
2024/07/31 17:06:50
设计初衷 Design Concept
“Discovering this Forgotten Space”
Through analysis and deduction of the public space and community activity service radius in the original Liwan District, it has been found to be a valuable public space within the old city area. A well-executed transformation could effectively fill the final blind spot in Xiguan community’s outdoor activity service radius.
“Revitalize, Let it be Remembered and Used by More Citizens”
Situated adjacent to a modern upscale residential area, the site’s previous transformation left accessibility and functional use incomplete, resulting in a lack of vitality. We aim for this current transformation to comprehensively revitalize the site.
“Sustainable Use, Becoming One of the Indispensable and Rare Public Spaces in the Old City Area”
With the opening of the Railway Museum’s indoor exhibition, our design extends to the outdoor space, integrating it into Xiguan’s outdoor activity network and ensuring that the various activities taking place on the site continue to evolve.
“A Public Space Rich in Multiple Meanings”
Emphasizing the uniqueness of the community public space, riverside space, and historical and cultural space attributes overlapping within the same site.
▼东向远景鸟瞰,Eastward distant view aerial perspective©九里建筑摄影
▼西关地区公园服务半径分析,Analysis of park service radius in xiguan area©《广州西关典型的公共空间与城市生活—当前的问题与对策》罗韵姗
注:服务半径是指公园使用者从居住地到达公园的距离尺度。服务半径的确定依据:城市的大小、公园的规模、公园的性质、公园主要服务对象。服务半径的国内参考指标∶市级公园服务半径 2.0~3.0 公里;区级公园服务半径为 1.0~1.5 公里;居住区公园服务半径为 0.5~1.0 公里;小区游园服务半径为 0.3~0.5 公里。
The information presented in the analysis suggests that if the design can truly revitalize this site through renovation, it will greatly improve the fragmented and cramped status of public activity spaces in Liwan District, stimulate more citizen activities, and enhance the outdoor activity willingness and atmosphere of Guangzhou citizens.
▼远景鸟瞰,distant view aerial perspective©九里建筑摄影
Project Overview
The site records a hundred years of railway cultural history.
原址为粤汉铁路黄沙车站旧址。黄沙车站始建于光绪 27 年(1901 年),系粤汉铁路起点的水陆联运的大型客货运站。民国 37 年(即 1948 年),粤汉铁路已经全线通车投入运营,达到繁盛的时期。随着国家建设和经济发展、客货通行流量增大,粤汉铁路逐渐被京广铁路、武广铁路所取代,于 2005 年停用,改为临时仓库等用途。两栋保留建筑建于 1970 年代,于 2014 年作为“粤汉铁路黄沙车站旧址”被列入广州市首批历史建筑名录。
▼项目区位,The location of the project©《广东省城内外全图》1907 年
▼项目区位,The location of the project©《最新广州特别市马路交通图》1948 年
▼场地变迁图,Site Transformation Process©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
▼水陆联运时代的印记,Marks of the era of intermodal transport©南都广州
The Guangzhou Railway Museum is located in the Huangsha area, southwest of the old city district, adjacent to the Pearl River, with a view of Datansha to the west and connecting to Bai’e Lake to the east. The original site was the former site of the Huangsha Station of the Guangzhou-Wuchang Railway. Huangsha Station was built in the 27th year of the Guangxu Emperor’s reign (1901) and was a large passenger and freight station for water and land transportation at the starting point of the Guangzhou-Wuchang Railway. In the 37th year of the Republic of China (1948), the Guangzhou-Wuchang Railway was fully operational, reaching its peak. With the increase in national construction, economic development, and the flow of passengers and freight, the Guangzhou-Wuchang Railway was gradually replaced by the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway and the Wuhan-Guangzhou Railway. It was discontinued in 2005 and converted for temporary warehouse use, among other purposes. Two preserved buildings were constructed in the 1970s and were listed in the first batch of historical buildings in Guangzhou in 2014 as the “Former Site of Huangsha Station of the Guangzhou-Han Railway.” The existing plot has various buildings and structures, many of which once served railway operations. Currently, the rail tracks have been removed, and remnants of the former railway have been partially preserved.
