
2024/07/11 13:21:57
The project is located on the south side of Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area, which is an important entrance and exit for receiving visitors from all walks of life. Through the dialogue between architecture and nature in the new era, the inheritance and translation of a culture is realized. The architectural space of Baiyun Mountain Gate is reconstructed by using regional cultural elements, and the core space of the entrance of the city and nature is activated. The use of new materials and novel architectural techniques to reshape the new image of the times of the south gate of Baiyun Mountain, and carry forward the history and culture of Baiyun Mountain in the inheritance.
▼山门云伞鸟瞰,Bird’s eye-view of Cloud Umbrella of the Gate © 超越视觉
项目背景 Project Background
Baiyun Mountain, named as“the first scene” since ancient times, is the famous scenic site of Guangzhou. Yunshan Road South Distribution Square, which is an important entrance of Baiyun Mountain. Due to the construction of a new scenic area on the nearby slope, most part of the original square needs to be demolished, and some existing big trees also need to be relocated. Therefore, the renovation project of the distribution square has been implemented simultaneously.
▼入口门岗位置靠后,标识性较弱,造型特点不够鲜明,附属建筑功能混乱,风格不统一。The entrance gate is located at the back, with weak signage and less distinctive design features. The functions of the ancillary buildings are chaotic, and the style is not uniform© 华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
The drop off area in the square is mixed with the tourist distribution area, and the situation of mixed flow of people and vehicles is very serious© 华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
▼广场内现状大榕树郁闭度高,且多棵大榕树因坡下景区修建原因需迁移。The current situation in the square is that the canopy density of large banyan trees is high, and many large banyan trees need to be relocated due to the construction of the scenic area below the slope© 华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
Design Strategy
After deep research and sorting of the current site and surrounding environment in design, it is divided into two areas: north and south. The southern area includes a sloping front plaza, a cloud umbrella gate structure, a distribution plaza, and a service area for ancillary functional buildings. The northern area is located on the east side of the current mountain road, utilizing the natural vegetation covered mountain terrain of low in the south and high in the north to build an electric vehicle parking square.
▼改造前后平面图,The Floor Plan of Before and After Renovation © 华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
01 空间优化——标志性门楼前移,功能分区与景观层次优化
Space optimization – iconic gatehouse moved forward, functional zoning and landscape level optimization
The construction of the new South Gate Distribution Square project with landscape level optimization has separated the signage and ticket checking functions of the gate post, and moved the signage gate tower forward to the front of the current banyan tree, greatly improving the visibility of the main entrance of Baiyun Mountain. Becoming an important landscape landmark that leads the entire South Gate of Baiyun Mountain and guides tourists up the mountain.
▼山门云伞入口,The Entrance of Mountain gate Cloud Umbrella © 超越视觉
▼集散广场标识性门楼,The Iconic Gatehouse of the Distribution Square © 超越视觉
▼游客服务中心,The Tourist Service Center© 超越视觉
▼标识绿墙,Logo Green Wall© 超越视觉
02 形态优化——增加云伞构筑物,形成白云山独特的标识
Morphological optimization – adding cloud umbrella structures to form a unique identification of Baiyun Mountain
Baiyun Mountain is named after the white clouds winding around and the green mountains enveloping the vast sea of clouds. The form of landscape sculpture takes the meaning of “flower sea among clouds”, and through the combination of height and size of umbrella shaped stainless steel structure sculpture, it forms a light and elegant, overlapping illusion, transparent and clean cloud sea.
▼形态推演,Morphological Deduction© 华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
▼山门云伞,改造设计后标识性增强,成为热门打卡地,Mountain gate Cloud Umbrella,After the renovation and design, the logo is enhanced and it has become a popular check-in spot© 超越视觉
03 交通优化——结合周边区域交通优化,实现南门整体人车分流
Traffic optimization – combined with surrounding area traffic optimization, achieve overall pedestrian and vehicular separation at the South Gate.
Traffic Arrangement Before and After the Renovation© 华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
According to the optimization and renovation of traffic in the southern gate area of Baiyun Mountain, a new green landscape and ecological parking lot will be built on the south side of the North Ring Elevated Road and the east side of Yunshan South Road. Social vehicles will stop and disembark in the ecological parking lot. The current condition is to select the location of the storage battery cars parking building at the mountain depression on the east side behind the ticket gate, and use the terrain of low in the south and high in the north to build an storage battery cars parking square.
