Rancho Cebú & Destilería酿酒厂丨墨西哥丨RootStudio

2024/07/25 10:13:36
Rancho Cebú是创意工作室RootStudio于2017年开始的项目之一,项目围绕龙舌兰的种植展开。由João Boto Cæiro领导的团队细致规划了这座多功能农场的每个区域,包括从酿酒厂到存储仓库、服务区、烘焙区等功能区域,甚至来访艺术家的住所、酒店和两公顷的花园。花园中将种植从场地施工过程中拯救出来的本地植物,规划后的场地不仅包括了穿过综合体不同区域的路网,还拓宽了通往Matamoros的高速公路。
Rancho Cebú is a project first begun in 2017 by the creative workshop RootStudio, intended for agave cultivation. The team, led by João Boto Cæiro, has planned each area of this multi-purpose ranch, starting with the distillery and its requirements—such as storage warehouses, service area, and ovens—together with a residence for visiting artists, a hotel and a two hectare garden. This latter comprises native plants rescued from the works to widen the highway to Matamoros, which is the road that passes through the different areas of the complex.
▼项目概览,overall of the project © Lizet Ortiz
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设计团队在这片土地上种植了一棵巨大的惠枣树(芳香树),旁边种植了其他相同物种的树苗,进而形成了一排排超过三米高的种植园。场地内还种植了1300棵橡树,与酿酒厂前花园的黄色花朵形成对比。设计团队还与Luis Zárate合作在其他区域种植了仙人掌、龙舌兰、菊科植物和万寿菊,并与Guillermo Olguin一起规划了春季花园,此外,场地内还设有独特的热带景观区。七年多来,RootStudio一直在关注这些野生植物的生长。
A large huizache (aromo) tree is located on the land, next to which other saplings of the same species have been planted, generating a plantation in rows that are already over three meters in height. In addition, 1,300 oak trees have been planted, which will contrast with the yellow flowering of the garden located in front of the distillery. Other areas have been planted with cacti, agaves, mesquites and marigold (together with Luis Zárate), the spring garden (together with Guillermo Olguin), and a tropical zone, among others. For more than seven years, RootStudio has kept watch over the development of these plants that are allowed to grow freely.
▼酿酒厂远景,viewing the winery at distance © Lizet Ortiz
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▼酿酒厂建筑,the winery © Lizet Ortiz
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▼建筑近景,closer views of the winery © Lizet Ortiz
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跨领域合作一直是RootStudio的基础工作方法之一。花园里设有一个大型集水箱,灵感来自龙舌兰“菠萝”和在米特拉遗址上发现的前西班牙雕花,由瓦哈卡艺术家Luis Zárate以金属制成。这个集水箱不仅履行了为整个建筑群提供水的功能,而且还作为一个独特的标志,让人们从远处就能轻易辨认出农场的位置,而不需要任何标志或其他物体来打断特拉科卢拉圣谷的自然线条。一条80米长的小路围绕着一座倒影池延伸,两侧是茂盛的仙人掌,将不同区域与酿酒厂连接起来。
Collaborative work is one of the foundations of RootStudio. In the garden there is a large water tank inspired by the agave “pineapple” and the pre-Hispanic fretwork found on the ruins of Mitla, made of metal by the Oaxacan artist Luis Zárate. This tank not only fulfills its function of providing water to the entire complex, but also serves as a distinctive icon that allows the location of the ranch to be identified from a distance, without the need for signs or other objects that would interrupt the natural line of the Sacred Valley of Tlacolula. An 80-meter long path, formed by a reflecting pool of water flanked by cactus plants, connects the different areas with the distillery.
the path in the field, flanked by lush cactus © Lizet Ortiz
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▼场地内其他功能部分,other functional parts of the site © Lizet Ortiz
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The distillery building has a surface of 3,500 square meters, distributed over 3 levels and located in a 10 hectare field. It was built with pink stone from the same quarry used for the colonial-period church in Mitla and, along the 80-meter facade, the artisanal construction technique used for the walls makes each hand-sculpted block different. The cellar is buried to favor the ageing process of the mezcals, while the roofs have a bamboo structure, arranged in the form of a traditional Oaxacan weave. The terraces act as a visual break, dividing the main block into a series of smaller buildings. This generates, on one side, views towards the mountains and, on the other, to the cave paintings of Yagul.
