
▼Pop-up 公共露台,Pop-up Public Terrace© HOLI
▼年轻人带宠物在主通道上游逛社交,Young People Strolling and Socializing on the Main Path with Their Pets© HOLI
▼人们穿梭在园区主通道上,People Moving Through the Main Path of the Park© HOLI
设计策略 Design Strategy 场地功能的“大转变”带来的必要准备工作
Necessary Preparations for the Significant Functional Shift of the Site
A key feature and challenge of this project is the transformation from a simple recreational space to a commercial space with business operations. All physical spaces are adjusted based on their functional use. Given the comprehensive preliminary project calculations, the renovation had to be very “economical,” making it even more challenging to achieve the renovation goals within the complex terrain.
▼更新后,项目的主入口接驳市政道路,After the update, the main entrance of the project is connected to the municipal road© HOLI
▼因地就势的场景空间,A scene space that adapts to the situation© HOLI
从内向型空间转变为开放公共的空间,需要组织合理的游逛动线,以满足通往麓客岛景区的人们,并且需要梳理通向每一处运营空间的游线、后勤等,再是结合整体场地梳理改造工程量等级,反复探讨在高差达 9 米的场地内如何低成本实现无障碍通行的目的。
Transforming from inward-facing spaces to open public spaces requires organizing logical walking routes to meet the needs of people heading to the Luxe Land scenic area. It also involves sorting out the paths to each operational space, logistics, and then repeatedly discussing how to achieve low-cost accessibility within the 9-meter elevation difference.
▼规划策略,Plan your strategy © Yudao Studio
Additionally, preliminary planning is needed for the concealed works, such as the water and electricity renovations of the commercial body, and optimizing possible routes in the complex and fragmented site space.
▼自行车友好通行的园区,Bicycle-Friendly Paths in the Park © HOLI, Sun Qing
▼主园路无障碍通行,Accessible Main Park Roads © Sun Qing
▼高差处采用集中处理,同时通过设计让通行不至于无趣,Concentrated Treatment at Elevation Changes, Making the Passage Interesting Through Design© HOLI
结合场地 增拓空间
Combining the Site to Expand Spaces
When creating a commercial space in such a naturally beautiful environment, the environment itself, unique architecture, and a site environment that supports commercial logic are essential conditions.
▼放松的公区环境,Relaxing Public Area Environment© HOLI
▼商户的外部拓展区域,External Expansion Areas of Shops© HOLI
▼入口区域主通道,适应将来灵活的商业场景,The main passage of the entrance area adapts to the flexible business scenarios in the future© HOLI
▼新的场地精神客厅及近人尺度的体验,New site spirit lounge and human-scale experience© HOLI
容载品牌的室内空间、建筑外的运营拓展区域对于 CPI 的商业品牌来说是必要的。除此之外,随着现今消费者对于形式和内容的高度敏感性,能承载生长、可变的复合场地也是要考虑的因素。因此,在场地中,结合地形、现有物理空间、动线等,尽量布置并增补合适体量的建筑空间及场地,以满足生长的商业性需求。
For CPI’s commercial brand, indoor spaces that accommodate brands and operational expansion areas outside buildings are necessary. Moreover, considering modern consumers’ sensitivity to form and content, the site must be capable of supporting growth and change. Therefore, the design includes appropriate volumes of building space and site arrangements combined with the terrain, existing physical spaces, and walking routes to meet the growing commercial needs.
▼公区也是艺术节的舞台,Public Areas as Stages for Art Festivals © Sun Qing
▼建筑灰空间是公共休息平台也是画框,Architectural Gray Spaces as Public Rest Platforms and Frames© HOLI
为此,我们在原场地生态泳池区域也规划新建及改造了不同体量的盒子商业,被业主链接赋予多重定义的有趣空间。Pop-up 是商业项目中能带来持续活力且适配度极强的空间,设计的考量更多是以此作为出发点。
▼生态泳池边,pop-up 区域生成图,Ecological poolside, pop-up area generation map © Yudao Studio
Thus, in the area of the original site’s ecological pool, we have planned and renovated commercial boxes of different sizes. These interesting spaces, endowed with multiple definitions by the owners, are intended to bring sustained vitality and high adaptability. The design considerations focus on these points.
