Kavčí Hory 办公园区景观丨意大利布拉丨Atelier Partero

2024/07/30 16:36:33
Our client in this project is a company managing office buildings with excellent location, visibility and advanced infrastructure. Not only is the accessibility of the buildings from public transport, shops and parks important to the client’s philosophy, but also – and above all – the quality of the space in the immediate vicinity of the buildings. Thus, the original complex is to be transformed from a paved area with vague areas of lawn into a residential park in a pleasant green environment. And this is where we come into play.
▼项目概览,overview of the project© Atelier Partero
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为了使Kavčí hory的办公中心的选址达到这些标准,办公楼的整体周围环境需要改造提升和景观美化。原本的景观方案已有十年的历史,不符合投资者亲客户氛围的标准。员工上班时几乎没有理由在室外停留,没有任何东西可以吸引他们走出办公室休息,甚至连路人也没有机会驻足或大饱眼福。因此设计任务很清晰。广阔的铺地需要重新粉刷,并使员工们上班和下班更加愉悦。设计师希望能为这里增添一种品质,让路人,午休的员工,非正式的室外会面人员,团建者们驻足停留。
In order for the location of the office centre in Kavčí hory to reach these standards, the entire surrounding area of the office buildings needs to be revitalised and landscaped. The original implementation, which is about ten years old, does not meet the standards of the investor’s pro-client ambience. Employees have hardly any reason to stop outside when they come to work, there is nothing to lure them out of the office for a break, and even passers-by have no opportunity to stop or feast their eyes. So the task is clear. The vast paved areas need to be whitewashed, and made more pleasant for coming to work and going home. We want to imbue this place with a quality for the passerby, for staying during work break, lunch or for informal outdoor meeting or team-building.
▼改造后场地,site after renovation © Atelier Partero
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▼座位区,seating area © Atelier Partero
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通过在生长地大面积种植植被、树木以及植入新的绿色屋顶,实现了粉饰一新的效果和空间的舒适性。因此,虽然看起来并不明显,但这个项目的主要困难在于,建筑物附近的大部分区域都位于地下车库的上方。因此,建筑师在处理屋顶上的植被时,会受到结构承重能力和可用基质层的限制,在选择植被的范围上也会受到限制。原始的铺地必须被保持,但设计师设法用新的大面积绿色屋顶将其打破。在不可能通过美化环境或利用屋顶绿化来抬高地面的地方,设计会在容器中种植多年生植物、草本和木本植物。经过和结构工程师的精心考虑和确认,设计师在选定的区域放置带有胶涂层的 XXL 玻璃纤维容器。这些优雅的容器可容纳中等大小的木本植物,是户外容器的轻便之选。它们与 PPAG 建筑师用聚氨酯手工制作的 Enzi 城市家具相得益彰。
The effect of whitewashing and cosiness of the space is achieved through the use of large areas of vegetation on the growing ground, new tree plantings, as well as new green roofs. Because, although it does not look like it at first sight, the main difficulty of this project is that a large part of the areas in the immediate vicinity of the buildings are located above the underground garages. We are therefore dealing with vegetation on the roof, we are limited by the load-bearing capacity of the structure, the usable substrate layer and we are also limited in terms of the choice from the range of vegetation. The original paving had to be retained but we have managed to break it up with new areas of extensive green roof. Where it is not possible to raise the ground with landscaping or use roof greenery, we plant perennials, grasses and woody plants in containers. After consideration and confirmation by a structural engineer, we place XXL fiberglass containers with a gelcoat coating in selected areas. These elegant containers can accommodate medium-sized woody plants and are a lightweight option for outdoor containers. And they are a great complement to the handmade Enzi urban furniture made of polyurethane by PPAG architects.
▼大面积种植植被,large areas of vegetation © Atelier Partero
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▼实现空间的舒适性,achieve the cosiness of the space © Atelier Partero
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▼多种植被的组合,combination of various plants © Atelier Partero
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高品质花园的区域,它承担着 “公园 ”的重任,有助于使空间更加人性化。不仅如此,还设有室外家具——大量的新的长椅,不同类型的座椅,为瑜伽设计的大型木质露台,自行车道,垃圾桶,乒乓球桌,吊绳木桩,雨伞和其他可以停放餐车或类似的临时设备。所以员工们不需要立刻去工作,你可以选择在草地上休息,吃午饭或者躺下。
The area of high quality residential lawn, which bears the ‘park’ load, helps to humanize the space. In addition, there is also outdoor furniture – lots of new benches, different types of seating, a large wooden terrace for yoga, bike racks, trash cans, ping pong tables, slackline posts, umbrellas, and several places ready for parking a food truck or similar pop-up equipment. So you don’t just have to run to work, you can sit, have lunch or lie down on the lawn.
▼更加人性化的空间,humanize the space© Atelier Partero
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▼可以休憩的空间,space where you can lie down© Atelier Partero
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We then brought the large area to life by using a bright colour palette, playful container shapes and witty furnishings. A wide range of colours are featured in the planting, using flowering perennials and meadows, and in the colourful furnishings. Some elements have been left in the natural colour of wood or pure anthracite and white, so that there is something for everyone – those who need a boost and color in their lives, and those who prefer to be calm and natural.
▼细部,detail © Atelier Partero
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设计师希望所有的四脚兽都能在这里快乐行走,享受一段轻松愉快的上班之路,并在午餐后得到充分的休息、下班后在Kavčí hory的某个中庭进行户外运动和游戏!
We wish all a pleasant walk with your four-legged friend, a brisk journey to work, a pleasant break, a rest after lunch, and after work, perhaps an outdoor sport and game in one of our atriums on the Kavčí hory!
▼平面,plan © Atelier Partero
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Location: Prague, Czechia
year: 2020
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