
2024/07/09 16:23:11
前言 Introduction
Living in a house towards the sea, with spring blossoms. The poems of Haizi have constructed many people’s yearning for a happy life. Think about it. From tomorrow on, you don’t need to worry about the stock market nor house prices anymore, and what wakes you up is no longer the alarm clock, nor the so-called dream. From tomorrow on, you start to care your breakfast, the flowers blooming in the yard, the wild ducks on the pool, and insects’ chirping disturbing your nap. So many people just thought, while the owner of this case had the dream come true. She purchased this house located in Jinxi Town, not far from Shanghai, and started her life on the small island. There’s a big lake of reed outside of the house. Early in the morning, the lake is covered by mist. She is molding mud and catching loaches with kid, as if she returned back to childhood in her memory. Although she understands that she will be back in the city for her kid’s school life, and this house will be just used for vacation, she still believes that the natural environment nourishes her kid’s childhood and helps cultivate the consciousness of independence and diversity.
▼项目一瞥,Project at a glance © 天马设计
Life on the island
The case is located in Jinxi Town, which is a tiny peninsula that extends into the lake, just less than an hour’s drive from Shanghai. A large reild of reeds is outside the house. This is the reason why the owner purchased the house.
There are courtyards in front and back, and a large reed marsh behind the house. When you go out, you can feel and touch nature. You can also listen to the wind and rain in the living room. It is too beautiful and really suitable for spend your spare time! by the house owner.
Overall view© 天马设计
Since it is life on an island away from the city, our design of the house should have corresponding “pavilions, pavilions, and leisure in the wild”. Spring flowers, winter snow, summer breeze, and autumn moon. There is no worries in the heart, only enjoyment of the nature. No more talking about normal solutions such as opening windows and walls. We even had fishes on the ceiling so the sun could shine through the tank and shed into the kitchen. Sitting at the table, you can look up and see the fish swimming overhead.
▼大片落地窗,Large floor-to-ceiling windows © 天马设计
▼厨房窗景,Kitchenwindow view © 天马设计
▼楼梯间窗景,Stairwell window view © 天马设计
Floor Plan
Reading the floor plan, top as north and bottom as south, the whole house has three floors on the ground. The original space is fine enough without many problems, the fly in the ointment, that is, the entrance faced the stairs, which made the entire space looked very small. At the very beginning, we considered two options for designing: either changing the stairs or changing the door. I have always insisted on not doing unnecessary demolitions, because large demolitions will inevitably bring a substantial increase in costs, and may even increase the risk of future living. Instead of trying to convince the owner to take expensive and risky method, it is better to spend more time to find a set of minimum costs and the most appropriate solution to the problem.
▼首层平面图,firstfloor plan© 天马设计
1. 既是客卫,又作玄关墙,还解决了南北门对冲的问题,给回家以仪式感。
2. 以楼梯为界,北面是开放式餐厨区,南面则为客厅,与落地窗外的小院相通。
Fortunately, the north entrance door is not facing the main road of the community. Under the condition of keeping the facade generally consistent with neighbors, we made changes for the window and the entrance. Therefore, the northern original window became the entrance door, and the original door became a window. Solved the problem of seeing the stairs at the door, everything is suddenly clear:
1. Not only for a washroom, the new wall is also for the foyer, solving the problem of indoor privacy, as well as giving a ritual of home.
2. To the staircase as the boundary, the north is the open-kitchen area, and the south is the living room, which connects to the courtyard through the floor-to-ceiling window.
▼二层平面图,second floor plan © 天马设计
On the second floor, our design is not limited by the bearing column, but simply let it be independent, so that the hostess’ workshop, the kid’s room, and housekeeping room take it as the center, and make a circle route of walk. In the workshop, the folding window and folding door are wide open, enabling the hostess to chat with family in all the spaces of the house.
On the third floor, the south facade is leveled, while part of the terrace space is incorporated into the main bedroom suite, and the rest of the terrace is opened with a skylight, allowing natural light to leak into the interior and reach the first floor. This skylight was just an idea of the owner at first, and when it was finally realized, everyone involved in the case was very excited.
▼三层平面图,third floor plan© 天马设计
餐厨区 Kitchen & Dining Area
In modern interior design, cabinets occupy a very important position in the plan. Many house owners would like to use large cabins to hide groceries. However, in this case, we are more in pursuit of a “direct” experience. Instead of the large blocks with the pressure of “orderly,” we used normal finished cabinet, creating a “abundant but not chaotic” atmosphere.
▼餐厨区概览,Kitchen & dining area© 天马设计
In the early stage of the design, we already settled the sizes and positions of the finished product cabinet, air conditioning, kitchen table, dining table, and electrical appliances, etc., to facilitate the installation at the end. Because there are many finished product, the possibilities of size adjustment is rare, it is much more complex than setting large customized cabinets. In order to keep the facade consistent with the neighbors, the door is changed to the same height as the original window. However, this rises and limits the sightline when sitting in the dining area. Hence we have the basin in the window for the house owner to stand, for the convenience of meal preparation while enjoying the outdoor scenery. Looking down from the second floor, the gray baby chair is quite interesting, and it can change the height of the seat according to the different stages of the kid’s growth.
