

这是顶帽子/这是蛇吃了大象。 所有的大人都曾经是孩子,虽然,只有少数人记得。-《小王子》 This is a hat. This is a boa constrictor swallowing an elephant. All grown-ups were once children -- although few of them remember it. -The Little Prince
万物也许在柔软中蕴含了更多的可能性。 造型/墙体/家具/展示不再是单一规划在空间之中。有没有一种可能结合起来?造型也是家具/墙体也是展示/家具也是展示/造型也是流动等等,由此作为思考的起点。 Through softness, everything has more possibilities. Is it possible to integrate modelling, walls, furniture and display in one plan for the space? The idea that these elements can be interchangeable is the starting point for this design.
时肌面部SPA空间面积为121㎡左右,硬性要求接待等候、检测、四间单人间以及两间双人间的SPA房间、消毒间茶水间、卫生间化妆间、办公室。 TIMING SPA covers 121 square meters. It is mandatory to include a reception and examination area, four single rooms and two double SPA rooms, a disinfected pantry, a toilet/ dressing room, and offices.
首先尝试分割区块,组织最适合的功能分布。利用公共空间和私密空间的墙体模糊内外边界,按照不同的流线功能场景,推拉/变形/挤出/凹入/导弧/衔接。形成是墙体是展示是收纳是座椅的流动空间。色彩上,柔软的蓝绿色与细腻的奶油白相互交织,形成素净空间氛围。用光影的强弱来契合色彩上的变化内外的分层。为了凸显视觉上粗糙质感,触觉上的柔美光滑。采用艺术涂料来强化人体验上的反差矛盾。 First, we divide the space to realise the most appropriate functional blocks, drawing on the walls of public and private space to blur the inner and outer boundaries. We make pushes and pulls, deformations, extrusions, recesses, arcs and links according to different streamlined functional scenes, resulting in flowing walls that can also be used for display, storage and seats. In terms of colour, soft blue-green and delicate cream white intertwine to create a pure atmosphere. We also use the strength of light and shadow to match the changes in colour, both inside and outside. In order to highlight the visually rough texture and the tactile softness and smoothness, art paint is used to strengthen the contrast in human experience.
在大量的尝试中寻找这块柔软的边界,成为人/空间/功能/精神的关联。人不单只在空间中体验肌肤的变化,从一开始所有细节当中已经考虑到了整体。这些细节不但是整体的一部分,也会有各自的独立性。在有限的时间中体验空间的流动/矛盾/变化/静谧/宁和。 A connection is made between human, space, function and spirit after a number of attempts to seek out the soft boundary. Customers will experience improvements in their skin status, and the moment they enter the space, all the details of the space point to that end. They will, in the limited time here, experience the flow, contradiction, transitions, and tranquillity of the place.
有意中制造无意,在有序中遇见混沌,在具象中找寻柔软,在时间中呵护那颗可爱之心。 It’s designed to make people feel casualness in the intentional arrangements, to integrate chaos and order, to seek softness in concrete shapes and to care for the pure and lovely in time.