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YAMAN 东京旗舰店丨日本东京丨IINInc

2024/06/27 14:26:39
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The global flagship store design for YA-MAN, a beauty equipment brand that utilizes technology to elevate beauty. The store is divided into two floors; on the first floor, products are displayed for purchase, while the second floor serves as the FACE LIFT GYM section - a training facility specializing in facial muscle training with the use of their products. The main design aim of this store was to create a new, luxurious environment, offering a distinctive beauty experience for all beauty seekers.
在银座中央大街上,YA-MAN门店的冲击力被放大,其特点是宽阔的水平立面,发光的设计元素向外辐射到街道上。一进入一楼,映入眼帘的是一面华丽的光墙,灵感来自于其面部美容设备的概念,其中 LED 光是其技术不可或缺的一部分。这一迷人的功能在一个大型展台空间内展示,参观者沐浴在灯光中,获得了难忘的体验。
The impactful presence of YA-MAN store is magnified along Ginza’s Chuo-dori Avenue, characterized by its expansive horizontal facade, with luminous design elements radiating outwards onto the street. Upon entering the first floor, guests are greeted by a magnificent wall of light, inspired by the concept of their facial beauty device, in which LED light is an integral part of their technology. This captivating feature is showcased in a large booth space where visitors are bathed in light, offering an unforgettable experience.
光墙的颜色会发生变化,其光谱由产品中使用的 LED 的波长决定。此外,点光源向多个方向漫射,通过经过特殊处理的类似人体皮肤细胞的玻璃深入观众体内。在色调柔和的整体空间中,展示区被逐一点亮,明暗交织营造出愉悦的节奏,让人感觉产品优雅地漂浮在空中。
The colour of the light wall changes, with its spectrum determined by incorporating the wavelength of the LED used in their products. In addition to that, the point light source is diffused in multiple directions, penetrating deeply into the viewers through a glass that was specially processed to resemble human skin cells. The display areas are lit up individually within the overall space composed of subdued tones, where the interplay of light and dark creates a pleasant rhythm, giving the impression of products gracefully floating in the air.
为了增强产品及其空间的奢华体验,展示区的各个部分都采用了金色装饰。科技与奢华在这家商店的设计中融为一体。二楼是 FACE LIFT 健身房,自然光渗透到每个角落,营造出悠闲的时光流逝氛围。整个楼层由一系列开放式护理间组成,提供了适度的私密性,策划了一系列个性化体验。
To enhance the luxurious experience of the product and its space, gold accents are applied to various parts of the display area. Technology and luxury are fused together in this store design. The second floor is where the FACE LIFT GYM is located, where natural light permeates each corner, creating a leisurely passage of time. The entire floor is made up of a series of open treatment booths that offer a moderate degree of privacy, curating a collection of individual experiences.
受产品本身的启发,柔和的灯光线条有节奏地布置在每个治疗间的上方,形成一种从外部也能辨认出来的点缀。建筑的后部是一个宽敞的贵宾室,为宾客提供了更加精致的体验,让宾客沉浸在深白色和金色的奢华空间中。非凡的灯光体验将 YA-MAN 的美丽世界从日本展示到世界各地。
Soft lines of light, inspired by the product themselves, are rhythmically placed above each booth, forming an accent that is also recognizable from the outside. At the back of the building lies a cavernous VIP room, providing an even more refined experience where guests are immersed in a luxurious space of deep white and gold. An extraordinary light experience is crafted to showcase YA-MAN’s beauty world from Japan to the rest of the world.
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