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南天名苑230M²丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计

2024/07/12 16:07:16
南天名苑230M²丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-0
世界就在取景器背后 过极简一些 安全感是自己给的 彩色与黑白只在一念之间 我在黑白的交界处 呼吸着光的灰尘 极简克制 描绘未来之家的模样 “光”记录着生活,是温暖空间的媒介。一切的一切,因为光折射出无数精彩。静沐其中,就算隆冬,也有春意盎然之感。
南天名苑230M²丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-2
南天名苑230M²丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-3
南天名苑230M²丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-4
南天名苑230M²丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-5
本案设计旨在以简约、质朴的形式与取材,大面积使用黑、白、灰为主色调,展现空间的内敛美,不动声色,带来身心的安宁与惬意。 无主灯设计搭配轨道磁吸灯,视觉上清爽利落,兼具现代时尚感,同时尽可能保留层高,视觉上更显开阔。 The design of this case aims at simple and rustic form and materials, using a large area of black, white and gray as the main color, showing the restrained beauty of the space, calm and indifferent, bringing physical and mental peace and comfort. No main light design with track magnetic lamp, visually clean and crisp, with a modern sense of fashion, while retaining the height as much as possible, visually more open.
南天名苑230M²丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-7
入户镜面玻璃除了延伸空间尺度背面暗藏了收纳空间,尽可能去增多小户型储物空间,家里的鞋子可以有序摆放在柜子里,拿取也方便。 In addition to extending the spatial scale of the mirror glass in the back hides the storage space, as far as possible to increase the small unit storage space, the shoes in the home can be orderly placed in the cabinet, and it is convenient to take.
南天名苑230M²丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-9
南天名苑230M²丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-10
餐厅区做了岛台来分担橱柜的收纳压力,餐桌与岛台交错,亚克力桌腿则很好的增加了通透感,弱化黑色台面及餐椅带来的压迫感,视觉上更显轻盈通透。为了着重突出就餐时的照明,餐区特别用了造型灯强调搭配感,平时两人忙碌之后,便在这里享受专属的晚餐时光。 The dining area is made of an island to share the storage pressure of the cabinet, the table is staggered with the island, and the acrylic table legs are very good to increase the sense of permeability, weaken the pressure brought by the black table and the dining chair, and the vision is more light and transparent. In order to highlight the lighting during the meal, the dining area is specially equipped with modeling lights to emphasize the sense of collocation. After two people are busy, they enjoy exclusive dinner time here.
南天名苑230M²丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-12
南天名苑230M²丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-13
因为整体家居风格都偏暗、黑色系,所以背景色全部选了白色,深灰色地板呼应墙面,通铺的方式增加了视觉统一性,营造出沉静、松弛的家居氛围,阳光洒进来时,心也跟着明媚起来。 Because the overall home style is dark and black, the background color is all white, the dark gray floor echoes the wall, the paving way increases the visual unity, creates a calm and relaxed home atmosphere, and the heart follows bright when the sun comes in.
南天名苑230M²丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-15
南天名苑230M²丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-16
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南天名苑230M²丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-18
洗手区整体色调延续了黑白灰的色调,墙面沿用了地面灰色的墙砖,整体视觉和谐统一,半透明的水波纹玻璃砖映射出生活的点点滴滴。 The overall tone of the hand-washing area continues the color of black, white and gray, and the wall adopts the gray wall tiles of the ground. The overall vision is harmonious and unified, and the translucent water-corrugated glass tiles reflect the dribs and drabs of life.
南天名苑230M²丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-20
南天名苑230M²丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-21
主卧延续整体空间主色调,黑、白、灰、木,调和一幅质朴、惬意、慵懒的文艺生活画卷,空间稳重而理性。在每个晨光的熹微里,推开白色窗户,让和煦暖阳轻吻你惺忪的睡眼。 The master bedroom continues the main color of the overall space, black, white, gray, wood, harmonizing a simple, comfortable, lazy literary life picture, the space is stable and rational. In the first light of each morning, open the white window and let the warm sun kiss your sleepy eyes.
设计总监-壹沐创始人 徐诗雯
室内设计:EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计
软装设计:EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐软装
南天名苑230M²丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-30
壹沐创始人 徐诗雯
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