

虽然关于普通教育(Общеобразовательная)[2]的系统早在建国后就从苏联引入,但考虑到当时的国情,中央下放教育事业管理权,区域内中小学由地方负责投入,直到 1985 年义务教育才转变为以国家财政性投入为主;次年,我们才正式进入“普九”的重要阶段。因此,在相当长一段时间内,学校的建设标准是以各个省份的标准设计室或建筑院校提供的学校图集作为参照。“普通”(generality)关注点落在了经济性建造和关于教室单元的采光、通风、噪音、温控等基本物理性能的讨论。其背后既是应对在经济困难、机电匮乏时期的大班化教学的刚需,也是朴实地回应学生在青少年时期的生理成长和心理安全的需求。同时,因学校整体规模较小,尺度适中,建筑大多围绕操场线性布置,学生课间活动与场地的关系也就相对紧密。这种关系在大量的集体照中被记录下来,形成了那个时期的一种集体记忆。
▼仙林学校鸟瞰,Xianlin School ©苏圣亮
The design of the Xianlin School [1] is an exploration of the “general school”.
Although the system of general education (Общеобразовательная) [2] was introduced by the USSR (The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) as early as after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, taking into account the national conditions at that time, the central government decentralized the management of educational undertakings, and the primary and secondary schools in the region were invested by the localities. It was not until 1985 that compulsory education was transformed into a state-financed program; the following year, we officially entered the important stage of “nine-year compulsory education”. As a result, for quite some time, school construction standards were based on the school architectural code atlases provided by the standard design offices or architectural institutes of individual provinces as a reference. The “generality” focus fell on economic construction and discussions about the basic physical properties of classroom units such as lighting, ventilation, noise, and temperature control. Behind it is both a response to the urgent need for large class sizes in times of economic hardship and lack of mechanical and electrical power, as well as a matter-of-fact response to the physical growth and psychological safety needs of students in their teenage years. At the same time, because the overall size of the school is small and moderately scaled, and the buildings are mostly arranged linearly around the playground, the relationship between students’ recess activities and the grounds is relatively close. This relationship is documented in a large number of group photographs, forming a collective memory of that period.
▼普通学校设计中的技术转移及国情路线,Technology transfer and national routes in general school design ©雁飞建筑事务所
点击图片查看大图,Click on the image to see a larger version
点击单张图片查看大图(共 27 张),Click on the image to see a larger version(27 images in total)
Technology transfer often requires time for adaptation and digestion. In the process of Soviet technology transfer, the first focus was on industry, housing, and infrastructure development, as this was more urgent for the country’s economic recovery and development. The design of primary and secondary education, as a relatively minor field, lagged in technology transfer and application, but this left a window of time. On the one hand, the sources of reference combined several cases and data sets from the Soviet Union, Germany, and Japan; on the other hand, local standards developed by localities based on different regions, populations, policies, and urban and rural situations have gradually contributed to the introduction of national norms, gradually forming a route in line with national conditions.
▼1956—1994 年各省标准设计工作室的学校平面,1956-1994 School plans of provincial standard design workshops ©雁飞建筑事务所
之后,在 1986 年推出的《中小学建筑设计规范》,与“普通”挂钩的基本性能被纳入到规范中,设计的关注点开始慢慢转向形式的讨论,这在同期出版的一系列关于学校的竞赛和优秀选集中亦是清晰可见。
到 1994 年分税制实行后,土地财政模式主导了新区开发,推动了快速的城市化,农村人口大量流入城市。随后在 90 年代末农村入学适龄儿童减少,导致了当地撤点并校的政策,到 2001 年撤点并校也正式成为全国范围内的政策,在优化教育资源配置的原则下,也变相推动了学校规模的扩大化,重点学校、巨型学校开始站上舞台。
In this part of the redrawing and organization of “Standard and Flexibility”, the boxed part is the design scheme, and the rest is the example. On the whole, there is a kind of restraint due to the economy, but if we look closely, we can read the care of the north and south corridors, the playground, the climate, and the flow.
