Mondschein 花园酒店丨奥地利蒂罗尔丨Biquadra 规划事务所

2024/07/23 09:55:22
项目坐落于南蒂罗尔充满轻松魅力的城市圣地 —— Bolzano,Mondschein花园酒店是The fanonados旗下的酒店之一,是一座集设计、音乐、艺术、文化、正念和自然于一体的花园建筑。
An urban sanctum of relaxed glamour located in Bolzano, South Tyrol, Parkhotel Mondschein -a member hotel of The Aficionados- is the parkland hub that kindles design, music, the arts, culture, mindfulness and nature.
▼建筑外观,exterior view of the hotel © [TA] Parkhotel Mondschein – The Aficionados
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Mondschein 花园酒店丨奥地利蒂罗尔丨Biquadra 规划事务所-5
这座被列入遗产名录的建筑,外立面排列着白色的百叶窗,内部充满了悠久的历史,包括:宽阔的灰泥走廊、高高的天花板、华丽的木工与石雕,以及经典的人字形拼花地板。部分建筑的历史可以追溯到1330年;1890年,这座中世纪的建筑又进行了一系列改造,彰显出Belle Époque时期的建筑风格。此次建筑的改造由位于Merano附近的Biquadra规划事务所负责创意指导,设计师Christina Biasi-von Berg担任项目负责人。设计的座右铭是“为已经存在的事物注入新的生命,适应时代的要求和精神”,这完美地概括了Mondschein花园酒店的转型。
This heritage-listed building, clad in white shutters, is a true architectural chameleon – a  Wunderkammer  of historic stucco, wide corridors, high ceilings, ornate carpentry, stonework and original herringbone parquet. Parts of the house date back to 1330; the  medieval  was then married to  Belle  Époque  additions in 1890. The renovation saw the  creative direction  by  planning studio Biquadra, based in nearby Merano,  with  designer Christina Biasi-von Berg  at the helm narrating the project. Their motto to ‘breathe new life into what already exists, adapt to the requirements and spirit of the time’ perfectly encapsulates Parkhotel Mondschein’s transformation.
▼休息室与酒吧,lounge and bar © [TA] Parkhotel Mondschein – The Aficionados
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经过几个世纪的改造,“意大利老电影”是室内设计的口号,它完美地将修复的历史元素与20世纪60年代意大利电影和设计巅峰时期的怀旧且华丽的风格结合在一起。中世纪的作品以现代手法重新塑造,微妙的连贯性为其历史和周围环境增添了色彩,包括:柔和的灰色、苔藓绿、茶褐色、涂油的木色,以及反映山脉自然色调的白色。“在重新设计中,美观的材料、良好的质量和智能的设计是重中之重。我们想创造一个人们可以放松和休息的地方。你不需要很多,但你所体验到的必须是一流的,”Mondschein酒店的主人Moritz Dissertori说道。
Remodelled over the centuries, ‘Cinematic Italian’ is the interior design mantra that consummately knits the restored historical elements to the nostalgia, style and flamboyance from the height of Italian film and design of the 1960s. Mid-century pieces are recast with a modern hand and a subtle coherence colours its history and surroundings – softly smudged grey, moss green and tawny browns, oiled woods, and statement white lighting reflecting  the natural hues of the mountains.  “In the redesign, beautiful materials, good quality and intelligent design were top priorities. We wanted to create a place where people can relax and take a break. You don’t need a lot for that, but what little you have has to be first class,” says Moritz Dissertori, host at Hotel Mondschein.
▼休息室,lounge © [TA] Parkhotel Mondschein – The Aficionados
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Mondschein 花园酒店丨奥地利蒂罗尔丨Biquadra 规划事务所-14
▼酒吧,bar © [TA] Parkhotel Mondschein – The Aficionados
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作为一个自由之地,当代艺术品与委托作品为这家The Aficionados旗下的酒店增加了另一个维度,例如由跨学科艺术家Irene Fernández Arcas创作的结合了绘画,绘画和摄影的艺术装置,以及由多米尼加-法国艺术家和摄影师Karla Hiraldo Voleau的摄影作品等。整座酒店宛如充满了摄影与绘画的文化中心,再加上暂住在这里的年轻才俊、作家、葡萄酒生产商和dj,都会让好奇的游客们兴奋不已。
A liberal place-to-be, this member hotel of The Aficionados also adds another dimension with its use of contemporary artwork and commissioned pieces from the likes of interdisciplinary artist Irene Fernández Arcas creating installations, combining drawings, paintings and photography, and Dominican-French artist and photographer Karla Hiraldo Voleau. Curating a cultural hub, the hotel showcases both photography and paintings plus its roster of young talents, authors, wine producers and DJs keeps the curious visitor’s mind nicely fizzing.
▼卧室,bedroom © [TA] Parkhotel Mondschein – The Aficionados
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Mondschein 花园酒店丨奥地利蒂罗尔丨Biquadra 规划事务所-21
▼卧室拥有美丽山景视野,the bedroom enjoys a beautiful mountain view © [TA] Parkhotel Mondschein – The Aficionados
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▼卧室细部,details of the bedroom © [TA] Parkhotel Mondschein – The Aficionados
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Mondschein 花园酒店丨奥地利蒂罗尔丨Biquadra 规划事务所-26
▼床品细部,details of the bed © [TA] Parkhotel Mondschein – The Aficionados
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Mondschein 花园酒店丨奥地利蒂罗尔丨Biquadra 规划事务所-29
▼浴缸细部,details of the bathtub © [TA] Parkhotel Mondschein – The Aficionados
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Mondschein 花园酒店丨奥地利蒂罗尔丨Biquadra 规划事务所-32
▼细部,details © [TA] Parkhotel Mondschein – The Aficionados
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Mondschein 花园酒店丨奥地利蒂罗尔丨Biquadra 规划事务所-35
Onsite yoga studio, Arise, located within the ancient walls of the Mondschein, is geared to complete the circle of balance and mindfulness with a rota of guest instructors. There’s also the statement 48m² dark green tiled pool, clad in terracotta flooring for those who seek to chill poolside.
▼泳池区域,pool area © [TA] Parkhotel Mondschein – The Aficionados
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Mondschein 花园酒店丨奥地利蒂罗尔丨Biquadra 规划事务所-40
Mondschein 花园酒店丨奥地利蒂罗尔丨Biquadra 规划事务所-41
Perhaps one of the most appealing aspects is Parkhotel Mondschein’s easy access to nature. Located adjacent to the park, you can wander at ease among the shade of ancient trees and listen to the stillness of the mountains. Swathed in authenticity and creature comforts, this new city bolthole is set to be a scene-stealer.
▼酒吧外摆区,pick-up area of the bar © [TA] Parkhotel Mondschein – The Aficionados
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▼细部,details © [TA] Parkhotel Mondschein – The Aficionados
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Mondschein 花园酒店丨奥地利蒂罗尔丨Biquadra 规划事务所-48
Mondschein 花园酒店丨奥地利蒂罗尔丨Biquadra 规划事务所-49
Mondschein 花园酒店丨奥地利蒂罗尔丨Biquadra 规划事务所-50
Mondschein 花园酒店丨奥地利蒂罗尔丨Biquadra 规划事务所-51
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