这是一处以环武夷山国家公园“世遗 1 号”风景道为核心,在 91.5 万立方米森林包裹之中,与自然和谐共生,并延承着南宋著名哲学家、诗人朱熹精神内核的康养基地。邵武市二都国家森林康养帐篷酒店位于邵武市国有林场二都场,距离武夷山市 1 个半小时车程,被壮丽的群山环绕,森林覆盖率达 94.5%,负氧离子高达 10000 个/立方米,是常规城市的 8 倍以上。得天独厚的森林自然资源,以及悠久的历史文化脉络,为该项目奠定了巨大的可塑性。项目占地约 3.5 万㎡,总投资约 6 亿元,定位为“国家森林文化康养产业集群”,包含帐篷酒店、度假酒店、中医养生研究院、乡村振兴研学基地、林业资源流转中心等业态。在此背景下,项目一期帐篷酒店,我们梳理了两个方向:零碳可持续、精品野奢养生度假,并以此展开设计。
This is a place centered around the “World Heritage No. 1” scenic road in the Huawu Mountain National Park. Enveloped in 915,000 cubic meters of forest, it harmoniously coexists with nature, carrying forward the spiritual core of the famous Southern Song Dynasty philosopher and poet Zhu Xi. The Shaowu City Erdu National Forest Health Tent Hotel is located in the Erdu Forest Farm of Shaowu City, a 1.5-hour drive from Wuyishan City, surrounded by magnificent mountains with a forest coverage rate of 94.5% and over 10,000 negative oxygen ions per cubic meter, more than eight times that of a typical city. The abundant forest natural resources and the long historical and cultural context have laid a huge potential for this project. The project covers an area of about 35,000 square meters with a total investment of about 600 million yuan, positioning itself as a “National Forest Culture Health Industry Cluster,” including tent hotels, resorts, traditional Chinese medicine health research institutes, rural revitalization research and study bases, forestry resource circulation centers, and other formats. Against this backdrop, for the first phase of the project, the tent hotel, we have outlined two directions: zero-carbon sustainability and boutique wilderness health vacation, and designed it accordingly.
▼外观,exterior appearance© 上海十闲商务咨询工作室
▼鸟瞰,aerial view©上海十闲商务咨询工作室
零碳可持续 – 设计理念
Zero-Carbon Sustainability – Design Concept
Learning from “nature,” we adopt eco-friendly design strategies to improve the interaction between the built environment and the natural environment, achieving symbiosis between architecture and nature. By fully utilizing natural light and water resources, we reduce dependence on non-natural environments.
▼和自然共生的建筑,the building that coexists with nature ©上海十闲商务咨询工作室
零碳可持续 – 设计材料
Zero-Carbon Sustainability – Design Materials
In handling materials, we extract elements from the forest such as “bamboo,” “wood,” and “stone,” assembling them into a design language specific to this land, connecting different functional formats to create spaces with a sense of memory and ecology. Natural stone walls create a simple and mysterious architectural image on a sensory level. Black mountain stone accents echo this, adding dynamism to the space. Natural stone veneers draw inspiration from the earth’s culture, allowing the architecture to grow beyond the land yet immerse within it. Interior furniture is crafted with a “simple” technique, incorporating elements of “bamboo” to create original, ecological furniture that exudes warmth, transparency, and a sense of belonging.
▼客房概览,the building that coexists with nature©上海十闲商务咨询工作室
▼洗手池,wash basin©上海十闲商务咨询工作室
野奢度假养生 Wilderness Luxury Health Vacation
Surrounded by mountains on three sides, a stream flows gently from the mountains, passing through the tent hotel and merging into the valley. Water is the mountain’s vein, as well as the pulse of people. Leveraging the meandering water, we create a relaxed space within the tent that extends towards the mountain, connecting different areas with a harmonious architectural form that blends with the mountain forest. The lobby bar, hidden between the valleys and glimpsed after several turns from the entrance, is named “Valley Hideaway.” The guest rooms are built along the water in a dynamic layout. We have crafted it as a place that aligns with nature, possessing vibrant vitality and a strong cultural core for peaceful retreat. The interconnected yet independent guest room areas allow people to freely stroll, listening to the sounds of wind, water, flowing streams, and cicadas, while also enjoying private spaces for a healing and healthful vacation experience. Each room is equipped with a hot spring tub, offering views of the seasonal scenery, allowing guests to connect with nature, experience the passage of light and time, and the essence of life.
▼茶室,tea room©上海十闲商务咨询工作室
▼会客厅,lounge room©上海十闲商务咨询工作室
▼一角,a glimpse©上海十闲商务咨询工作室
▼大床房平面图,one-bed room floor plan©大松建筑设计
▼双床房平面图,double-bed room floor plan©大松建筑设计
▼接待中心平面图,reception center floor plan©大松建筑设计
▼套房平面图,suite room floor plan©大松建筑设计
建筑室内:乔世军 殷俊
软装设计:李蔚雅 刘嘉利 李浩然
灯光顾问:殷 俊
施工图:张 昕 徐旭寅 金智宇 祝玉鑫
设计时间:2023 年 6 月
完工时间:2023 年 11 月
Project Location: Erdu State Forest Farm, Shaowu City, Fujian Province
Building Area: 587.0 sqm
Landscape Area: 6991.4 sqm
Lead Designer: Han Qingsong
Architects: Qiao Shijun, Yin Jun
Landscape Designer: Zhu Jiankang
Soft Furnishing Designers: Li Weiya, Liu Jiali, Li Haoran
Lighting Consultant: Yin Jun
Construction Drawings: Zhang Xin, Xu Xuyin, Jin Zhiyu, Zhu Yuxin
Design Period: June 2023
Completion Date: November 2023