

The “mixed community” is located in Gaoshan Village, Wenjiang District, Chengdu. The site was originally a village committee compound, which was vacant due to the merger of administrative villages. The town government hopes to revitalize this compound and create an agricultural exhibition research base, providing opportunity for young people to return to their hometowns to start businesses, and at the same time serving as a cultural and leisure venue for the surrounding suburban communities.
▼面向田野,facing the fields©存在建筑
▼小尺度组团和村落的融合,small scale clusters merge with the village©存在建筑
▼乡村中的社区,community in the village©金伟琦
生长的聚落 Growing Settlement 院子里原有一栋二层的办公楼,院门口几棵高大的梧桐树,以及西侧的竹林。为了契合乡村环境,我们采用小尺度聚落的概念进行构思,通过互相连接、避让树木的方式在院子里形成一个新的建筑群落,就好像是从原有建筑和竹林中生长出来一样。▼场地轴测,site axonometric©MAT 超级建筑
There was originally a two-story office building in the yard, several tall sycamore trees on the south, and a bamboo forest on the west side. In order to fit the rural environment, we adopted the concept of small-scale settlements to form a new building community in the yard by connecting with each other and avoiding trees, as if it grew out of the original buildings and bamboo forest.
▼隐在竹林中,hidden in the bamboo forest©存在建筑
▼面对竹林的露台,terrace facing the bamboo forest©存在建筑
▼白色民宿小院一角,the corner of the white homestay©存在建筑
Units and Structures
新建建筑采用了 6×6 米的模数来构建聚落单元,方块形的小单元从原来的房子延伸出来,通过不同方向的旋转连接成组。整个平面由两套约 60 度夹角的正交柱网控制,为了结构消隐和内部空间的简洁,我们采用了大量异形柱将墙、柱、梁三者交接成都是 200mm 厚的整体,并在挑空和天井处采用三角形平面的剪力墙进行结构稳定。四组三角形混凝土墙和围绕其周围的异形柱形成了一个完整的结构体系,并带来室内、室外、挑空、围合等等多种空间形态,形成内外模糊的多层次开放空间。
▼结构平面,structural layout©MAT 超级建筑
▼结构和空间关系,structure and space©MAT 超级建筑
The new building uses a 6×6 meter module to construct settlement units. The small square units extend from the original house and are connected into groups by rotating in different directions. The entire floor plane is controlled by two sets of orthogonal column grids with an angle of about 60 degrees. In order to hide the structure and simplify the internal space, we use a large number of special-shaped columns to connect the walls, columns, and beams into a 200mm thick whole, and use triangular plane shear walls in the voids and patios for structural stability. Four sets of triangular concrete walls and the special-shaped columns surrounding them form a complete structural system, which brings a variety of spatial forms such as indoor, outdoor, void, enclosure, etc., forming a multi-level open space with blurred inside and outside.
▼主入口和展厅,main entrance and exhibition hall©存在建筑
▼入口海报墙,poster wall at the entrance©金伟琦
▼乡创展厅入口的檐下空间,space under the eave©存在建筑
▼院子里的下沉小剧场, amphitheater in the courtyard©存在建筑
▼大树下的社区,community under the tree©存在建筑
▼秋日大树下,under the autumn tree©存在建筑
▼秋日树屋下的嬉戏,children play under the tree building©存在建筑
材料和氛围 Materials and Atmosphere
▼材料选择,material selection©MAT 超级建筑
Since the “mixed community” has functions for different groups of people, the material language and spatial tonality of each functional area are also different. The exhibition room, cafe, small book house and other public activities and cultural functions use a lot of wooden shingles and bamboo windows made on site by carpenters on the background of concrete walls. The outdoor terrace of the renovated part uses dense bamboo strips as sunshade and partition. The newly built homestay in the backyard is a group of white cottages with patios. These local materials bring people a warm and familiar experience, and their wild temperament also fits the suburban rural background environment where the project is located. We used steel plates and steel grille components in the indoor stairs, sky bridges and roof terrace areas, hoping to create a light and simple spatial feature through the use of these metal materials, combined with a large number of exposed concrete walls and floor slabs in the interior space.
