洛弗尔国际学校(Lovell International School)是泰国芭堤雅的一所国际幼儿园,孩子们可以在树丛中玩耍和学习。校址上现有的树木都已成龄,业主和设计师的主要意图是为新学校保留大部分树木。
Lovell International School, an international kindergarten in Pattaya, Thailand, is where children can play and learn among the trees. The existing trees on the site are aged mature trees, with the owner and designer’s main intention to keep most of them for the new school.
布局设计方案从空间和形状的规划方案入手,充分发挥场地内树木的潜力,营造出最有趣的氛围。树屋的概念与设计相吻合,小房子突兀地出现在森林之中。自由流动的曲线建筑造型避开了现有的树木,提供了庭院,并根据学习年龄进行了分区。建筑底层主要分为三翼:3 岁以下儿童翼、幼儿园翼和招生翼。
The layout design schematic started with the option of planning with space and shape that brings up the potential of the trees on the site and creates a most interesting atmosphere. The tree house concept matches the design where the little house pops up amidst the forest. The free flow curve building shape avoids the existing trees and provides the court, separating zoning to match learning age. The building's ground floor is separated mainly into three wings: the under-3 years children wing, the kindergarten wing, and the admission wing.
每个侧翼都有自己的球场,教室后面还有室外学习空间,教学楼被绿化环绕。每个班级前的室内游戏空间是连通的,可用于多种场合,例如在 PM2.5 的情况下或热带气候导致的大雨和过度日照等极端天气。在上层,树屋与多功能厅一起,为烹饪班、艺术班和软体健身房等每个单独的功能提供了空间。屋檐下的空间非常宽敞,可以添加许多游戏框架,创造出各种游戏空间,如藏身空间、游戏结构空间或探险空间。
Having its own court for each wing, together with outdoor learning space behind the classroom, the building is surrounded by greens. The indoor play space in front of each class is linked, which can be used for many occasions, such as during the PM2.5 situation or extreme weather like heavy rain and excessive sunlight due to the tropical climate. On the upper floor, the tree house pops up for each individual function: the cooking class, art class, and soft gym, together with the multipurpose hall. The space under the gable roof provides spacious space in which many play frames are added to create various play spaces such as hideout spaces, play structure spaces, or adventure spaces.
The school's interior provides a cozy wooden atmosphere to harmonize the mood of a little-house-in-the-big-wood feeling to all of the hall and indoor play space, while in the classroom, the white color is used for pleasant brightness for learning. The landscape area is separated into many zones in which the characteristics of each court are based on the existing trees. Those include the play area for children under three years old and over three years old, while the back of the classroom also links with the green space for learning about agriculture and waste recycling. The water play area provides a swimming and splash pool where little kids can play and enjoy many activities. The court with the densest trees is designed to be a forest-like play area for adventurous activities.