▼远景鸟瞰,distant view aerial perspective©九里建筑摄影
设计理念 Design Concept
项目将两栋保留建筑及周边环境改造为铁路博物馆,既保留珍贵的历史痕迹,又注入全新的现代活力,实现“场地·建筑·展品”一体化展示。我们将 800 米滨江带作为一个整体的场地来构思设计:以场地遗留的铁轨痕迹、驳岸要素作为贯串场地设计的骨架脉络;以保留建筑和铁路轨迹作为承载场地故事以及现代生活的容器。
▼五大设计策略,Five major design strategies©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
Continuation – Overall Planning and Design (2006-2012)During this phase, the project transformed two preserved buildings and their surrounding environment into a railway museum. This endeavor aimed to not only preserve precious historical traces but also infuse them with a fresh modern vitality, achieving an integrated display of “site, architecture, and exhibits.”We approached the 800-meter riverside belt as a cohesive entity, leveraging the remnants of railway tracks and embankment elements as the foundational framework for site design. The preserved buildings and railway tracks served as vessels, carrying the narrative of the site’s history and modern life.Follow-up – Landscape Renovation Design (2019-2023)The significance of over a century of railway history can only truly be appreciated through the thorough revitalization of public spaces in the old city area. To achieve this, we have meticulously crafted six key design strategies:1.Enhancement of Accessibility2.Post-Occupancy Evaluation + Minor Renovations3.Integration of Railway Cultural Elements4.Spatial Revitalization5.Functional Diversification6.Spatial ReproductionThese six design strategies are formulated with the aim of allowing history to be embedded within the site, engaging in dialogue with the past across space and time, revitalizing the public spaces of the site, attracting more people to engage in activities, and ultimately enabling culture to be truly “seen” and passed down.
▼设计推演,Derivation of design concepts©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
策略一 提升可达性 Strategy 1: Enhancing Accessibility
▼周边交通分析,Analysis of Surrounding Transportation©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
▼周边公共交通站点,Surrounding Public Transportation Stations©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
Replanning multiple visitor routes within the museum grounds to improve internal pedestrian accessibility. Externally, by analyzing surrounding road traffic, metro exits, public transportation routes, residential area entrances, non-motorized traffic, and parking lots, we integrate the site’s internal pedestrian routes with the community, making it an accessible part of the community.
▼场地步行流线分析,Venue pedestrian traffic flow©九里建筑摄影、华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
策略二 POE+微改造
Strategy 2: Post-Occupancy Evaluation + Minor Renovations
▼现状问题,Current Issues©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
▼水景改造方案可行性分析,Feasibility Analysis of Water Feature Renovation Plan
After surveying public feedback on site usage and considering the designers’ on-site experiences, the design team decided to make micro-renovations respecting the site’s general outline. This includes site refurbishment, adding green spaces, lighting design, water feature modifications, and installing a steam locomotive as an exhibit.
▼景观鸟瞰,distant view aerial perspective©九里建筑摄影
策略三 铁路文化元素融入——24 小时露天博物馆展览
Strategy 3: Integration of Railway Cultural Elements – 24-Hour Outdoor Museum Exhibition
设置不同历史年代的火车机车作为重要的展品,充分利用各种大大小小的铁路文化元素(各类指示牌、路标、不同材料的轨道、道砟、道闸等)组织并点缀景观空间,营造一个户外铁路文化展场,作为室内博物馆的延伸,打造成为 24 小时开放的户外博物馆。
Different locomotives from various historical periods will be prominently displayed as important exhibits, utilizing a wide range of railway cultural elements (such as signage, milestones, tracks made from different materials, ballast, level crossings, etc.) to organize and embellish the landscape. This will create an outdoor railway culture exhibition space, serving as an extension of the indoor museum and operating as a 24-hour outdoor museum.
▼火车、道砟、轨道等铁路元素运用在景观设计中,The incorporation of train, ballast, tracks, and other railway elements into landscape design©九里建筑摄影
策略四 空间活化
Strategy 4: Spatial Activation
▼西向鸟瞰,Westward Aerial View©九里建筑摄影、华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
The integration of railway cultural elements within the site is not merely about placing them rigidly. Building upon various railway cultural elements, we have extended the concept to include railway ballast gardens and distinctive rail track pavements, serving as the main landscape nodes of the site. Furthermore, as a crucial public green space within the community, the site should be maximally developed and utilized. By employing the Time Tunnel – railway ballast garden as the landscape axis, with green patches, various locomotives, and water features as embellishments, along with the flow of pedestrian traffic throughout the site, every previously neglected corner has been revitalized, attracting new vitality after the transformation.
▼主要景观节点,the main landscape nodes©九里建筑摄影
策略五 空间重现 Strategy 5: Recreating Spaces 我们希望通过保留与复刻历史元素、场景,让一百多年前开端的铁路故事、留下来的历史痕迹以及已消失的历史场所被看见。设计营造出凝聚回忆的铁路文化公共空间,实现可达性、活力、“轻”文化融合为一体的滨水景观,吸引更多市民前来。▼留下来的历史痕迹:仓库、枕木、设施,The remaining historical traces include warehouses, sleepers, and facilities©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
We aim to revitalize the site to make the railway stories from over a century ago, the historical traces, and the vanished historical sites visible. The design creates a public space infused with railway culture, blending accessibility, vitality, and “light” cultural elements into a cohesive riverside landscape that attracts more citizens.
