诺拉住宅丨比利时丨Glenn Sestig Architects

2024/07/26 10:00:12
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Belgium, a European country adjacent to the Netherlands, did not usher in the modern changes in the field of art and architecture due to the destruction of the war like the former, its retained history and widely spread international style gave birth to its unique development context. Natural and modern elements interweave and grow in the space, interpreting the materialized expression of symbiosis thought in architecture.
Residence Norah
Glenn Sestig Architects
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Residence Norah位于比利时弗拉芒大区的宁静村庄Deurle,这里依傍Lys河,吸引了众多艺术家
。地产商Ahmed El-Saidy遂委托Glenn Sestig Architects,对建筑师Eddy François在20世纪末创作的现代主义住宅进行改造,旨在将其转型为一个建筑艺术的展示舞台,用于举办各类专业会议与文化活动,使之成为艺术与设计交流的中心。
Residence Norah is located in the Flemish village of Deurle, near the Lys River, where many Belgian artists settled. So real estate businessman Ahmed El-Saidy commissioned Glenn Sestig Architects to transform Eddy Francoiss late 20th century modernist house into a showcase for architectural work and conferences and events.
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Glenn Sestig uses existing architectural structures to further develop Eddy Francois design concept, incorporating minimalist textures into the layers of detail to increase the tactile experience. In addition, the architects added a set of interior steps that echo the garden, bringing the interior and exterior Spaces closer together through subtle changes in height.
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B Residence
Vincent Van Duysen
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简洁的线条、中性且鲜明的亮暗对比以及天然材料的使用是比利时建筑师Vincent Van Duysen的标志性美学风格,在这座位于科莫的陡坡住宅中,他将传统的稻草屋顶和塔楼通过更具现代性的材料加以表达,并通过舒缓的色彩达成了景观与建筑之间的平衡。
Clean lines, neutral and stark light and dark contrasts, and the use of natural materials are the signature aesthetic of Belgian architect Vincent Van Duysen. In this steep slope house in Como, he has transformed the traditional straw roof and tower into a more modern material. The balance between landscape and architecture is achieved through soothing colors.
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The main living space of the house is elevated, with a semi-outdoor staircase leading to a cantilevered terrace. The facade of the entrance takes the white chimney as the composition center, and the combination view interspersed with the volume forms the visual focus, establishing the narrative tendency of deepening step by step for the open space sequence, conveying the quiet and eternal space experience.
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PN Penthouse
Vincent Van Duysen
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PN Penthouse位于安特卫普的一座住宅大楼内,Vincent Van Duysen从路易斯·巴拉干以及荷兰风格派的作品中汲取灵感,将色彩的对比变化与本土的古典艺术相结合,通过柔和的视觉氛围体现历史与当代交织的生活美学。
PN Penthouse, located in a residential building in Antwerp, Vincent Van Duysen draws inspiration from the work of Louis Barragan and the Dutch School of Style, combining contrasting variations of colour with indigenous classical art to create a soft visual atmosphere that reflects the intersection of historical and contemporary living aesthetics.
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Upon entering the apartment, the eye is drawn to the sun-filled terrace and the city view beyond. The central core living room is flanked by a small arboreal atrium, which separates the living room from the dining room, and the view of the adjacent building is obscured by the lush plant landscape. In addition, the interior design of the apartment emphasizes the use of terrazzo, wood and vintage furniture, creating a soothing and cohesive atmosphere.
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ES. House
Simon de Burbure
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在弗拉芒大区的市镇Sint-Martens-Latem中,Simon de Burbure以减少能源消耗和碳足迹为目标,利用大量的自然材料为客户设计了这座达到最高生态标准的住宅。建筑内部所用的集成技术与循环体系备受关注,生动诠释了有机自然的未来发展理念。
Simon de Burbure aimed to reduce energy consumption and carbon footprint in Sint-Martens-Latem, a town in the Flemish region, using a large number of natural materials to design a house for the client that meets the highest ecological standards. The integrated technology and circulation system used in the interior of the building has attracted much attention, and vividly interprets the concept of organic natural future development.
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The exterior structure of the house and the internal walls have been selected with a unified stucco finish, retaining the original color and hand-made traces to add an organic appearance and texture. The oak, stone and linen used in the furnishings echo the neutral main tone and enrich the design details through the contrast between the materials.
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