

CPI W-18b 是位于成都麓湖 CPI 商业集群湖畔的一栋新建小型商业建筑,作为 Badmarket 联合 MRS 实验性的水上活动用具展示空间。
CPI W-18b is a new small-scale commercial building located in the lakeside CPI commercial cluster in Chengdu. The owner hopes the building can seamlessly integrate with the lakeside, trees, and environment while creating a vibrant new commercial usage scenario with a sense of publicness.
▼项目鸟瞰, Ariel view of the project©存在建筑-建筑摄影
▼项目近景, closer view of the project©存在建筑-建筑摄影
The owner has raised questions on how design can better assist commercial scenes in achieving sustainable development and how small-scale commercial buildings can respond to demands for publicness. This presents an opportunity to delve into the relationship between commercial space and public space (publicness) as well as sustainability issues.
▼项目外观, exterior view of the project©存在建筑-建筑摄影
Public Space (Publicness)
CPI 作为“自然野生花园式”独栋商业集群社区,通过“公共空间”的集合——公园、广场、空地、人行道、水滨和街道等,将散落在各处的一个个独立的商业单体串联起来。社区提供了这些公共空间,我们认为商业单体也应该承担公共责任的一部分。走累了的客人不能只坐在路边的长凳上,也要在每家店的门口也可以坐坐。如果每个单体一味追求营业面积的最大化,或者对自己的边界严防死守,那么这个社区将会被一个个不连续的、互不相干的,甚至是对立的片段所组成。
CPI, as a “natural wild garden-style” standalone commercial cluster community, connects scattered individual commercial units through the aggregation of “public spaces” such as parks, squares, open spaces, sidewalks, waterfronts, and streets. While the community provides these public spaces, we believe that commercial units should also shoulder some public responsibility. Guests who are tired from walking should not only be able to sit on benches by the roadside but also be able to sit outside each shop. If each unit only pursues maximizing business area or strictly guards its boundaries, then the community will be fragmented, disjointed, and even composed of opposing segments.
▼建筑积极地向四周打开, actively opened the building to the surroundings©存在建筑-建筑摄影
▼场景分析, scene diagram©一介建筑
▼为皮划艇准备的空间, the space prepared for kayak©存在建筑-建筑摄影
▼为洗船设计的水泥平台, cement platform designed for washing boats©存在建筑-建筑摄影
▼二楼空间, the upper floor space©存在建筑-建筑摄影
Light Structural Materials, Emphasizing Spatial Forms
为实现以上的空间理想,以及希望让空间得到更多的解放、获得更多的可能性,在建造逻辑上,采用了轻结构材质,重空间形式的策略。100*100 尺寸梁柱的钢结构框架,阳光板、压型钢板等工业成品的使用,得以实现低造价、快速建造以及对绿色节能的呼应。轻质工业材料下,局部梁柱与构件采用木质材料,形成亲人的社区氛围。
▼结构生成, structure generation©一介建筑
To achieve the above spatial ideals and enable more freedom and possibilities for the space, we have adopted a strategy of lightweight structural materials and emphasizing spatial forms in construction logic. The use of a 100*100-sized steel frame, sunlight panels, and pressure-Regulated steel plates, among other industrial products, enables low cost, rapid construction, and compliance with green energy requirements. Under lightweight industrial materials, wooden materials are used for local beams and columns to create a cozy community atmosphere.
▼使空间获得更多的可能性, enable more freedom and possibilities for the space
▼钢结构框架, steel frame©存在建筑-建筑摄影
▼轻结构材质, Light structural materials©李嘉玲
▼轻结构材质, Light structural materials©存在建筑-建筑摄影
The gap between the speed of information in modern society and the “time lag” of the real world has led to urban hollowness and anxiety. We hope to confront this anxiety by orienting towards sustainable development and creating buildings that are perceptive to the present moment and changes.
▼感知变化的建筑, buildings that are perceptive to changes
▼感知当下, buildings that are perceptive to the present moment ©存在建筑-建筑摄影
Mesh canopies are used for the building facade, not emphasizing the building’s outline. Fallen leaves on the canopy become part of the building process and materials. The appearance of the building changes with the seasons, from green to yellow, and from sparse to dense. Combined with Chengdu’s local climate characteristics, the boundaries between artificial and natural are blurred, utilizing tree canopies to form spaces, extending outdoor stone paving indoors, and bringing soil and small flowers into the interior. The facade adopts a multi-layered structure, with the outer layer’s mesh providing permeability for environmental protection and energy conservation when the temperature is suitable, while the inner layer’s glass sliding doors provide insulation and anti-theft features.
▼建筑外立面使用网罩, Mesh canopies are used for the building facade
▼⽴面采用多层结构, facade adopts a multi-layered structure©存在建筑-建筑摄影
任何形式的商业都有一定的公共空间属性,公共空间也具备商业行为的条件,他们互相之间是增益的关系,但需要被验证。 “城市公共空间的诞生是被发明的还是通过协商得到的?”这个问题也同样适用于这里。协商是一种你来我往的变化,可持续也是一种适应性的变化。在这个 10 年限定的社区里,用十年来证实我们所理解的可持续性,和可持续性“不可持续(⼀成不变)”的现实。
Any form of commerce has a certain degree of public space attributes, and public spaces also possess conditions for commercial activities. They have a mutually beneficial relationship that needs to be verified. “Was the birth of urban public space invented or achieved through negotiation?” This question also applies here. Negotiation is a reciprocal change, and sustainability is an adaptive change. In this 10-year limited community, we aim to use these ten years to verify our understanding of sustainability and the reality of sustainability being “unsustainable (unchanging)”.
▼夜景, night view©存在建筑-建筑摄影
▼一层平面, ground floor plan©一介建筑
▼二层平面, first floor plan©一介建筑
▼立面, elevation©一介建筑
▼剖面, section©一介建筑
▼细部, wall construction detail©一介建筑
项目名称:湖边零售空间 CPI W-18b
项目设计:2023 年 5 月-2023 年 09 月
完成年份:2024 年 3 月
Project name:Lakeside Retail Space CPI W-18b
Project type:Retail Space
Design:YIIIE Architects
Design year:2023.5-2023.9
Completion Year:2024.3
Leader designer & Team:Zhang Tang,Xia Fan,Chen Shenbin
Project location:Luxe Lake,Chengdu,China
Gross built area: 52㎡
Photo credit: Arch-Exist Photography,Li Jialing
Client: Chengdu Wide Horizon Investment Group Co., Ltd., Chengdu α7 Commercial Management Co., Ltd.
Owner’s Design Management (Architecture): Chengdu Luxe Lake Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd.
Structural Design: Sichuan Zhongsheng Hongrun Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.
Material:Galvanized steel plate, glued laminated timber, granite, stainless steel wire mesh, metal mesh, nylon rope, polycarbonate panel