

CRA与Generali房地产公司和出版商Mondadori Group合作,将Oscar Niemeyer在意大利的蒙达多利宫(Palazzo Mondadori)办公室改造成了一处游乐场般的工作场所。
CRA, in collaboration with Generali Real Estate and publisher Mondadori Group, transforms the offices within Oscar Niemeyer’s Palazzo Mondadori in Italy into a Playground Workspace. The project proposes a radical renovation of modern furniture, aiming to create a fully reconfigurable work environment.
▼蒙达多利宫外观,exterior view of Palazzo Mondadori © DSL Studio
国际设计和创新事务所CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati与已故的Italo Rota(1953-2024)以及Maestro Technologies合作,为米兰蒙达多利宫(Palazzo Mondadori)内部办公区进行了改造翻新,该项目由Generali房地产公司所有。这座建筑被认为是尼迈耶的杰作之一,它是意大利领先的图书出版商蒙达多利集团的总部所在地。CRA的设计在尊重原始设计的同时,为未来的工作场所引入了创新的策略。该项目的第一步涉及超过20,000平方米,后续继续将对这座由尼迈耶设计的欧洲地标进行更广泛的改造。
International design and innovation office CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati, in collaboration with the late Italo Rota (1953-2024) and Maestro Technologies, has developed a renovation project for Palazzo Mondadori in Milan, owned by Generali Real Estate. The building is considered one of Oscar Niemeyer’s masterpieces, and it hosts the headquarters of the Mondadori Group, the leading Italian book publisher. The design by CRA honors the original design while introducing innovative strategies for the future of the workplace. The first step of the project deals with more than 20,000 square meters, with a wider renovation program of Niemeyer’s main European landmark set to follow.
▼项目概览,overview of the project © DSL Studio
该项目提出了一种重新思考现代家具的激进方法。CRA与该集团最新成立的初创公司Maestro Technology合作,翻新了1300多套建筑原有的模块化家具。这款经典的战后家具由瑞士制造商USM精心拆卸和重新组装,整合木材并添加额外的可重构模块。项目还包含了整合植物空间的任务,旨在将自然无缝地编织到办公环境中。
The project puts forward a radical approach to rethinking modern furniture. In collaboration with Maestro Technology, the latest startup born from the group, CRA has refurbished over 1300 units of the building’s original modular furnishings. This classic post-war furniture by Swiss Manufacturer USM has been carefully dismantled and reassembled, integrating wood and creating additional reconfigurable modules. These interventions include incorporating space for plants, seamlessly weaving nature into the office environment.
▼模块化办公家具,modular office furniture © DSL Studio
“为了让我们从自在的居家办公中脱离出来,办公空间需要变得更像游乐场,”Carlo Ratti说,他是CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati的创始合伙人以及2025年建筑双年展的策展人。“正如法国导演雅克·塔蒂(Jacques Tati)的电影《玩乐时光》(Playtime)所展示的那样,忘记那些阻碍创新和交流的旧隔间吧。物理空间的交换至关重要,人们也将受益于可以不断重构的环境。”
“In order to get us out of the comfort of our pajama Zoom calls, office spaces need to become more like playgrounds,” says Carlo Ratti, founding partner of CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati and curator of the Biennale Architettura 2025. “Forget the old cubicles, which obstruct innovation and encounters, as shown in French director Jacques Tati’s ‘Playtime’ movie. Exchanges in physical space are crucial, and benefit from a constantly reconfigurable environment.”
▼独特的天花板吊顶,unique ceiling feature © DSL Studio
The space has been reimagined with desks that encourage informal encounters across all five floors of the building. In addition, new transparent meeting rooms have been introduced to create a greater sense of continuity between spaces, allowing people to move while enjoying the surrounding natural environment. The furniture layout has been designed to maximize natural light, accentuating the Palace’s beauty and cultivating a deeper harmony with the surrounding park.
