


Faculty of Engineering - Helwan University
Department of Architecture
Project Type: Museum.
Year: 2023.
Location: Manshiet Nasser ,Cairo, Egypt.
Noah - نوح
قاعة الفلك - توضح القاعة قصة نبي الله نوح بطرح رحلة الدعوه و أمر الله ببناء الفلك فسخر قومة منه لانهم كانوا في الصحراء . حتي جاء امر الله بالطوفان وأخذ سيدنا نوح معه في السفينة من أمن معه و من كل كائن حي زوج . فهلك كل من كفر .
The Astronomy Hall - The hall explains the story of the Prophet of God, Noah, by presenting the missionary journey and God commanding the building of the ark, but his people mocked him because they were in the desert. Until God’s command of the flood came and our master Noah took with him in the ark those who were safe with him and a pair of every living creature. So everyone who disbelieved perished.
Ibrahim - ابراهيم
قاعة خليل الله - توضح القاعة قصة نبي الله ابراهيم عليه السلام الذي كان في فطرته يأب عبادة الاصنام التي كان يعبدها قومة . ذهب ليدع قومه لعباده إله واحد وحطم الاصنام . فأمروا باشعال نار عظيمة ليلقوه فيها عقابا له فجاءت رحمة الله بأن تكون النار بردا وسلاما عليه.
Khalil Allah Hall - The hall explains the story of the Prophet of God, Abraham, peace be upon him, who naturally refused to worship the idols that his people worshiped. He went to let his people worship one God and destroyed the idols. So they ordered a great fire to be lit to throw him into it as punishment, and God’s mercy came so that the fire would be coolness and peace for him.
Moses - موسى
قاعة كليم الله - توضح القاعة قصة نبي الله موسي الذي القي في اليم ونشأفي بيت عدو الله وعدوه فرعون .واشتهر في قومه السحر فكانت معجزات الله في ايات عظيمة وهي الافعي و شق البحر كالطود العظيم و انفجار عيون الماء.
Kalimullah Hall - The hall explains the story of the Prophet of God, Moses, who was thrown into the sea and grew up in the house of the enemy of God and his enemy, Pharaoh. Magic became famous among his people, and God’s miracles were in great signs, namely the serpent and the parting of the sea like a great mountain and the bursting of springs of water.
Issa - عيسى
قاعة كلمة الله - توضح القاعة قصة نبي الله عيسي الذي ولدته السيده مريم و ذهبت به لاهلها فتكلم معهم وهو في المهد وانه نبي الله الذي جاء ليردكم عن الضلال. ووهبه الله الكثير من المعجزات التي يصعب تصديقها منها شفاء الابرص و يبصر الاعمي و يحي الموتى بأمر الله ورغم هذا طلب قومه ان ينزل لهم مائدة من السماء ليأكلوا منها وتكون لهم عيد.
The Word of God Hall - The hall explains the story of the Prophet of God, Issa, who was born by Mary and brought to her family, so he spoke to them while he was in the cradle, and that he is the Prophet of God who came to turn you away from error. God granted him many miracles that are difficult to believe, including healing the leper, giving sight to the blind, and bringing the dead to life by God’s command. Despite this, his people asked for a table to be sent down from heaven for them to eat from and have a feast.
Muhammad - محمد
قاعة حبيب الله - توضح القاعة قصة نبي الله محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم كان يتعبد في غار حراء فجاءه الوحي وقال له أقراء فأجاب ما انا بقارئ وكانت تلك بداية اعظم معجزه علي وجه الارض وهي القران الكريم. وبعد عام الحزن اراد الله ان يخفف عن نبيه بمعجزه الاسراء والمعراج .
Habib Allah Hall - The hall explains the story of the Prophet of God Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. He was worshiping in the cave of Hira, and a revelation came to him and he said to him, “Reciter,” and he replied, “I am not a reciter,” and that was the beginning of the greatest miracle on the face of the earth, which is the Holy Qur’an. After a year of grief, God wanted to ease the burden of His Prophet with the miracle of the Night Journey and Mi’raj.