Then, with the introduction of the Architectural Design Code for Primary and Secondary Schools in 1986, the basic performance linked to “generality” was incorporated into the code, and the focus of design slowly began to shift to a discussion of form, which is also evident in the series of competitions and anthologies of excellence for schools published at the same time. By 1994, after the introduction of the tax-sharing system, the land-finance model dominated the development of new zones, promoting rapid urbanization and a massive influx of rural population into the cities. The subsequent decline in the number of school-age children in rural areas in the late 1990s led to a policy of local school closures, which became official nationwide in 2001, and, under the principle of optimizing the allocation of educational resources, also led to a disguised expansion of school size, with high-achieving schools and mega-schools beginning to take the stage.
The “general school”, on the other hand, is in a rut, and as a basic education package that accompanies the development of a new district, it is part of a mediocre picture that is ultimately an economic calculation in terms of land assembly, teacher/student ratios, class sizes, and overall cost. The specification, as a guarantee of providing basic physical properties, also implies a step-by-step, similar design outcome. Much of the so-called uniqueness is not in the lining but in a kind of picturesque image [3]; the more it tries to resist the picture of mediocrity, the more it exacerbates the status quo. The link between “general” and economy has evolved from a physical construction to an assessable indicator. Gradually, the “general” has slipped into ordinary, widespread, “generic” production.
▼上世纪 90 年代后大型学校的卫星影像,Satellite image of the mega-schools after the 1990s ©雁飞建筑事务所
爬取了北上广深以及成渝地区数以千计的中小学卫星图,最终选取了规模体量上相当的 510 所作为研究对象。
Thousands of satellite maps of primary and secondary schools in North China, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Chengdu, Chongqing were gathered. 510 schools of similar size and capacity were ultimately chosen for the study.
▼重迭 vs. 强排,Overlapping vs. Code ©雁飞建筑事务所
当抽取了 510 所学校图底化后,重迭图像与强排方案形成了一种照应。在讨论设计时,规范往往被处于一种回避的姿态,而事实上,它是整个普世生产的先锋。
When the 510 schools were extracted and diagrammatically bottomed out, the overlapping images formed a kind of illumination with the massing scheme. The architectural code is often placed in a posture of avoidance when discussing design; however, it is the vanguard of the whole of ecumenical production.
▼草图与工作模型,Sketch and working model ©雁飞建筑事务所
▼仙林学校与周边现状,Xianlin School and surrounding situation ©雁飞建筑事务所
▼仙林学校,Xianlin School ©雁飞建筑事务所
因此,仙林学校尝试重新考察“普通学校”的可能——“普通”在抽象化的同时,是否还暗含着一种具体化的胜任。它瞄准的是一系列与经济性相关的问题——大容量教学模式与大体量的化解,校舍操场的布局模式与僵化的间距控制,教室单元与结构单跨规范限制,公共空间的比例与混合分区,结构预制率与管线综合,采光通风与运营能耗,学生心理安全与活动便利性,上下学接送对周边社区的交通压力与社区开放分享的衔接等等。这些诸多问题隐匿在了一种标准容积率的暗示中,所以它也有一个代号 “FAR=1.0”。
Therefore, Xianlin School is trying to reexplore the possibility of “general schools”. By abstraction, “generality” may imply a specific Competency. It focuses on a range of economic-related issues – large-scale teaching methods and resolving large-scale issues, the layout of school buildings and playgrounds, rigid distance control, classroom units and structural span limitations, public space proportion and mixed zoning, prefabrication rate and pipeline integration, lighting, ventilation, and operating energy consumption, student psychological safety and activity convenience, transportation pressure from commuting to and from school, and community open sharing connections. These numerous issues are hidden in the implication of a standard floor area ratio, hence the code “FAR = 1.0”.
▼结构模型与剖面序列,Structural model and section sequence ©雁飞建筑事务所
Both reflect an overall repetition and a localized difference. The economy-induced mediocrity at the urban scale actually allows for architectural freedom in response to specific needs such as scale, single span, electromechanics, and content.