▼会议室由玻璃包围,the meeting enclosed by glass© DSL Studio
▼视觉联系,visual connecting © DSL Studio
米兰蒙达多利宫(Palazzo Mondadori)设计并建成于1968至1975年之间,反映了尼迈耶充满挑战精神的诗意。主要建筑结构彰显出独特的美学,悬挑出来的玻璃盒子坐落于抛物线拱顶之上,创造出漂浮于空中的感觉,让建筑从景观设计师Pietro Porcinai设计的人工湖中浮现出来。CRA的任务是重新思考建筑内的办公空间,20世纪70年代这些空间当属最前沿的办公空间,如今,CRA希望让这些办公空间重回最前沿的地位,并再次为空间注入创新精神。
Palazzo Mondadori was conceived and constructed between 1968 and 1975, reflecting the peak of Niemeyer’s challenging poetic. The main structure boasts a unique design—a suspended glass box supported by parabolic arches, creating the illusion of a space floating in the air, emerging from an artificial lake designed by landscape architect Pietro Porcinai. CRA was tasked with rethinking the office spaces within the building, which were cutting-edge for the 1970s, to bring them to the forefront and imbue them with innovation once again.
▼非正式会议区,informal meeting area © DSL Studio
▼绿色空间,green space © DSL Studio
Mondadori集团的办公室代表了CRA对未来工作空间设计的持续研究的最新成果,重点是调整空间以促进人们之间有意义的互动。本项目中引入了新加坡的CapitaSpring大楼等一系列创新项目的设计概念,该项目获得了高层建筑和城市人居委员会颁发的“2023年亚洲最佳高层建筑”奖,并因其垂直城市主义和绿色空间的整合而被ArchDaily评为2023年年度建筑之一。其他开创性的工作空间创新项目还包括都灵的Fondazione Agnelli,意大利制药公司Zambon在米兰的总部(由Michele De Lucchi与Amdl Circle合作设计),以及巴黎La Défense附近Bouygues通讯公司的ILOW综合体。
The Mondadori Group’s offices represent the latest addition to CRA’s continuous research on the future design of workspaces, focusing on adapting spaces to facilitate meaningful interactions between people. This project joins notable examples such as the mixed-use CapitaSpring in Singapore, which won the “Best Tall Building, Asia, 2023” award from the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat and was recognized as one of 2023’s Buildings of the Year by ArchDaily for its vertical urbanism and integration of green spaces. Other pioneering projects in workspace innovation include the Fondazione Agnelli in Turin, the headquarters of the Italian pharmaceutical company Zambon in Milan (developed in partnership with Amdl Circle by Michele De Lucchi), and the design of the ILOW complex for Bouygues at La Défense in Paris.
▼项目概览,overview of the project © DSL Studio
▼走道,hallway © DSL Studio
▼空间一角,corner of the space © DSL Studio
CRA与奥斯卡·尼迈耶的重要遗产有着密切的联系。2020年,该工作室参与了巴西利亚生物项目的总体规划。这个占地100万平方米的新区致力于技术和创新,延续了尼迈耶和卢西奥·科斯塔设计的原始Plano Piloto核心城区的理念。
CRA has a close connection to Oscar Niemeyer’s important legacy. In 2020, the studio worked on the master plan of Brasilia in the Biotic project. This new district, spanning 1 million square meters, is devoted to technology and innovation, in continuity with the original Plano Piloto designed by Niemeyer and Lucio Costa.
combination of modular furniture and green plants © DSL Studio
▼细部,details © DSL Studio
▼办公桌面细部,detail of working desk © DSL Studio
▼衣柜,closet © DSL Studio
A project by CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati, Italo Rota and Maestro Technologies
Creative lead: Italo Rota
CRA Team: Carlo Ratti, Francesco Strocchio, Chiara Leonzio, Marco Santini, Nicolette Marzovilla, Rodolfo Siccardi, Jelena Krco, Gary Di Silvio, Pasquale Milieri, Gianluca Zimbardi
Italo Rota: Francesca Grassi
Maestro Technologies: Mykola Murashko, Sara Zamperion, Eren Sezer
Photos by DSL Studio: Delfino Sisto Legnani, Melania Delle Grave