西安绿城·桂月云翠售楼处&会所丨中国西安丨SWS Group

2024/08/05 08:11:02
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西安绿城 · 桂月云翠,空间主题将售楼处定义「镂金铺翠」,饱含时光打磨后的翡翠辅以云石,银箔等材质,打造精致的空间;会所空间定义「匀红点翠」零星点缀的嫣红,衬托翡翠独有的高贵气质,打造独一无二的体验;地下光厅「浮翠流年」天花点点的星光,结合主题纹样如同月夜,翡翠在在星月夜下闪烁,营造独特的归家体验;公区「冰清玉翠」整体干净的氛围,如同翡翠般通透无暇,带来柔和的居住体验。
The sales center is defined by the theme "Golden Lattice and Jade Inlay," creating a refined space with jade that has been polished by time, complemented by marble, silver foil, and other materials.The clubhouse is defined by the theme "Red Dots and Jade Highlights," where scattered red accents enhance the unique nobility of jade, creating a one-of-a-kind experience.The underground light hall features the theme "Flowing Jade in Time," with star-like points of light on the ceiling combined with thematic patterns, creating a moonlit atmosphere where jade shimmers under the starry night, offering a unique homecoming experience.The public area is defined by the theme "Pure Jade," with a clean and transparent ambiance akin to flawless jade, providing a soft and serene living experience.
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The space features high-quality materials such as marble, translucent onyx, and wood veneer, creating a rich visual hierarchy through the contrast and combination of different textures. Design details are showcased in the screens, wall lamps, wall shapes, floor inlays, and metal fittings, blending traditional and modern styles to infuse the space with unique visual symbols and a sense of quality.
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The discussion area is situated near beautiful scenic views, seamlessly integrating people with nature, allowing the tranquility and harmony of the outside world to be felt during conversations. The water bar is closely connected to the discussion area, providing convenience for casual interactions and adding a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere to the space. Together, they create a practical yet artistic environment, making each discussion an enjoyable experience. The space features high-quality materials such as marble, translucent onyx, and wood veneer, creating a rich visual hierarchy through the contrast and combination of different textures. Design details are showcased in the screens, wall lamps, wall shapes, floor inlays, and metal fittings, blending traditional and modern styles to infuse the space with unique visual symbols and a sense of quality.
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The front lobby and reception hall are designed as an integrated space, where the rhythm and harmony of the space and lighting express a sequential sense of ceremony. Breaking the boundaries and constraints of traditional living, this design embraces an open and interactive concept to create a modern, multifunctional space that combines leisure, sports, socializing, and business. The design blends indoor and outdoor landscapes, creating interactive spaces where nature and art merge, emphasizing a deeper connection between life and nature.
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By skillfully integrating diverse living scenes such as Elegant Chat Rooms, Tranquil Hallways, Serene Reading Terraces, Underwood Tea Gardens, and Vibrant Arenas into the clubhouse space, we meet the varied functional needs of the space. This approach creates a tranquil and poetic community lifestyle, offering precious peace and comfort amidst the busy rhythm of urban life.
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Floor Planning
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Project Information
项目名称:西安绿城 · 桂月云翠售楼处&会所
业主管理团队:刘红颖 李海波
㎡ 会所854㎡
硬装设计:SWS Group
设计总监:邬斌 李建国 尹腾
硬装团队:袁野 陈常康 王骏 周一鸣
效果表现团队:朱指华 夏子程
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