▼临水的盒子商业,Waterside Box Commercial Area © Sun Qing
▼水边场地鸟瞰,Aerial view of the waterside venue © Sun Qing
固化场地特色空间 复原“记忆点” 赋予场地新生
Solidifying Unique Site Spaces, Restoring “Memory Points,” and Revitalizing the Site
As this project is a renovation, adapting to the local conditions and reusing existing structures are fundamental principles. After repeatedly sorting out and determining the overall layout, we used a human perspective to explore the model space, seeking the potential spaces beyond the existing and newly expanded physical structures. We considered whether to add content, streamline the area, activate the space, or leave it open, all from the guest’s perspective to understand and reconstruct the site’s logic.
▼保留项目中特殊场地记忆的空间,A space that preserves the memory of a particular site in the project © Sun Qing
▼步行道,walkway © Sun Qing
We walked the site repeatedly to identify the most characteristic scene nodes. Using the sorted and determined site design, we compared and reviewed the design plans, aligning them with the original state while preserving the site’s unique features. Due to the tight project schedule, all professional disciplines progressed simultaneously, with the owner’s operations team closely coordinating operational and brand requirements during the design stages. This constant comparison, adjustment, and optimization process ensured the overall project’s precision and alignment for its final opening.
▼部分节点现状及设计方案对比,Comparison of Current Status and Design Plans for Some Nodes © Yudao Studio
▼场地中保留的垒石墙与主通道,The stone wall and the main passage are preserved in the site © HOLI
▼保留大树的影子投射在更新的建筑立面,The shadows of the trees are retained and projected on the updated building © Sun Qing
▼植物与建筑外拓空间互相融合,Plants and the building’s extended space are integrated with each other© HOLI
Principle of Reuse and Response to the Sustainability Theme
The “ten-year limitation” theme itself challenges the entire project, requiring rigorous logic and interconnected details from the initial commercial logic, brand and market structure, spatial environment, and human-scale expressions. Each professional discipline must thoroughly explore product capabilities. On the basis of “expansion” and “solidifying memory,” the landscape design adheres to the principle of low-cost renovation.
▼通道路径保留及利用两侧石块,The passage path retains and utilizes the stones on both sides© HOLI
The site has significant elevation differences, with buildings scattered on terraces at various slight elevations. Numerous extreme spaces require steep slopes for adaptation. The original site used various naturally styled stone retaining walls, and creating new textural expressions would be costly. We chose to retain these, using thematic expressions in the ground cover layers to unify the stylistic features within the regional space. This approach maintains a fresh and clear hierarchy, emphasizing the natural stone walls to balance visual relationships.
▼自然石挡墙不同表达更新效果,Natural stone retaining walls express different renewal effects© HOLI
场地内的原始植物量非常丰富,我们要做的是根据场地关系重塑及梳理,以极低的清理移植的量,少量的补充量,去做整个场地的“系统绿荫支撑系统”,形成在林下游逛的舒适体验。并且从持续生长的角度去考量空间关系,对于大乔二乔几乎全部原地保留,特别是基于原有乔木形态对于目前场地关系的重新思考及运用。对于节点大树,则由我们提出通过空间、加建建筑等,都为植物生长空间让渡。比如 w11、w12 则直接是保留现场大树后,建筑增拓部分将原场地大树直接拥入建筑,打造无界、互动度密切的室内外空间。利旧的同时,呼应了固化记忆的主题。
The site is rich in original plant life. Our task was to reshape and sort the site relationship with minimal clearing and transplanting, and to add a small amount of new vegetation. This approach established a “systematic green canopy support system” that provided a comfortable experience for strolling under the trees. We considered space relations from a sustainable growth perspective, retaining almost all large and medium-sized trees in their original locations. This included rethinking and utilizing the current site relationship based on the original tree forms. For key large trees, we proposed creating space through new construction to allow for plant growth. For example, in areas W11 and W12, we incorporated existing large trees into the building expansion, creating seamless, interactive indoor-outdoor spaces. This reuse approach aligns with the theme of solidifying memories.