▼城市界面:东立面,Urban interface east elevation©雁飞建筑事务所
▼南立面,South elevation©雁飞建筑事务所
▼西立面,West elevation©陈颢
▼北立面,North elevation©陈颢
比如南北双廊带来更稳定的双向均匀采光,大部分时间利用自然光就可以达到室内教学的照度要求;对称门窗的布置具备良好自然通风,也带来更稳定的内部布局,更良好的课桌与黑板的视线关系以及日常的收纳储藏;40m 宽的空中内院(multi-datum)[4] 不仅为学生在课间提供了充沛的活动场地,也有效地降低了前后排教室之间噪音干扰。遇上气候宜人的季节,门户大开的课堂里的琅琅书声亦是一景。材料和机电的使用既考虑其通用性便于日常维护,也尽量避免装饰面在系统层面的使用,以降低造价。比如采用独立竖向管井,安置空调外机于屋顶或地面,隐蔽桥架于室内吊顶,预埋灯光于叠合楼板,结合栏杆和廊柱设置排水系统。
The presentation of the interface does not come from a picturesque image, nor does a single form follow the function, but rather dissolves it as much as possible, making it a continuation of the performance. Consider both the current state of the superblock and the transformation of the internal and external scales. Consider both the daily light and the monsoon changes over the year, as well as the temperature control of the interior and the utility of the exterior corridors.
The solution, however, does not lie in a change of course, but in a re-harmonization of the code and a return to the very formulation of these physical conditions – that is to say, how to renew the basic performance of the “general school” while maintaining massification and large classes. For example, the north-south double corridor brings more stable two-way uniform lighting, most of the time using natural light can achieve the indoor teaching illumination requirements; the symmetrical arrangement of windows and doors has good natural ventilation, but also brings more stable internal layout, better visual relationship between desks and blackboards as well as daily storage; 40m wide inner courtyard above ground (multi-datum[4]) not only provides ample activity space for the students between classes, but also effectively reduces the noise interference between the front and back rows of classrooms. In pleasant weather, the sight and sound of reading in the open classroom are truly delightful. The use of materials and electromechanical equipment is designed to minimize decorative surfaces at the system level, while considering their versatility and ease of maintenance. For example, independent vertical pipe wells are used, air-conditioning units are placed on the roof or on the ground, hidden bridges are placed in the interior ceiling, pre-built lights are placed in the laminated floor slabs, and drainage systems are set up in conjunction with the balustrades and corridors.
▼大班教室单元规范图集(上)及仙林学校教室单元(下),Large-scale class unit architectural code atlas (above) and Xianlin School class unit (below) ©雁飞建筑事务所
采光均匀度和良好的视线是大班单元的核心,因此推演出了接近方形的平面以及双廊的设置。其更多是出于场地尺度和柱跨的考虑,而同时满足小学(不大于 8m)和中学(不大于 9m)的 7.9m 视距仅是一个偶然,但这的确也为小学二年级部的临时使用创造了条件。
Light uniformity and good sight lines are at the heart of the large class units, hence the deduction of the near-square plan and the double porch setup. It is more a matter of site scale and column spans, and it is only by chance that the 7.9m sight distance for both the primary (less than 8m) and secondary (less than 9m) schools is met, but it does create the conditions for the temporary use of the second year section of the elementary school as well.
▼采光研究,Lighting Study ©雁飞建筑事务所
现代主义中阳光与卫生的关联,在进入中国后,可能是由于其地理位置和季风气候的特点,甚至可能也受风水传统的一些影响,逐步演变为一种强制规范,例如中小学规范中的“普通教室冬至日满窗日照不应少于 2h”。这个现象也构成了关于“绝对日照”(absolute sunlight)的研究。事实上,更重要是理解如何有效地将光照转化为相对均匀的自然采光。校舍层数、庭院间距,以及檐廊尺度才是关键。
The association between sunlight and hygiene in modernism has gradually evolved into a mandatory code in China, probably due to its geographical location and monsoon climate, and even some influence from Feng Shui traditions, such as the norm for primary and secondary schools, which states that “ordinary classrooms should have no less than 2h of sunlight through full windows on the winter solstice”. This phenomenon also constitutes the study of “absolute sunlight”. It is more important to understand how to effectively convert light into relatively uniform natural light. The number of floors, the spacing of courtyards, and the scale of porches are crucial.