▼入口交通流线梳理,Entrance Traffic Flow Arrangement© 超越视觉
▼入口人车分流,Entrance Pedestrian and Vehicle Separation© 超越视觉
▼电瓶车停车楼,Battery Car Parking Building© 超越视觉
04 单体优化——建筑单体更新,完善服务功能建筑形式
Single unit optimization – updating of building units, improving service functions, and building forms
On the basis of respecting regional characteristics and exploring cultural significance, the individual design of buildings reflects certain characteristics of the new era. New materials such as stainless steel and glass, as well as innovative architectural techniques, are used to reshape the new image of the southern gate of Baiyun Mountain, and to carry forward the historical and cultural heritage of Baiyun Mountain through inheritance.
▼游客服务中心实景平面,Real Scene Plan of the Tourist Service Center© 超越视觉
▼游客服务中心实景立面,Real Scene Facade of the Tourist Service Center© 超越视觉
▼游客服务中心实景鸟瞰,Real Scene bird-eye’s view of the Tourist Service Center© 超越视觉
项目特色 Program Features 01 山城相融的空间渗透, 人与自然的对话重构
The spatial infiltration of mountain city integration and the reconstruction of dialogue between humans and nature
Make full use of the current site’s mountain greening, and through interweaving and infiltration with nature, form a reconstructed dialogue relationship between the entrance gate building complex and the mountain. The landscape design of the gate gate architecture introduces natural mountains, promoting a friendly interaction between the natural space of Baiyun Mountain and the urban square green space.
▼新建建筑与山体空间渗透,New Buildings and Mountain Space Penetration © 华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
▼新建建筑与保留现状大榕树融合,The New Building is Integrated with the Existing Banyan Tree© 超越视觉
02 地域文化的设计转译,时代精神的文化传承
The design and translation of regional culture, and the cultural inheritance of the spirit of the times
By translating the shapes of clouds and flowers, trees, and cotton in Guangzhou, we take the meaning of white clouds and construct the style of Lingnan. Through innovative architectural techniques and the use of new materials, we aim to reshape the new image of the southern gate of Baiyun Mountain and promote its historical and cultural heritage through inheritance.
▼建筑形态转译,Architectural Form Translation© 超越视觉
▼建筑云伞细部,Building Cloud Umbrella Detail© 超越视觉
▼细部,details© 超越视觉
03 新旧元素的交织融合,保留更新的特色兼顾
The interweaving and fusion of new and old elements, while preserving the updated characteristics
Creating a stainless steel structural sculpture group that embodies the unique cultural connotations of Baiyun Mountain with the artistic conception of “sea of clouds in the day and sea of flowers in the night”, adding new features to the south gate, achieving a combination of old and new, and balancing preservation and renewal.
▼建筑云伞日景,The Day Scene of Building Cloud Umbrella © 超越视觉
▼建筑云伞夜景,The Night Scene of Building Cloud Umbrella© 超越视觉
On the basis of respecting regional characteristics and exploring cultural significance, reflecting certain characteristics of the new era, and seeking a balance between inheritance and renewal, explored the ecological renewal model of Baiyun Mountain and promoted the construction of “returning green to the people” and “adding new vitality to the old urban area”. Created a green and vibrant urban business card image, thus forming a landmark characteristic space for the transition from the city to nature. To form a harmonious unity among the city, nature, and living environment.
▼整体鸟瞰,Aerial View of the Site© 超越视觉
设计方:华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司, 何镜堂建筑创作研究院&环境艺术设计一所
项目设计&完成年份:2020.01/ 2022.11
Project name: The Construction Project of Yunshan Road South Distribution Square of Baiyun Mountain
Project type: Landscape
Design: He Jingtang Architectural Creation Institute & Institute of Environmental Art Design, Architectural Design & Research Institute of SCUT Co., Ltd.
Design year:2020-2022
Completion Year:2022.11
Leader designer & Team:
Architectural Design:Jingtang He, Zhongping Wu, Xiaohong Chen, Chaohao Su, Peng Chen, Shanli Lu, Xuguang Zheng, Zhanghao Wu
Landscape Design:Zhong Yan, Lei Shen, Chaohui Wu, Lingfeng Chen
Structural Engineering:Fan Wang, Zhifeng Luo, Hanxiang Zhou, Xishan Niu, Wenhao Li, Weigang Guo, Yufei Chen
Water Supply and Drainage Design:Hongjin Cen, Yantao Chen
Electrical Design:Lili Mo, Guofu Xiong
air conditioner: Jingjing Du
Interior design: Junyu Liang
Project Location: Baiyun District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China
Gross built area: 18548㎡
Photo credit: Beyond The Vision
Clients: Forestry and Landscaping Engineering Construction Center of Guangzhou
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