▼三种材料的混合社区,three different materials©存在建筑
▼混凝土房子和白房子,concrete building and white building©金伟琦
▼保留的银杏和新建片墙,maintain the ginkgo tree and new built wall©存在建筑
▼白色的民宿小院,homestay courtyard©存在建筑
▼白色民宿小院的天井,the patio in the courtyard©存在建筑
▼混凝土墙和钢楼梯,concrete wall and steel staircase©金伟琦
▼钢楼梯和竹林,steel staircase and bamboo forest©金伟琦
▼空中的钢格栅桥,steel lattice bridge©金伟琦
Community and Operation
The project ultimately formed a mixed rural community that integrates accommodation, exhibition, study, theater, coffee and leisure functions, and hopes to explore the possibility of a new type of rural public building. “Garlic Coffee” is the first brand incubated by this project. The continuous operation of activities has also attracted many young college students to return home during the holidays to participate in local activities. The operation team hopes that this model can form a positive demonstration effect.
▼大蒜咖啡入口,“Garlic Coffee” entrance©存在建筑
▼咖啡入口的檐下空间,space under the eave©存在建筑
▼咖啡厅树屋,cafe treehouse©存在建筑
▼咖啡厅通往二层平台的楼梯,staircase towards the upper floor©存在建筑
▼内外通透的咖啡厅,cafewith transparent facade©存在建筑
▼下沉报告厅和庭院中的儿童,children play in the courtyard©金伟琦
▼三角庭院,triangular courtyard©金伟琦
▼沉入地下的小剧场,underground theater©存在建筑
▼小剧场顶棚,the theater ceiling©存在建筑
▼庭院中玩耍的儿童,children play in the courtyard©金伟琦
The original sycamore tree on the site passes through the top of the cafe, forming a lovely “tree house”; tents are set up on the spacious second-floor platform; tea tables and mahjong are set up in the glass house in the bamboo forest; children run happily everywhere in and outside the yard… The construction and use are strictly controlled and casual. Looking around in the courtyard, the different material languages of concrete, bamboo, wooden tiles, and white walls collide and mix with each other, which also enhances the lively atmosphere of this rural community. When revisited it in summer after the using for more than half a year, plants inside and outside the yard were swaying and lush, as if something had grown out of the site and the house, full of vitality.
▼晚霞中的榜样社区,community at night©存在建筑
▼夜幕下面对入口的展厅,the exhibition hall at night©金伟琦
▼夜晚的树屋,treehouse at night©金伟琦
▼夜幕中的静谧后院,peaceful backyard at night©存在建筑
▼模型,model©MAT 超级建筑
▼场地区位,site map©MAT 超级建筑
▼总平面图,site plan©MAT 超级建筑
▼首层平面,ground floor plan©MAT 超级建筑
▼二层平面,first floor plan©MAT 超级建筑
▼剖面图,section©MAT 超级建筑
▼设计概念,design concept©MAT 超级建筑
▼形态生成,form generation©MAT 超级建筑
▼结构柱类型,column typology©MAT 超级建筑
▼细部,detail©MAT 超级建筑
▼材料施工过程,construction progress©MAT 超级建筑
建筑设计:MAT 超级建筑事务所
建筑面积:3000 平方米
Project: Chengdu Wenjiang CSA Youth Community
Location: Tuanjiequ Road, Wanchun Town, Wenjiang District, Chengdu
Architecture Design: MAT Office
Design Team: TANG Kangshuo, ZHANG Miao, LIU Youpeng, HE Ningyan, WANG Feiyu, LI Xitong, LI Yue (drawing), LI Xin (drawing)
Built Area: 3000 square meters
Year of Design: 2022.04-2022.10
Year of Construction: 2022.10-2023.10
Material: concrete, wooden tile, bamboo strip, steel grille
Photograph: Arch-Exist, JIN Weiqi