95㎡温柔治愈复式奶油风丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计

2024/07/18 16:41:02
95㎡温柔治愈复式奶油风丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-0
升华自然气息, 于都市中精彩绽放。 素雅和简洁碰撞出, 怡人花火, 巧妙淡化烦愁和疲倦感, 通过淬炼精神意境, 给予一种如日光般的家居暖意。
95㎡温柔治愈复式奶油风丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-2
95㎡温柔治愈复式奶油风丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-3
▲客餐厅 本案是一个复式平层项目,细腻宛转的曲线搭建起生活舞台。阳台被客厅纳入其中,原始结构中的推拉门拆除后,光影倾泻至奶油色主导的空间,为室内镀上一层温柔滤镜。 This case is a complex flat floor project, delicate curve to build a life stage. The balcony is incorporated into the living room, and after the sliding doors of the original structure are removed, light pours into the cream-dominated space, coating the interior with a gentle filter.
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95㎡温柔治愈复式奶油风丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-8
▲厨房 厨房在色系上和客厅保持一致,半开放式厨房的构想进退自如。餐厨空间做开放式布局,L形操作台结合水吧提升了厨房区域的使用便利性,自动梳理出流畅的烹饪就餐动线。围造出生活的仪式感。 The kitchen is in the same color scheme as the living room, and the idea of a semi-open kitchen moves freely. The kitchen space is laid out in an open layout, and the L-shaped operating table combined with the water bar enhances the convenience of the kitchen area, automatically sorting out the smooth cooking and dining movement line. Create a sense of ritual in life.
95㎡温柔治愈复式奶油风丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-10
95㎡温柔治愈复式奶油风丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-11
▲客厅 墙顶颜色通刷,在清淡之间呈现出软糯的温柔质感,透出优雅恬静的空间魅力。阳台兼具收纳空间和阅读一角,阳光透过窗户洒进来,绿植摆放在角落,整个空间充满了自然的元素,在这里,可以放松身心,自在享受生活的美好。 The color of the top of the wall is brushed, showing a soft soft texture between the light, revealing the elegant and quiet space charm. The balcony is both a storage space and a reading corner. Sunlight pours in through the window, and green plants are placed in the corner. The whole space is full of natural elements, where you can relax and enjoy the beauty of life.
95㎡温柔治愈复式奶油风丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-13
95㎡温柔治愈复式奶油风丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-14
▲客厅 沙发因其体量,成为客厅的视觉焦点,柔软布艺结合艺术造型,搭配白色香格里拉帘,用光影构建出一方精致闲读之地。跳脱出抽象表达,以光影、色彩、线条的糅合,实现功能与美学上的相得益彰。 Sofa because of its volume, become the visual focus of the living room, soft cloth combined with artistic modeling, with white Shangri-La curtain, with light and shadow to build a delicate leisure reading place. Jump out of abstract expression, with light and shadow, color, line blend to achieve functional and aesthetic complement each other.
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95㎡温柔治愈复式奶油风丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-18
▲主卧 卧室采用同色系搭配为主,营造出牛奶和咖啡融合般的色调,打造出舒适的入睡空间。少量黑色踢脚线让空间从奶油的温馨感中提炼出现代感的精致线条。 柔和的曲线和弧度修饰门洞,功能区之间实现自然过渡。于细微处彰显空间的精致调性。 The bedroom is mainly matched with the same color system, creating a blend of milk and coffee tones, creating a comfortable sleeping space. A small amount of black skirting allows the space to extract a modern, refined line from the warmth of the cream. Soft curves and radians decorate the doorways, allowing for a natural transition between functional areas. The delicate tonality of the space is demonstrated in the details.
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95㎡温柔治愈复式奶油风丨中国广州丨EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计-23
▲主卫 卫生间干湿分离,洗烘机与柜子集合与墙身,提升使用便利性,柔和的灯光照亮着整个空间,温和宁静,干净整洁的地面和墙面,搭配温润的木质柜子,让人倍感自在和轻松。 The dry and wet separation of the bathroom, the collection of washing and drying machines and cabinets with the wall body, improve the convenience of use, soft lights illuminate the entire space, mild and quiet, clean and tidy floor and wall, with warm wooden cabinets, make people feel comfortable and relaxed.
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室内设计:EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐设计 软装设计:EMIND.DESIGN 壹沐软装 项目名称:广州白云•星汇云城 设计面积:95M² 项目地址:中国广州 完工时间:2024年3月 设计总监-壹沐创始人 徐诗雯
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