James Peres 旗舰店丨Manuel Cervantes Estudio

2024/07/10 13:53:47
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零售环境是传递品牌文化、理念和价值观的媒介。为了创造一个反映品牌灵魂的温馨空间,两个入口都被用作 "公共空间",在这里人们可以感觉到自己已经在外部区域生活在品牌之中。简洁的设计姿态和材料受到温暖的室内外生活的影响,同时强调优雅和舒适,这是James Perse设计理念和美学的一部分,将精致与简洁完美结合。
The retail environment acts as a medium for conveying the brand culture, ideas and values. In order to create a welcoming space that reflects the soul of the brand, both entrances work as “public space”, where you can feel you are already living the brand on the exterior areas. The simplicity of the design gestures and materials, influenced by warm indoor outdoor living, emphasizing at the same time the elegance and comfort that are part of James Perse´s design philosophy and aesthetic, pairs sophistication with simplicity.
产品本身始终是空间设计的一部分,而展示家具则是组织室内和室外区域的核心部件,同时还能灵活地适应品牌和产品的需求。Manuel Cervantes通过对该场所的阅读和对品牌的透彻分析,设计出了一个拥有多功能家具的项目,这些家具能够适应詹姆斯-珀斯的思维速度和对变革的不断渴求;用建筑师的话说,这就是一个以植物和木材为主角的陈列室:"设计中的简洁姿态和材料非常突出,受到温暖的室内外生活以及优雅和舒适的影响,这也是James Perse的美学和设计理念的一部分,他们将精致与简洁结合在一起"。
Through a reading exercise of the place and a thorough analysis of the brand, Manuel Cervantes gave life to a project with multifunctional furniture capable of adapting to James Perse's speed of thought and constant thirst for transformation; The result is a showroom where vegetation and wood act as protagonists, in the words of the architect: “The simplicity of the gestures and materials in the design stands out, influenced by the warm interior and exterior life, as well as the elegance and comfort, which are part of the aesthetic and design philosophy of James Perse, which They combine sophistication with simplicity.”
Manuel Cervantes与主理人对建筑的想法非常一致,最后为詹姆斯设计了一个度假屋,在这个过程中,他们开始讨论建筑如何在城市中运作,以及零售业如何与城市社区互动。Manuel Cervantes想重新思考商业空间的概念。
Their ideas around architecture were very aligned, they ended up creating a vacation home for James and through that process we started talking about how architecture works within a city and how retail interacts with urban communities. .. Manuel Cervantes wanted to rethink the concepts of his commercial spaces.
这自然是一个好的开始,商店周围美丽的风景是一个极好的基础。在改造过程中,Manuel Cervantes希望利用James Perse品牌的 DNA,设计出一个灵活的建筑作品,不仅能产生视觉冲击力,还能减少零售商选址时经常产生的浪费(包括物质和经济方面的浪费)。
It was a natural place to start; The beautiful surrounding scenery of the Shops was an excellent base. For the transformation, I wanted to take the DNA of the James Perse brand and produce a flexible architectural piece that could not only make a visual impact, but also reduce the amount of waste (both physical and financial) that so often accompanies locations. retailers."
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