▼通风研究,Ventilation Study ©雁飞建筑事务所
南京处于夏热冬冷的地区,主导风向以东、东南风向为主,其炎热潮湿的问题更为凸显。因此,尽量利用外廊的布局、孔洞的设置以及开窗的方式等来加强对流,建立一种适应性温控(adaptive thermal comfort)[5],减少对于空调的依赖,延长春夏、夏秋之间相对舒适的体感时间。
Nanjing is in an area with hot summer and cold winter, and the dominant wind direction is east and southeast, which makes the problem of heat and humidity more prominent. Therefore, we try to make use of the layout of the exterior corridor, the setting of holes and the way of opening windows to strengthen convection, establish a kind of adaptive thermal comfort [5], reduce the dependence on air conditioning, and prolong the relatively comfortable time between spring and summer, summer and fall.
▼噪声研究,Noise Study ©雁飞建筑事务所
相对于规范规定的 25 米,40 米的楼间距使教室之间的噪声降低了 5 个分贝,也就是声压减弱了约 1.8 倍。因此当一侧班级在朗读时,另一侧的班级仍然可以开着门窗上课。这也为通风创造了前提。
The 40-meter building spacing reduces noise between classrooms by 5 decibels, or about 1.8 times the sound pressure, relative to the 25 meters required by code. So while a class on one side is reading aloud, the class on the other side can still be taught with the doors and windows open. This also creates the prerequisites for ventilation.
▼上课时和放学后的教室单元,Classroom unit during class and after school ©雁飞建筑事务所
▼多基面(multi-datum),Multi-datum ©雁飞建筑事务所
学校在扩大规模的过程中,多向 25m 的间距虽然守住了基本的采光、噪声的控制,但实际上切断了课间十分钟时教室与场地之间的联系。因此,如何尽可能重构这些关联,提供不同时段使用场景,同时配合学生心理感知的尺度才是多基面设计的关键。
In the process of expanding the scale of the school, the multi-directional 25m spacing, although guarding the basic lighting and noise control, actually cuts off the connection between the classroom and the venue during the ten minutes of recess. Therefore, how to reconfigure these connections as much as possible to provide different time use scenarios, while matching the scale of students’ psychological perception is the key to multi-datum design.
▼北内院,North inner courtyard ©雁飞建筑事务所
▼南内院,South inner courtyard ©雁飞建筑事务所
▼多孔的预留单元,Porous reserved units ©雁飞建筑事务所
▼西入口,West Entrance ©雁飞建筑事务所
▼中庭,Atrium ©雁飞建筑事务所
▼嵌入建筑的看台,Playground stand embedded in the architecture © 陈颢
▼连桥与公共楼梯 A,Connecting bridge and public staircase A ©雁飞建筑事务所
▼连桥与公共楼梯 B、C,Connecting bridge and public stairs B and C ©雁飞建筑事务所
▼学生食堂,Student Canteen ©雁飞建筑事务所
▼体育馆,Stadium ©雁飞建筑事务所
而模数 8.4m×9.6m 的轴网,一方面回应了与上下学接送的地库需求,以降低周边已有学校带来的交通压力,另一方面也实现了中小学教学单元在视距上的通用性,同时一些留白单元也考虑将来教室的扩容。通过这些基本性能的微调,最终形成仙林学校多维叠合的平面:3 至 5 层为教学区,1 至 2 层为公共功能,-1 层为接送及设备区。
The axial network of modulus 8.4m x 9.6m responds to the demand for basement with pick-up and drop-off to reduce the traffic pressure brought by the existing schools in the vicinity, on the other hand, it also realizes the universality of primary and secondary teaching units in terms of sight distance, while some of the white space units are also considered for the future expansion of classrooms. Through the fine-tuning of these basic properties, the final result is the multi-dimensional stacked plan of Xianlin School: 3 to 5 floors for the teaching area, 1 to 2 floors for public functions, and -1 floor for the pick-up and drop-off and equipment area.