▼复刻候车场景,Replication of Waiting Area Scene©九里建筑摄影
绿化设计与人性化设计 Greenery Design and Humanization Design
▼迁移树木点位平面图、树木迁移终点图,Tree Relocation Site Plan and Tree Relocation Endpoint Diagram©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
Beyond the five major design strategies, the design team remains committed to updates respecting the site’s foundation: The design places significant emphasis on preserving the site’s existing ancient and large trees, with deciduous trees arranged in a strip along the railway trajectory to form a green corridor. Additionally, we focus on multi-layered groupings of trees, shrubs, and grasses, with a variety of plant combinations arranged in a staggered manner to enrich the riverside skyline. Citizens can enjoy natural scenery throughout the seasons: flowering Golden Trumpet trees in spring, lush evergreens and waterside hibiscus in summer, and meticulously arranged shrubs and beautiful Kapok trees in autumn and winter, which bloom seasonally. Humanization is another key focus of the design. Resting benches are placed under the trees, providing shade in summer and allowing sunlight to freely filter through in winter, enhancing comfort for visitors throughout the year.
▼细致的绿化设计打造江滨绿地,Detailed greenery design to create riverside green space©九里建筑摄影
Structure Design
The design incorporates canopies and platforms to connect the two buildings into a cohesive whole. The lightweight canopies serve as the visual focal point of the riverside public space, creating a strong contrast with the preserved buildings. Dynamic platforms follow the trajectory of the railway, forming entrance squares and river-viewing platforms, guiding pedestrian flow from the city to the riverside in a streamlined manner.
▼富有动感的流线型飘棚,Dynamic streamlined awnings©九里建筑摄影
Paving Design
To create a site with a distinctive railway culture, we have introduced various paving methods, including ballast gardens and concrete pedestrian walkways. Additionally, the paving design of the plaza echoes the segmented rhythm of railway sleepers and extends it. Furthermore, we have incorporated warm-colored natural stones and wooden floorboards to create a warm and detailed sensory experience.
Initially, for aesthetic reasons, we planned to use gravel alongside the railway tracks. However, the museum director advised us that the ground next to the tracks must be plain concrete, as only plain concrete can faithfully recreate the original appearance of the platform surface. Although we understood that following the plain concrete ground approach would make the site look unfinished or not refined enough, it was crucial for conveying a sense of authenticity.
This site is not just our design work; it is also an important part of the collective memory of railway workers. In order to honor their collective memory, we ultimately decided to adopt the plain concrete ground plan.
▼道闸花园、素混凝土地面、广场铺装、暖色材质,Ballast gardens, plain concrete Ground, plaza paving, warm-colored materials ©九里建筑摄影
Lighting Design
Track Lighting Derivation Process: Illumination between Sleepers and Highlighting the Side of Locomotives, and Illumination per Sleeper and Highlighting the Side of Locomotives©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
▼场地夜景,Night View
▼将灯具外表颜色融入环境,对比过程,Integrating the Color of Lighting Fixtures with the Surroundings: a Comparative Process©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
During the lighting design process, considering the large residential high-rise community to the north of the site and the presence of many children among the space users, the designer carefully adjusted the power and color temperature of the lamps to ensure safety while creating a soft and comfortable lighting atmosphere for people. A large number of selected buried lights chosen for illuminating the railway tracks and train bodies are all equipped with hidden installation, lampshades, and side lighting angles to avoid glare, thus preventing safety accidents such as burns from buried lights when children are playing in the water.
▼场地灯光设计,site lighting design©九里建筑摄影
综合效益 ComprehensiveBenefit 本项目的设计采用了相对于常规风景园林设计较为特殊的材料、技术、工艺。具体体现在大量采用历史上或现存真实铁路场景所用材料,如道砟、金属枕木、木制枕木、人行道口,以及它们和场地竖向、给排水、其他常规铺地材料、植被的融合与划分。这些新颖并特殊的材料有效地传达了铁路文化。另外,在照明设计上,工艺和材料会根据现场实际情况并考虑人性化进行细致的结合设计。比如,在道砟上铁轨旁我们设计大量埋地灯照射枕木,并特地与厂家沟通指定选择带盖顶的埋地灯罩而不让玻璃罩直射人眼以及被人触碰等,遵循安全第一,同时保证美观的设计原则。▼对历史场景的再现,presentation of historical scene©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院
▼有效地传达了铁路文化,effectively convey the railway culture©九里建筑摄影
经济效益 Economic benefits 工程投资额在设计估算阶段为 1511 万元,在与业主、代建、施工队等多方进行技术研讨,经历了多轮造价优化后,最终以 800 余万元结算审核完工,在实施经济效益上达到低成本耐维护的目标;
The engineering investment amounted to 15.11 million yuan during the design estimation phase. After multiple rounds of cost optimization through technical discussions with the owner, construction representatives, and other parties, the final settlement audit upon completion was over 8 million yuan. This achievement met the goal of low-cost and durable maintenance in economic efficiency implementation.