▼酿酒厂立面,facade of the winery © Lizet Ortiz
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▼由手工垒砌的石墙,the sone walls built by hand © Lizet Ortiz
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▼楼梯,staircase © Lizet Ortiz
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▼露台,terrace © Lizet Ortiz
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▼接待区,reception area  © Lizet Ortiz
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▼品酒区,tasting area © Lizet Ortiz
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▼蒸馏区,distillation zone © Lizet Ortiz
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▼天花板,the ceiling © Lizet Ortiz
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▼细部,details © Lizet Ortiz
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▼楼梯,staircase © Lizet Ortiz
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▼楼梯细部,details of the staircase © Lizet Ortiz
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Rancho Cebú是瓦哈卡首家提供住宿的酿酒厂。自2022年以来,RootStudio团队一直专注于为该综合体创建一家酒店,该酒店由其他酿酒厂的废弃旧窑改造而成。建筑中砖的排列方式与旧窑相同,以其形状重现了当地的建筑传统。由此产生的建筑以单层的形式呈现出来,共提供了11套可容纳双人的套房,其中八套客房位于地上,另外三套沉入地下,从远处看,这一排酒店套房整齐排列,作为牧场历史的一部分,与景观融为一体。酒店屋顶设有露天浴缸和瞭望台,同样能够欣赏到洞穴壁画。
Rancho Cebu is the first distillery in Oaxaca to offer accommodation. Since 2022, the RootStudio team has focused on creating a hotel for the complex, built using disused ovens from other distilleries. The bricks have been arranged the same way as in the old kilns, recreating the local building tradition with their shape. The resulting structures are independent bungalows with capacity for two people, eight at ground level and a further three partially sunk into the earth, so that from a distance they may be perceived as an arrangement of objects that have always been part of the history of the ranch, and that blend into the landscape. On the rooftop there is an open-air bathtub and a lookout also with views of the cave paintings.
▼酒店部分,hotel part  © Lizet Ortiz
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▼酒店露台,terrace of the hotel © Lizet Ortiz
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For a later stage, the construction of a church and more bungalows is planned—six built of sheet metal and a further eight of adobe walls combined with agave fiber (obtained as waste material from the harvests)—to make a total of 30 rooms. The variety of materials chosen exemplifies how—just as in the case of agriculture—diversity adds value to the ecosystem. To compensate for the agave monoculture, for example, and following the principles of biodynamic agriculture, corn, squash and beans have been interspersed with them, both providing nutrients to the agave plant and serving as food for the community. In the gardens, the coexistence of different plants has generated an environment that encourages the return of endemic fauna.
▼场地内的集水装置,water collection device in the site © Lizet Ortiz
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For the project, RootStudio made it clear that, both in the conceptualization and in the physical implementation, the distillery should not only use artisanal elements in its construction—that is, made by hand with fully sustainable materials—but should also favor the harmonious growth of the whole complex, so that each new construction or planting would help preserve the local ecosystem. RootStudio reaffirms its commitment to the community through this constantly evolving project that emphasizes the value of Oaxaca’s natural environment.
▼总平面图,master plan © ROOTSTUDIO
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▼平面图,plan © ROOTSTUDIO
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▼立面图,elevations © ROOTSTUDIO
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▼剖面图,section © ROOTSTUDIO
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▼剖面图,sections © ROOTSTUDIO
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▼客房平面图与剖面图,plan and section of the guest room © ROOTSTUDIO
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▼细部详图,detailed drawing © ROOTSTUDIO
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