▼夕阳时分的社团活动,Club activities at sunset © 陈颢
▼与操场相邻的廊下空间,The space under the corridor adjacent to the playground ©雁飞建筑事务所
The two scales of the inner and outer corridors, the former responds to the collective memory of those playgrounds adjacent to the school building of the former general school; the latter is a double-layered void, combined with the internal realization of the local double-span to cope with the seismic requirements of the four elevations to a different extent, while in the part of the terrace with the line of sight of the extracted columns and picket beams is a kind of urban response for the surrounding superblock around the 100-meter residential area. The two scales are intended to maintain its volume but make it transparent.
▼地库北侧出口,Basement North Exit ©雁飞建筑事务所
▼西侧出入口,West Entrance and Exit © 陈颢
The discussion of “Chinese style picking up the children” is about regional traffic pressure and social security on the one hand, and psychological problems on the other. How to build a fair and dignified moment may be the most important task to be achieved in the transportation space.
▼地库东侧出口,Basement East Exit ©雁飞建筑事务所
▼地库接送区,Basement pick-up and drop-off area ©雁飞建筑事务所
▼造价对比,Construction cost comparison ©雁飞建筑事务所
▼管线综合,Equipment alignment ©雁飞建筑事务所
Equipment alignment maximize the use of vertical tube wells, large equipment and trunking placed at the top or bottom, regular hidden, while making full use of the roof as a platform for equipment.
▼预留教室正在被填充,The reserved classrooms are being filled ©雁飞建筑事务所
Xianlin School has now been temporarily put into use as the second grade section of the elementary school for a year, and the blank units set aside in the original structure have gradually been filled with regular classrooms due to the pressure of the student population. Such a change was unexpected, but it also makes sense. Although the second grade students seem to be a bit small in this scale, when we record these scenes of use – whether it is chanting in the classroom with the doors and windows wide open during class time, running in the inner courtyard during recess, bustling in the cafeteria during lunch time, enjoying the breeze under the gable porch before physical education class, and all kinds of sports clubs in the playground in the evening, the students in the pick-up hall at the end of school, and the birds and the birds and the birds at the drop-off hall at the end of school, we can see that there is no need for the children in the classroom. At the end of the school day, in the pick-up and drop-off hall, the birds and beasts scatter; their playfulness gives these spaces another kind of vitality, and also lets us truly feel the capacity and affordance of the building.
▼暮色中的仙林学校,Xianlin School in twilight © 陈颢
The exploration of the “general school” that Xianlin School has triggered is not simply a critique of the quotidian life shaped by economics, but perhaps more of an alternative – whether there is still a possibility of extending the Western poiēsis, focusing the familiar of the everyday affairs.
▼总平面图,Master Plan ©雁飞建筑事务所
▼一层平面图,First floor plan ©雁飞建筑事务所
▼二层平面图,Second floor plan ©雁飞建筑事务所
▼三层平面图,Third floor plan ©雁飞建筑事务所
▼地下一层平面图,Basement floor plan ©雁飞建筑事务所
▼剖面图,Section ©雁飞建筑事务所
[1] 仙林学校:仙林湖北部中学,按 39 轨加 6(预留)的初中规划设计,现临时作为金陵小学(仙林湖校区)二年级部使用,文中简称“仙林学校”。
[1] Xianlin School: a middle school in the northern part of Xianlin Lake, designed on the basis of the 39-class plus 6 (reserved) middle school plan, and now temporarily used as the second-grade section of Jinling Elementary School (Xianlin Lake Campus), referred to in the text as “Xianlin School”.
