Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所

2024/08/02 10:09:58
这栋建筑是在 20 世纪早期由建筑师 Moura Coutinho 设计的,一层原本是一间烘焙坊,上层为办公空间和居住单元。在千禧年的末期,该建筑的用途发生了几次变化,设计也有所改变。
This building was originally designed in the early 20th century by Architect Moura Coutinho to house a bakery on the ground floor and offices and residential units above. Several changes of use and changes to the design ensued towards the end of the millennium.
▼项目街景,street view of the building©Ivo Tavares Studio
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▼项目外立面,facade of the building©Ivo Tavares Studio
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Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-6
在本世纪初期,Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所被委托对建筑进行重新设计和彻底的检修,其中包括室内设计和交付。这一次在保留底层的商业功能的同时,还注入了浓烈的休闲娱乐氛围。
Early in the new century, Arquitectos Aliados were commissioned to design and coordinate a comprehensive overhaul of the building including the interior design package and delivery, this time with a strong hospitality component whilst keeping the commercial condition on the ground floor.
▼外立面门窗细节,door and window detail©Ivo Tavares Studio
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Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-11
原来的立面中,底层的不对称立面和上层的严格对称的立面形成鲜明对比,其构思来源于 19 世纪早期的建筑风格,以及 Moura Coutinho 的几次法国之旅。
The original façade, with its two markedly asymmetrical lower floors in contrast with the rigorously symmetrical upper floors, owes its conception to early 19th Century architecture and to several trips Moura Coutinho had made to France.
▼底层的不对称立面,asymmetrical lower floor facade©Ivo Tavares Studio
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▼底层的不对称立面,asymmetrical lower floor facade©Ivo Tavares Studio
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▼上层的严格对称的立面,the rigorously symmetrical upper floors©Ivo Tavares Studio
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On the ground floor, the plinth in local grey granite and a high relief frieze showing Sumerian-inspired winged figures in faux granite are notable elements, as well as the wider entryway for accessing the shops and the more elegant door for going upstairs.
▼有苏美尔风格的带翅膀的人物形象,Sumerian-inspired winged figures in faux granite ©Ivo Tavares Studio
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Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-24
On the first floor there is a beautiful bow window above the door to the upper floors and a set of three deeply arched windows above the commercial door.
▼连续的拱形窗户,a set of three deeply arched windows ©Ivo Tavares Studio
Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-28
The upper floors display sets of three markedly horizontal windows and the top floor is adorned with a faux colonnade and dormer windows of Parisian design on a terracotta tile roof with eaves, instead of the zinc lining used in the roofs of Paris.
▼屋顶细部,roof detail©Ivo Tavares Studio
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Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-33
The original building’s shades of pink, grey, and white have now been replaced by mustard yellow, ivory white and cream white. The rear facade has retained its symmetrical design with the same contemporary attitude, also evidenced in the spatial and functional composition of the interiors. The terracotta tile roof is now lined in white zinc in order to house and harmonize the various new roof components parts such as ventilation units and skylights.
▼经过改造后立面,facade after renovation©Ivo Tavares Studio
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▼经过改造后露台,terrace after renovation©Ivo Tavares Studio
Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-39
总体来说,建筑师设计了九间不同的短期公寓,以及辅助的服务空间和储藏空间。其中有七间是完全不同的,Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所负责室内设计的交付,其中包括所有的家具、固定装置和设备。
Overall, nine variations of short term accommodation flats were designed and built, along with supporting services and storage areas. Seven of the units are totally different, and Arquitectos Aliados were responsible for the interior design package including all FF&E and all furniture.
▼公寓内部空间,inside the flat©Ivo Tavares Studio
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Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-44
▼客厅,living room©Ivo Tavares Studio
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Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-47
▼客厅局部,living room©Ivo Tavares Studio
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Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-50
▼客厅,living room©Ivo Tavares Studio
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▼室内弓型窗,bow window inside©Ivo Tavares Studio
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Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-55
▼客厅局部,living room©Ivo Tavares Studio
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▼卧室,bedroom©Ivo Tavares Studio
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▼卧室,bedroom©Ivo Tavares Studio
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▼不同布局公寓,another flat layout©Ivo Tavares Studio
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Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-65
Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-66
▼公寓客厅,flat living room©Ivo Tavares Studio
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▼公寓卧室,flat bedroom©Ivo Tavares Studio
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▼顶层公寓客厅,living room on the top floor©Ivo Tavares Studio
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▼顶层公寓客厅,living room on the top floor©Ivo Tavares Studio
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Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-75
▼顶层公寓客厅,living room on the top floor©Ivo Tavares Studio
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Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-78
▼顶层公寓卧室,bedroom on the top floor©Ivo Tavares Studio
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▼顶层公寓,flat on the top floor©Ivo Tavares Studio
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Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-83
▼顶层公寓厨房,kitchen at the top level flat©Ivo Tavares Studio
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▼厨房局部,kitchen©Ivo Tavares Studio
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Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-88
▼浴室,bathroom©Ivo Tavares Studio
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Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-91
We proposed a new stairwell and elevator (not foreseen in the original design), a large lobby instead of the original two small ones, and making the 1st floor terrace accessible by removing a cluster of small annexes that were on the way.
▼走廊,corridor©Ivo Tavares Studio
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▼楼梯间,staircase©Ivo Tavares Studio
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Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-98
Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-99
该项目始于 2016 年,在设计团队的密切监督下,经过 3 年的现场施工,于 2022 年完工。
This project started in 2016 and ended in 2022, after 3 years of work on site under close supervision by the design team.
▼家具细部,furniture detail©Ivo Tavares Studio
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Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-104
Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-105
Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-106
▼夜景,night view©Ivo Tavares Studio
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Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-109
Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-110
Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-111
▼场地平面,site plan©Arquitectos Aliados
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▼平面, plan©Arquitectos Aliados
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▼立面, elevation©Arquitectos Aliados
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▼剖面, section©Arquitectos Aliados
Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-119
Project name: Villa Theatro
Architecture Office: Arquitectos Aliados, Lda
Main Architect: Susana Leite. arq / Luis Barbosa e Silva. arq
Location: Avenida da Liberdade, 729, Braga, Portugal
Year of conclusion: 2022
Total area: 960 m2
Constructor: Invenio
Engineering: Encep (estruturas), E3E (mecânicas), Speed of Light (electricidade / ited), Engª Luisa Miguel (hidráulicas) Amplitude (acústica), Exactusensu (seg. contra incêndio)
Interiors Team: Arquitectos Aliados, Lda (responsável: Susana Leite, arq.) –
Architectural photographer: Ivo Tavares Studio
Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-135
Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-136
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Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-139
Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-140
Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-141
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Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-144
Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-145
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Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-149
Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-150
Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-151
Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-152
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Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-154
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Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-157
Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-158
Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-159
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Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-161
Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-162
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Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-165
Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-166
Theatro 旅馆改造丨葡萄牙丨Arquitectos Aliados 建筑事务所-167
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