▼保留植物与经营空间的关系,Preserve the relationship between plants and business space© HOLI
▼植物与商业空间,plants and business space© HOLI
▼通向麓客岛景区的人行步道,A pedestrian trail leading to the LUXE Island scenic spot© HOLI
Additionally, we planned the ground materials and ground cover plants to be cost-effective. We considered highly adaptable materials such as permeable concrete, exposed aggregate concrete, reused precast concrete stepping stones, and treated wood, ensuring they fit the regional character and provided better adaptability for businesses. Ground cover themes were expressed differently in each area, adapted to local conditions. Flat areas and slopes at nodes featured regional style expressions, while other public areas followed the natural terrain, aiming for a restrained yet natural appearance.
▼人行步道,Pedestrian trails© HOLI
▼滨水区建筑及植物空间关系,The spatial relationship between buildings and plants in the waterfront area© HOLI
▼滨水区建筑及植物空间关系,The spatial relationship between buildings and plants in the waterfront area © Sun Qing
▼台阶及地面材料表现,Performance of steps and floor coverings © HOLI
去设计化 长期主义的景观概念
De-Design and the Concept of Long-Termism in Landscape Design
As designers, we often feel a strong “urge to express” during the design process, hoping to gain recognition through the aesthetic appeal of forms. In contrast, this project, with its commercial positioning and logic, aims to provide merchants and brands with more opportunities for “product expression” within a relaxed and natural environment. The space needs to be functional but not constrained by form; it needs to create connections without deliberately pandering to trends. This approach can be simply summarized as “de-design.”
▼适应性极高的前区节点小广场,A small square in the front area with high adaptability © HOLI
抑制“表达欲”,以功能优先的原则去介入场地设计,没有太多形式的表达,简洁松弛,将商家 IP 做最大露出就是我们对于本次设计的最大策略。
Suppressing the “urge to express” and prioritizing functionality over form is our main strategy for this design. The goal is to create a simple, relaxed environment where merchants’ brands are prominently displayed.
▼主入口台阶,Main entrance steps© HOLI
▼留白的建筑立面与绿地相互映衬,The blank façade of the building contrasts with the green space © HOLI
Our overall design approach integrates the site holistically, from hardscape paving and materials to the plant system. We aim to think in terms of long-termism, not only adhering to the initial cost-saving principles of the project but also expressing sustainability through a low-maintenance environmental system. We hope that repeat visitors will find joy in the changes to the site and that these changes will enhance their shopping experience.
▼林中,即将开放的商业空间,In the forest, a commercial space that will be opened soon © HOLI
▼在 CPI 中游逛的人们,People wandering around the CPI © HOLI
▼在自由步道中游逛的人们,People wandering around the free walk © Sun Qing
This project has been an innovative and practical process for our team, from the initial survey to exploring design possibilities, and considering the numerous changes that can occur during the project’s progression and implementation. We optimized the way we produce and present construction drawings for this project. The owner’s core team provided professional and clear guidance throughout the design process, ensuring that the design maximized the project’s functional support. We hope that this project, which appears effortlessly executed but was in fact meticulously designed, will offer a new problem-solving approach for future renovation projects.
▼项目彩色总图,Overall Colorful Image of the Project © Yudao Studio
▼总图,Site plan© Yudao Studio
项目名称:CPI 新商业零售集群景观设计
业主方:万华研策 万华文旅
设计团队:龙昱杉 赵鑫源 羊彦 周梦琳 周佳苹 王鹏 赵君 罗震川 冯裕雯 陈湘 宋休睿
摄影版权:存在建筑 孙庆 昱道景观
建筑设计:几里建筑 变余构造 一介建筑 万华产品研发中心
Project Name: CPI’s New Retail Cluster Landscape Design
Client: Wide Horizon Research & Strategy, Wide Horizon Cultural Tourism
Operator: Wide Horizon Research & Strategy
Landscape Design: Yudao Studio
Completion Year: 2024
Project Area: 30,000㎡
Design Team: Long Yushan, Zhao Xinyuan, Yang Yan, Zhou Menglin, Zhou Jiaping, Wang Peng, Zhao Jun, Luo Zhenchuan, Feng Yuwen, Chen Xiang, Song Xiurui
Photography Credits: Existence Architecture, Sun Qing, Yudao Studio
Architectural Planning: DL Atelier, Haofeng Architecture
Architectural Design: Jili Architecture Palimpsest Nhoow Architects Wanhua Product R&D Center
Lighting Consultant: BPI
Construction: Arhat Garden Engineering Co., Ltd.
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