▼对自然环境的修复,natural restoration©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院
社会效益 Social Benefits 从 21 年竣工至 22 年正式开放期间,正是国家疫情封控阶段,对于施工、管理单位、设计单位的工作开展都十分严格,设计方仍然坚持每周三到四次,不分昼夜前往现场指导设计实施工作。从规划布局、装置安装、植物移栽和新种、细节把控、材料选择、灯光控制、给排水设计、建筑室内空间衔接把关等各个环节均通过线下面对面开会、现场沟通与指导完成,才得以在 2022 年博物馆日开放时,赢得市民、游客、集团所有职工们的广泛认可和赞扬,成为 2022 年新闻媒体的焦点,人们参观打卡的网红热门景点。
From the completion in 2021 to the official opening in 2022, which coincided with the period of national epidemic control and lockdown, the work of construction, management, and design units was conducted under strict measures. Despite this, the design team persisted in visiting the site for guidance on design implementation three to four times a week, regardless of day or night. Every aspect, from planning layout, equipment installation, plant transplantation and new planting, detail control, material selection, lighting control, drainage design, to building interior space integration, was completed through face-to-face meetings and on-site communication and guidance. Thanks to this meticulous approach, the project gained widespread recognition and praise from citizens, tourists, and all staff members of the group when it opened on Museum Day 2022. It became the focus of the news media in 2022 and a popular hotspot for people to visit and share on social media.
▼入口处馆标水景,Museum sign water feature©九里建筑摄影
生态效益 Ecological Benefits
场地景观改造后将水景面积缩小至原面积约 1/3,还场地一片因地制宜的自然缓坡,消除场地积水、卫生死角和安全隐患,既节省了日后对大片水景的运营维护成本,同时为荔湾区见缝插针的老城区公共空间增加了一片不可多得的公共绿地空间。
▼场地原灌木地被,Original shrubbery cover on the site©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
In terms of tree protection, original environmental ecology, light pollution control, Pearl River channel protection, rational construction, artificial development of water features, and the proportion of natural land, we conducted scheme comparisons and optimal design selections. Regarding tree protection, although specific policies and design guidelines for tree protection were not yet established at that time, the project’s landscape design instinctively followed the growth of each tree, ensuring the protection of every tree on-site. This included adjusting the design principles on-site to protect the original shrubbery. When discrepancies between on-site trees and design drawings arose, priority was given to respecting the on-site conditions and modifying the design accordingly, avoiding arbitrary tree felling and only making additions without subtractions. This approach contributed to the protection and enhancement of the environmental ecology in the area.
After the landscape renovation, the water feature area was reduced to approximately one-third of the original size, returning a natural sloped area tailored to the site, eliminating standing water, sanitation blind spots, and safety hazards. This not only saved future operational maintenance costs for the large water feature area but also provided a rare public green space in the densely populated old urban areas of Liwan District.
▼场地现景观鸟瞰,Current aerial view of the site’s landscape©九里建筑摄影
Final Thoughts
The landscape transformation of the Guangzhou Railway Museum has revitalized a historically significant site, achieving a seamless blend of historical legacy and modern vitality. This project integrates the rich railway history with contemporary culture, presenting Guangzhou with a unique cultural landmark. By employing special materials and exquisite craftsmanship, the design team successfully conveys the allure of railway culture, allowing visitors to revisit this important history. The landscape of the Guangzhou Railway Museum is not just a public green space but also a place carrying urban memories. It will continue to attract people to explore the past and embrace the future, adding a unique charm to Guangzhou’s urban landscape.
▼实景平面,master plan©九里建筑摄影、华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
▼实景鸟瞰,Ariel view of the site©九里建筑摄影
总用地面积:28590 平方米
总建筑面积:9350 平方米
设计时间:2011 年-2021 年
竣工时间:2022 年 5 月
广东园林学会科学技术奖 二等奖
中国风景园林规划设计奖 三等奖
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