Villa Santo 优雅极简主义别墅丨塞浦路斯丨SENCE ARCHITECTS

2024/07/24 13:42:00
Villa Santo 优雅极简主义别墅丨塞浦路斯丨SENCE ARCHITECTS-0
Villa Santo has been meticulously designed by SENCE ARCHITECTS and is an exceptional boutique project created for a prestigious Cyprus developer. Villa Santo 由 SENCE ARCHITECTS 倾尽全力精心设计而成,乃是为声名远扬的塞浦路斯开发商倾心打造的卓越精品项目。 It is a perfect blend of elegant minimalism and the unique charm of the Mediterranean, vividly presenting the fascinating ideal vision of modern living space. 它精妙绝伦地将优雅极简主义与地中海独有的魅力完美交融,生动地展现了现代生活空间那令人心驰神往的理想愿景。
Villa Santo 优雅极简主义别墅丨塞浦路斯丨SENCE ARCHITECTS-2
Villa Santo 优雅极简主义别墅丨塞浦路斯丨SENCE ARCHITECTS-3
The spaciousness of the ground floor is eye-catching. The open layout cleverly connects the living room, dining room and kitchen into a whole without any barriers or boundaries, creating a transparent and unrestrained public area. People can freely move between various functional areas, and the communication and interaction between family members becomes smoother and more natural. 在底层空间的规划上,其宽敞开阔的尺度令人眼前一亮。采用的开放式布局,将客厅、餐厅和厨房巧妙地连成一个整体,没有任何阻隔与界限,营造出一种通透大气、毫无拘束的公共区域。置身其中,人们可以自由地穿梭于各个功能区域,家庭成员之间的交流互动也变得更加顺畅自然。
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Villa Santo 优雅极简主义别墅丨塞浦路斯丨SENCE ARCHITECTS-6
Climbing up the stairs to the second floor, a comfortable and pleasant master bedroom comes into view. It is not only equipped with a luxurious ensuite bathroom, allowing people to relax in a private space, but also has a spacious walk-in closet to meet the owner's needs for clothing storage and display. In addition, there are two secondary bedrooms, which share a bathroom, with a reasonable and practical layout. 拾级而上来到二楼,一间舒适宜人的主卧室映入眼帘。这里不仅配备了奢华的套间浴室,让人能在私密的空间中尽情放松身心,还有宽敞的步入式衣柜,满足主人对于衣物收纳和展示的需求。此外,还有两间次卧,它们共用一间浴室,布局合理且实用。
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Villa Santo 优雅极简主义别墅丨塞浦路斯丨SENCE ARCHITECTS-11
Lighting design is a highlight of Villa Santo. The carefully developed multi-level lighting system includes recessed lamps, gorgeous decorative chandeliers and clever hidden LED lighting. Recessed lamps are like stars, providing uniform and soft basic lighting; decorative chandeliers are like bright pearls, becoming the visual focus of the space, adding a gorgeous and romantic atmosphere; hidden LED lighting inadvertently emits warm light, creating a flexible, changeable, comfortable and pleasant lighting atmosphere for the entire space. Whether it is a warm family gathering or a quiet time alone, you can find the most suitable atmosphere through the adjustment of lighting. 照明设计更是 Villa Santo 的一大亮点。精心开发的多层次照明系统,包含了嵌入式灯具、华丽的装饰吊灯和巧妙的隐藏式 LED 照明。嵌入式灯具犹如点点繁星,提供了均匀而柔和的基础照明;装饰吊灯则如同璀璨明珠,成为空间中的视觉焦点,增添了华丽与浪漫的氛围;隐藏式 LED 照明则在不经意间散发着温馨的光芒,为整个空间营造出灵活多变且舒适宜人的照明氛围。无论是温馨的家庭聚会,还是静谧的独处时光,都能通过照明的调节找到最适宜的氛围。
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Villa Santo 优雅极简主义别墅丨塞浦路斯丨SENCE ARCHITECTS-17
The designer has a keen eye for material selection. The warm texture of natural wood, the solidity and beautiful texture of stone, and the delicate touch of high-quality textiles all inject a constant flow of warmth and depth into the interior space. In the living room, the wooden floor makes people feel as if they are embraced by nature; the exquisite stone used for the kitchen countertop is not only durable, but also shows a unique texture charm; in the bedroom, the high-quality textiles bring people a soft and comfortable touch, making people immersed in a warm dream. The clever use of these materials has achieved a harmonious and wonderful balance between modern simplicity and comfortable warmth. 在材料的选择上,设计师独具慧眼。天然木材的温润质感,石材的坚实与纹理之美,以及高质量纺织品的细腻触感,共同为室内空间注入了源源不断的温暖与深度。客厅中,木质地板的铺设让人仿佛能感受到大自然的拥抱;厨房台面选用的精美石材,不仅耐用,更展现出独特的纹理魅力;卧室里,高质量的纺织品则为人们带来柔软舒适的触感,让人沉浸在温馨的梦乡之中。这些材料的巧妙运用,在现代的简约与舒适的温馨之间达成了一种和谐而美妙的平衡。
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Villa Santo 优雅极简主义别墅丨塞浦路斯丨SENCE ARCHITECTS-24
In short, Villa Santo fully demonstrates the highest level of contemporary interior design. With its unique charm, fashionable and cutting-edge design and ultimate comfort experience, it has become a model of desirable living space. It is not just a villa, but also a symbol of a lifestyle, bringing people unparalleled living enjoyment. 总而言之,Villa Santo 充分彰显了当代室内设计的最高水准,以其独一无二的魅力、时尚前沿的设计和极致舒适的体验,成为了令人向往的居住空间典范。它不仅仅是一座别墅,更是一种生活方式的象征,为人们带来了无与伦比的居住享受。
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Villa Santo 优雅极简主义别墅丨塞浦路斯丨SENCE ARCHITECTS-28
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