▼俯瞰餐厨区,Overlooking© 天马设计
The kitchen area and the foyer share one wall. Let’s explain the detail later. The chandelier at the top of the kitchen, is the common work by the owners and our designer. We provied the design, and the hostess hand made it. As mentioned before, the kitchen and the foyer share one wall, which has a hollow connecting the two areas. When the hostess is preparing meals on the kitchen table, she can see who is home through the hollow. Also, if anyone of the family just bought some ingredients, they can also directly leave things onto the kitchen table from this hollow.
▼餐厨区的吊灯,Kitchen area pendant lights © 天马设计
The location of the kitchen area is the unboarded large space of the whole house. Sitting on the dining table, you can see the roof and the “flying fish.”
▼挑空空间,The unboarded space© 天马设计
Unlike traditional livingroom, which have a sofa in the back, in this case we left a gap behind the sofa as a small learning area that the kid use every day, for writing and drawing on the whiteboard. Sitting by the window, beautiful courtyard scenery is all in your eyes.
▼客厅,Living room© 天马设计
“Get TV out of living room” has now become trendy in modern home furnishing. The owner couple in this case neither want that TV influence their kid’s childhood too early. They hope to cultivate him for hands-on and thinking ability, and let him enjoy the nature environment more in childhood. Besides, young people like this couple are no longer need TV today, because they are more into laptop and cellphone. Therefore, the living room doesn’t have a TV like the traditional one, but a row of short bookcases, which were stuffed with early education books and various toys. The cabinet door is semi-open, so that the kid can learn to find books by himself.
▼“去电视化”,”Get TV out of living room” © 天马设计
很多人家的入户门,都会选择厚实沉重的防盗门,然而,我们还是希望在玄关空间能引入一些自然光,从进门开始就能享受家带来的呼吸感。玄关用二重床抬高地面 15cm,设置了下沉式落尘区,给回家一个明确的仪式感。到家,进门,将一切疲惫、辛劳,随尘土下沉,将拥抱家人的幸福感随拖鞋一起换上。镂空下的玄关小收纳,与厨台背靠背,放些诸如车钥匙、快递美工刀等小物件。另一件有意思的小玩意,是小朋友搭在落尘区踏步的简易滑梯,上面已经贴满了各种卡通形象的贴纸。
For the entrance door, many people like to choose a thick and heavy one for security. However, we still hope to introduce some natural light into the entrance space. Hence, we chose the door with wooden door with glasses. You can immediately feel a sense of cozy and relieved as soon as entered the door. Passing the foyer, we used YDF technology to raise the floor by 15cm, and set up a sunken foyer to differentiate the sense of being out to being home. The small cabinet under the hollow is on the back of the kitchen table, keeping tiny objects such as car keys and scissors. Another interesting object is the little slide that the kid left in this area, which has been covered with cartoon stickers.
▼玄关,Foyer© 天马设计
本案全屋采用了日本引进的 GL 工法和二重床技术,GL 工法我们在上次的退休宅已经介绍过了,这次来说说二重床。这种工法的施工,能解决地面平整度问题、隔音问题、安全问题,和节能问题。下面我们一个一个来解释。
1. 二重床直译过来,即是有二层地坪,第一层为原始混凝土地坪,第二层就是二重床系统架高后的地面。在实施二重床时,架高第二层地坪的支持脚可以调节高低,制作出平整的地坪效果,相较传统的水泥砂浆找平快上许多。同时,管线可以直接从架空空间明装,无需开槽,留好检修口后,非常方便日常维护和检修。
2. 有了建筑地坪和施工地坪中间的物理空气层,日常宝宝蹦跳打闹,声音都很难传到楼下,即便是摔倒了,空气层的缓冲也能防止宝宝受伤。
3. 还是因为有了这个空气层,我们测算过,全屋的保温性能更佳,而地板/瓷砖不用直接接触混凝土地面,水汽潮气也很难渗透到饰面层,房屋使用寿命更长。
In this case, the whole house adopts the GL construction method and YDF technology introduced by Japan. GL construction method we have introduced in the last retirement house, and this time we will talk about the YDF. This method of construction can solve the problem of ground level up degree, soundproof problem, safety problem, and energy-saving problem. Below we explain one by one.
1. YDF literally indicated to two layers for one floor. The first layer is the original concrete floor, and the second layer is the in gypsum board in YDF system after the elevated ground. In the implementation of the YDF, the support foot of the second floor can be adjusted to create a flat floor effect, compared with the traditional cement mortar leveling much faster. At the same time, the pipeline can be installed directly from the overhead space without slotting, and it is very convenient for daily maintenance and repair after leaving the maintenance port.
2. With the physical air layer between the building floor and the construction floor, it is difficult for the kid to jump and play, and the sound is difficult to reach downstairs. Even if the kid falls down, the buffer of the air layer can also prevent the kid from getting hurt.