[2] Общеобразовательная“普通教育”:苏联采用的普及教育原则最早可以追溯到 1903 年俄罗斯社会民主工党第二次代表大会上宣布的《俄国社会民主工党纲领》,提出“对 16 岁以下的男女儿童实行普遍免费义务教育”。由于国际局势的影响与经济水平的制约,至 1930 年左右,儿童普及初等教育才在苏联开始全面实施,期间公共教育事业取得了重大进展。1949 年 12 月 23 日至 31 日,新中国召开了第一次全国教育工作会议,提出新中国教育应以“老解放区新教育经验为基础,吸收旧教育有用经验,借助苏联经验,建设新民主主义教育”。新中国早期的普及教育体系与教育理念大量借鉴了苏联经验,与此同时,众多苏联的学校设计理论与设计案例著作被译为中文版本,成为当时建筑行业从业者学习与研究的重要资料。
[2] Общеобразовательная “General education”: The principle of universal education adopted by the USSR can be traced as far back as 1903, when the “Program of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers’ Party” was announced at the Second Congress of the Social-Democratic Workers’ Party of Russia (SDPP), which proposed “universal free and compulsory education of boys and girls up to the age of 16 years”. The principle of universal education can be traced back to the Russian Social Democratic Workers’ Program announced at the Second Congress of the Social Democratic Workers’ Party of Russia in 1903, which proposed “the introduction of universal free and compulsory education for boys and girls up to the age of 16”. Due to the influence of the international situation and the constraints of the economic level, it was not until around 1930 that universal primary education for children began to be fully implemented in the USSR, during which time significant progress was made in the public education sector. It was proposed that education in the new China should be based on “the experience of the new education in the old liberated areas, absorbing the useful experience of the old education and utilizing the experience of the Soviet Union to build a new democratic education. In the early days of New China, the universal education system and education concepts borrowed a lot from the Soviet Union, and at the same time, a lot of Soviet school design theories and design case studies were translated into Chinese, which became an important source of study and research for practitioners in the architectural industry at that time.
[3] 如画的面子:picturesque“如畫美景”:“庫:对,我們所参照的正是這類的景觀美學。因爲只有這種方式才能解釋現在的中國之美,這种根本無法相容的元素恐怖地並列的情况。”夏斯藍,馮斯瓦. (2003). 庫哈斯談庫哈斯-兩場對談及其他. 林宜萱, 译. 田园城市,p. 134.
[3] Picturesque image: “pittoresque”: “Koolhaas: Yes, it is precisely this type of landscape aesthetics to which we refer. For it is the only way to explain the present beauty of China, this horrible juxtaposition of fundamentally incompatible elements.” François Chaslin. (2003). Deux conversations avec Rem Koolhaas et caetera. Face à la rupture, p. 134.
[4] multi-datum: “A second aspect of the Domino diagram which can be called self-referential is the horizontal datum. The notion of a datum in the traditional architectural sense is not modernist but an attitude to the vertical plane which seems to have originated in the 16th century, ”Eisenman, P. (2014). Aspects of Modernism: Maison Dom-ino and the Self-Referential Sign. Log, 30, 139-151.
[5] adaptive thermal comfort: Nicol, F., Humphreys, M., & Roaf, S. (2012). Adaptive Thermal Comfort: Principles and Practice. Routledge.
设计团队:邹拥君、徐翰骅、宋菁菁、李格格、周谷阳、叶莹、石明雨、敖斐、卿思远(驻场)、胡馨予、简仕翰、谭佳琪、李文伟、李豪、吕远、陈圳杰、Jae Sok Surh、高钧怡、张伊佳、周简、张硕桐、毛宇俊、魏铭路、孙晶、邓钧文(实习)、宋雨琦(实习)、郑赛博(实习)、姜天一蓝(实习)、卢镛汀(实习)、范家玮(实习)
建设用地面积:37712 平方米
地上建筑面积:37651 平方米
地下建筑面积:24098 平方米
总建筑面积:61749 平方米
Total floor area: 61749 square meters
Floor area ratio: 1.0
Photography: Chen Hao, Su Shengliang, Yanfei Architects
Client: Nanjing Xianlin University Town Management Committee, Nanjing Xianlin Development and Investment Group Co.
Construction Management