布鲁克林高地别墅丨Starling 建筑事务所

2024/07/16 15:48:27
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Willow Place一家在未曾谋面的情况下买下了这栋房子,并委Starling建筑事务所设计和管理他们的翻新项目。他们委托设计团队对房屋进行现代化改造,以适应现代家庭生活的需要,同时保留并向他们所钟爱的中世纪建筑美学致敬。由于 Willow Place一家在翻新期间居住在哥斯达黎加,因此Starling 建筑设计团队在这一过程中获得了大量的设计控制权。
The Willow Place Family purchased the house site unseen and entrusted Starling Architecture to design and project manage their gut renovation project. They tasked the design team with modernizing the home for contemporary family life, while preserving and paying homage to the mid-century aesthetic of the building that they fell in love with. The Starling Architecture team was given lots of design control during the process because the Willow Place Family was living in Costa Rica during the renovation.
这座住宅最初是Mary和Joseph Merz为他们的家庭设计的。该建筑于1966年竣工,与布鲁克林高地附近典型的联邦风格建筑形成鲜明对比。就项目而言,该住宅位于布鲁克林高地的一块双层转角地皮上。房屋占地面积 5200 平方英尺,共四层。
The home was originally designed by Mary and Joseph Merz for their family. The building was completed in 1966 and stands in stark contrast to the typical federal style buildings of the Brooklyn Heights neighborhood. With regards to the program, the house sits on a corner, double lot in Brooklyn Heights. The house spans 5,200 square feet over four levels.
该住宅现有的建筑风格令人惊叹——灵感来自路易斯·康的“Esherick 住宅”。它坐落在布鲁克林高地的一块双层转角地皮上。房屋的体量几乎是一个完美的立方体,外墙为混凝土砌块,窗框为红木。现有的室内装饰采用了精美的材料,包括旋转切割的桦木木制品和公共空间的 Ruabon Quarry瓷砖地板。
The existing architecture of the home is stunning - inspired by Louis Kahn’s Esherick House. It sits on a corner, double lot in Brooklyn Heights. The massing of the house is almost a perfect cube, with concrete block exterior walls and redwood window frames. The existing interiors had a beautiful material palette of rotary cut birch millwork and Ruabon Quarry tile floors in the common spaces.
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