On the edge of the large shoe cabinet is the jewelry box. The hostes can pick accessory randomly when going out.
▼玄关收纳,Foyerstorage © 天马设计
花园 Courtyard 南面的院子,种了不少女主人喜欢的花花菜菜,放了很多养护花草的工具,也有很多小朋友“田间劳作”的玩具。但实际,用喷枪和除草机这些大家伙日常洒扫保养庭院的活计,还是男主人负责。
In the south yard, there are a lot of flowers and vegetables that the hostess plants as well as some tools for maintaining. There are also a lot of toys for the kid to “work in the field.” Indeed, daily cleaning and maintenance works for the yard are the male host’s responsibility.
▼花园,Garden© 天马设计
工作区 Workshop 虽说女主人是自由摄影师,居家办公是强需求,但我们不希望女主人的工作间之于其他空间是隔离的。事实上,女主人的创作灵感,就来源于生活的点点滴滴。因此,需要将工作间打造得更为灵活,相对独立的同时又能充分与外部交流。所以,我们给工作间做了大面的折叠窗,和超宽的折叠门。坐在窗边向外望去,纵向一层到三层都能得到交互。
Although the hostess is a freelance photographer, with a strong demand for working from home, we do not want her workshop being isolated from other spaces. In fact, the creative inspiration of the hostess comes from the dribs and drabs of life. Therefore, the workshop needs to be more flexible, relatively independent and fully able to connect to the other spaces. So, we made large folding windows and extra wide folding doors for the workshop. Sitting at the window and looking out, you can be interact with family whoever at wherever in home.
▼工作区,Workshop© 天马设计
Looking out during work breaks, you can see large reeds outside the window. It is refreshing.
▼工作区窗景,Work area window view © 天马设计
When the folding door is opened, the workshop can communicate with the public area on the second floor, and the family can play together. When the folding door is closed, the workshop becomes the hostess’ quiet little world. She can write songs, do handicrafts and edit her artwork album here.
▼折叠门,The folding door © 天马设计
儿童房 Child’s Bedroom 儿童房与家政间之间,也做了窗洞,本意是女主人日常盥洗时也能随时照看屋里的宝宝,现在却成了“小悟空”爬上跳下的“任意门”。
Between the child’s room and the housekeeping room, there is also a window, originally intended to be used for the hostess to always take care of the kid while doing housework. However, now it has become a “random path” for the kid to climb up and down.
▼儿童房,Children’s room© 天马设计
The little boy likes to climb and jump, so we gave him the bunk bed with the storage cabinet, and the upper bunk is a secret base for him to hide his toys.
▼上下铺,The bunk bed © 天马设计
The cabinet does not have a full cabinet door, but has some open spaces at the bottom, storing some often played toys and books, so that the little boy can learn to collect things by himself.
▼家政间,Housekeeping room © 天马设计
Main Bedroom Suite
The third floor is a complete main bedroom suite with complete facilities, consisting of the bedroom, cloakroom, and bathroom, which is an independent area. The small indoor window echoes the balcony, so that the wind can come through easily. Even in the hot summer without air conditioning, there is a cool breeze oftenly. Through the small window, you can also see the large reed wetland outside.
▼主卧套间,Main bedroom suite© 天马设计
There is a shear wall left from the original balcony, and we covered it with clothes cabinets, which formed a door from the bedroom to the cloakroom.
▼通向衣帽间的门,Door to the cloakroom © 天马设计
The long walk-in closet doesn’t have ordinary cabinet doors, but thin doors made from rattan, which can increase storage space.
▼步入式衣帽间,The walk-in closet © 天马设计
At the other end of the cloakroom is the bathroom. This area uses the bathroom air conditioning and micro-ventilation window, while retaining the beauty of large scenery as well as maintaining the bathroom’s temperature and humidity.
▼主卫,Main bathroom© 天马设计
Beside the basin is a dressing table for skin care after showering. The exterior walls of the toilet room and dressing area are water-grain glass tiles, ensuring that natural light enters the room while preserving privacy. As for the interior, the bathroom and toilet room use fog glass sliding doors to make natural light flow more freely in the space.
▼保证私密性,Privacy guaranteed © 天马设计
Stairwell & Terrace
The stairwell at the third floor. The left side leads to the terrace, the right side is the interior window of the main bedroom, and the front window is the scenery of the trees in the community. On the top, there is a hidden space for storage.
▼三楼楼梯间,The stairwell at the third floor© 天马设计
The stairwell leads to the terrace.
▼通往露台的廊厅,The stairwell © 天马设计
The most exciting design is that we have 3 “flying fishes” on the terrace, representing 3 members of this family. On the filming day, we made the fish tank as a gift for the house owner, and the hostess gave us a surprise when chatting, saying that the family would soon welcome the fourth small fish!
▼飞在天空的鱼,flying fishes © 天马设计
项目地址:昆山市锦溪镇同周公路 1288 号 107-101
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