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Chartrons码头136号改造丨法国丨ZW,A zweiacker associés

2024/07/19 17:47:14
在法国波尔多,对 Hôtel des Ventes des Chartrons 的改造和修复为这座历史建筑注入了新的活力。该项目按照建筑再利用的原则进行设计,最大限度地减少了拆除,重新引入了这座建筑的双重功能:高等教育机构和拍卖大厅。
In Bordeaux, the transformation and rehabilitation of the Hôtel des Ventes des Chartrons breathe new life into this historic building. Designed with architectural recycling principles, minimising demolition, the project reimagines this structure fordual purposes: a higher education institution and an auction hall.
▼建筑外观,exterior of the building ©Yoris Couegnoux
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▼立面细部,facade detail©Yoris Couegnoux
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Les Chartrons,一个极具个性的街区。坐落于Chartrons区的码头上,位于历史城区的北面,该场地是由河流和前葡萄酒供应区的商业历史所塑造的城市景观的一部分。坐落于仓库的后方,该建筑拥有独特的线性结构和宽敞的占地面积。
▼场地平面,site plan©ZW/A zweyacker associes
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Les Chartrons, a neighbourhood with character. Located on the quays of the Chartrons district, just north of the historic city centre, the site is part of an urban landscape shaped by the river and the commercial history of this former wine merchant suburb. Positioned behind the warehouses, the building boasts a unique linear architecture with substantial surface area.
▼建筑外观,exterior of the project©HugoMartin
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▼改造前建筑,before the renovation© ZW/A zweyacker associes
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Recycling a rational tool-building. Notable for its atypical façade and set-back positioning, 136 Quai des Chartrons is a key heritage structure along the quays. Originally intended for logistical and industrial use, the building’s intelligent construction serves as the foundation for the project. Its rational structure, proportions, layout, and position of openings demonstrate its ability to adapt and transform with ease. The new project blends the existing elements with a vision that respects heritage while embracing bold modernity.
▼建筑外观,exterior of the project©Yoris Couegnoux
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Reversibility of the existing structure. The project integrates into the original skeleton, using the structural grid of castiron columns and concrete floors, providing the spatial conditions to house both programs. The ground floor retains the auction activity, while the upper floors accommodate the educational program. Transforming the building into an educational institution involves defining room types and communal spaces that fit the existing structure. The large existing floors offer significant spatial modularity. A “central street” runs the length of the building, providing access to studyrooms and offices on each side. Structural and technical interventions are necessary, such as creating large openings in the floors for staircases suited to the new traffic flows and adding features to bring light into the heart of the building.
▼室内空间,indoor space©Yoris Couegnoux
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▼教育空间,education space©Yoris Couegnoux
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▼对原有柱网的保留,reservation of the existing column grid©Yoris Couegnoux
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▼新旧结构的结合,combination of the old and new structure©HugoMartin
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▼楼梯间,staircase ©Yoris Couegnoux
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New Use, New Appearance. The building’s evolution is particularly shown in the façades. On the quay side, the historic,robust stone façade is restored and enhanced with landscaped forecourt improvements. On the city side, a contemporary extension reshapes the façade, reflecting the transformation. This architectural addition, technically complex, allows forthe creation of a suspended amphitheater offering a panoramic view of the urban landscape. The materiality is distinct,reinforcing the concept of a dual-faced architecture, balancing both the river and the city.
▼悬挑的露天剧场,suspended amphitheater ©Yoris Couegnoux
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Courtyards and roofs: Foundations of eco-Design. The renovated courtyards become true transitional and convivial spaces, introducing a landscaped dimension and controlled natural growth. The quay-side courtyard is fully paved and designed as an entrance garden. On the city side, access stairs are designed like steps in an upcoming green space.This eco-responsible approach extends to the use of sustainable materials and methods on the roofs (zinc, photovoltaicpanels, green roof terraces, oyster shell substrate), which help the building minimise energy consumption and promote waste valorization. The project examplifies a commitment to environmental and human considerations, and the building’s longevity.
▼面向城市的石质墙面,stone facade facing the city©Yoris Couegnoux
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▼模型,model©ZW/A zweyacker associes
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▼场地平面图,site plan©ZW/A zweyacker associes
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▼平面 & 剖面,plan & section ©ZW/A zweyacker associes
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▼立面 & 剖面,elevation & section ©ZW/A zweyacker associes
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Project: 136 Quai des Chartrons
Type and Topic: Higher Education, Transformation, Rehabilitation
City: Bordeaux
Country: France
Architect: ZW/A zweyacker & associés
Area: 6 700 m2
Year: 2024
Photographs: Yoris Couegnoux, Hugo Martin
Contractor: Rivage IC
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