Klim Coffee Roasting Co·咖啡馆丨澳大利亚丨SuiL

2024/07/20 17:00:00
Klim Coffee Roasting Co.坐落于澳大利亚维多利亚州韦弗利山(Mount Waverley)繁华的东南郊区,是一家初创精品商业开发公司,致力于成为咖啡爱好者的基石。这家旗舰咖啡馆不仅提供优质咖啡,还拥有自己的咖啡豆烘焙工坊,旨在为顾客创造独特的体验。
Located in a new boutique business development in the bustling southeastern suburb of Mount Waverley, Victoria, Australia, Klim Coffee Roasting Co. is set to become a cornerstone for coffee enthusiasts. This flagship café not only offers exceptional coffee but also houses its own coffee bean roastery, creating a unique experience for its patrons.
▼咖啡馆概览,overall of the cafe© Peter Clarke Photography
Klim Coffee Roasting Co·咖啡馆丨澳大利亚丨SuiL-3
客户愿景 Client Vision 客户希望在商业中心开设一家独特的咖啡馆以及烘焙工坊,为内部员工提供一个诱人的用餐空间,同时与所有客人分享整个咖啡制作过程和他们独特的咖啡故事。
The client envisions a distinctive café and roastery within a business hub, providing an inviting space for in-house dining while sharing the entire coffee-making process and their unique coffee story with all guests.
▼吧台,café counter© Peter Clarke Photography
Klim Coffee Roasting Co·咖啡馆丨澳大利亚丨SuiL-7
现有空间 Existing Space
The original site was a cold-shell tenancy featuring two frontages with aluminum-framed glazing and a set of bi-folding doors on one of the frontages, connecting to an outdoor platform.
▼平面图,floor plan© SuiL
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设计方法 Design Approach
With the client’s vision in mind, our design approach aims to create a unique identity for the space through the concept of designated workshop of craftmanship via “grid” and “box” design language. By introducing new design elements and materials, we seek to transform the experience of the space.
▼室内外空间无缝衔接,seamless connection between indoor and outdoor spaces© Peter Clarke Photography
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Grid Concept
“网格”概念奠定了设计的基础。网格的位置参考了现有的窗框,形成了新的内部结构框架。框架由柱和梁组成,定义了内部空间,同时最大限度地利用了玻璃立面的视觉连接。网格系统容纳了咖啡馆的所有功能,包括:咖啡吧台、零售展示、公共餐桌、酒吧桌,以及被称为“The Box”的烘焙室。
The grid design sets out the canvas for the new identity. The position of the grid references the existing window mullions and forms the structural backbone of the new interior. This framework, consisting of columns and beams, defines the internal space while maximizing the use and visual connection of the glazing frontages. Within this grid system, all the functions of the café are formed, including the café counter, retail display, communal tables, bar tables, and the Roast Room, known as “The Box.”
wooden grid frame with columns and beams© Peter Clarke Photography
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▼烘焙室入口,entrance of the roast room© Peter Clarke Photography
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The Box – 烘焙室
The Box – Roast Room
烘焙室以“The Box(盒子)”为概念,是空间的中心和核心。从任何一侧的玻璃立面向内看,都能清晰地看到烘焙室,这种设计是为了让客人们透过窗或大门观察咖啡的制作过程。从烘焙室内部,人们可以看到咖啡馆内外发生的所有活动,在烘焙和包装咖啡的同时,营造出强烈的联系感。
The Roast Room, designed as “The Box,” serves as the centerpiece and heart of the space. It is positioned to be visible from all glazing frontages, allowing guests to observe the coffee-making process through the picture frame windows or the barn door. From within the Roast Room, one can see all activities happening in the café inside and outside, fostering a strong sense of connection while creating the roastery and packaging.
▼烘焙室内部,interior view of the roast room© Peter Clarke Photography
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▼细部,details© Peter Clarke Photography
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Klim Coffee Roasting Co·咖啡馆丨澳大利亚丨SuiL-35
创造联系 Creating Connection 创造联系是设计中的关键考虑因素。咖啡吧台欢迎着从正门进来的客人。随着双折叠门的完全打开,室外空间成为咖啡馆的延伸,无缝连接室内外区域。吧台的座位为客人们提供了与咖啡师交谈和联系的机会。手工制作的公共长桌策略性地位于烘焙室和咖啡吧台之间,可用于举办社区用餐体验活动,并提供整个咖啡制作过程的景观。对着吧台的窗户可以让人们在享受景色的同时随意停留。
Creating connections within the tenancy is a key consideration. The café counter welcomes guests coming from the main entrance. With the bi-folding door fully opened, the outdoor space becomes an extension of the café, seamlessly connecting the indoor and outdoor areas. Bar seating at the café counter provides opportunities for conversation and connection with the barista. A single-piece handmade communal table is strategically located between the Roast Room and the café counter, hosting a community dining experience and providing views of the entire coffee-making process. The window against the bar table allows people to have a casual stay while enjoying views from the frontage.
the communal table is located between the Roast Room and the café counter© Peter Clarke Photography
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▼面向玻璃立面的座位区,seating area facing the glazing facade© Peter Clarke Photography
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Material Palette
The new design system employs wood and timber to create a warm, bright atmosphere, in stark contrast to the original cold concrete and aluminum feel. Porcelain slabs and steel plates are seamlessly integrated into the system, acting as the café counter, table, and display shelves, while ensuring that the Roast Room remains the focal point.
▼吧台,café counter© Peter Clarke Photography
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▼细部,details© Peter Clarke Photography
Klim Coffee Roasting Co·咖啡馆丨澳大利亚丨SuiL-50
Project Name:Klim Coffee Roasting Co.
Office Name:SuiL
Completion Year: 2024
Gross Built Area (m2/ ft2): Total 171.1m2 (136m2 internal, 35.1m2 External)
Project Location: Mount Waverley, Victoria, Australia
Program / Use / Building Function:Café
Project Team: Jingcong Liu, Songyun Sui
Photo Credits: Peter Clarke Photography
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