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2024/07/25 12:10:09
布兰顿艺术博物馆的地面室外空间由Snøhetta重新设计,团队通过精心编排植物、几何形状和艺术元素的设计,将博物馆和前方的马丁‧路德‧金大道(Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard)连接起来,设计与城市景致生动交织。从博物馆朝奥斯汀这条著名大道望去,能够直接看见南方的德克萨斯州议会大厦(Texas State Capitol),Snøhetta的设计便在议会大厦和博物馆大胆的新艺术方针(包括聚焦拉丁裔和酷儿艺术家)之间创造出一种微妙的政治对话。
Snøhetta has created a comprehensive grounds redesign for The Blanton Museum of Art at The University of Texas at Austin. The new grounds initiative unified and revitalized the museum campus across approximately 200,000 square feet, including two buildings and Ellsworth Kelly’s Austin. The project has created a new cultural nexus where Austin’s civic center meets the University of Texas campus. A series of architectural additions work together with public shade sculptures and a new landscape design to give the Blanton Museum of Art a bold new presence that reflects its artistic direction. The Blanton’s courtyard currently forms a gateway where Congress Avenue, the city’s main north-south axis, meets the main pedestrian spine of the UT campus. Ellsworth Kelly’s Austin holds a place of pride on the museum’s northern side, while the Texas State Capitol is directly visible to the south across Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard. Snøhetta’s design unifies the museum campus with the city’s prominent avenue through a choreography of planting, geometry and art.
▼项目概览,overview © Casey Dunn
▼远望德克萨斯州议会大厦,Texas State Capitol is directly visible to the south © Casey Dunn
博物馆地面室外空间经过重新设计后,古巴裔美籍抽象画家卡门‧埃雷拉(Carmen Herrera)特别为博物馆创作的壁画成为瞩目亮点。这是卡门‧埃雷拉的首个重大公共壁画创作,沿米切纳画廊大楼(Michener Gallery Building)拱廊的内墙设置,横跨大楼该侧墙面的整个长度,博物馆入口也正正设于这幅墙身的中央位置。
The redesigned grounds include a new site-specific mural by renowned Cuban-American abstract painter Carmen Herrera that was commissioned by the Blanton. It is the first major public mural by Herrera. Sited on the interior wall under the Michener Gallery Building’s loggia, it spans the length of the building, with the museum’s entrance in the middle.
▼公共壁画与博物馆入口,mural and museum entrance © Casey Dunn
▼立面细部,facade detail © Casey Dunn
▼廊下空间,porch space © Casey Dunn
布兰顿艺术博物馆中央聚集空间除了栽种树木和植物,还设置了一组花瓣雕塑顶篷,不仅形成具有遮阳功能的微气候环境,也通过顶篷缝隙创造出随日照舞动的光影效果。花瓣雕塑顶篷通过几何、景观和光影的层层设计,与博物馆和埃尔斯沃思‧凯利(Ellsworth Kelly)设计的教堂相映成趣。
The museum’s landscape vision is defined by a series of new gardens and entry points that knit the grounds together with the streetscape and campus. From Congress Avenue, visitors now approach the courtyard under which offer a threshold from the busy streetscape while framing Kelly’s Austin beyond. With a climate future that will see more intense weather and drought, the project adapted the existing structures and landscapes for this change. Rising above the trees, a canopy of petal sculptures creates a shaded microclimate with dappled light that follows the sun. Standing 40 feet tall, each petal is made of perforated panels and spans 30 feet in diameter, equipped with drainage that moves water from the upper canopy through the column down to grade, allowing for infiltration and passive irrigation into the surrounding subgrade.
▼花瓣雕塑顶篷,flower petal arched vaults © Casey Dunn
The perforations of the petals, while smooth on the exterior, are raised on the inside moving water toward the drainage system. Their curving outlines, inspired by the arched vaults of the loggia that outline the museum, help highlight views of Ellsworth Kelly’s Austin and the Capitol.
▼穿孔面板,perforations of the petals © Casey Dunn
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