阿那亚北岸嬉水公园,是连接社区南北的活力主轴,它模糊了传统乐园、公园、家园的边界,融合了社区里的商业和住宅,为北岸生活注入了新的生命力与生机。致舍通过探索新的空间组织和路径体验的方式,突破商业街景观的常规模式,运用“水”这一统一且具有连续性的设计语言串联场地,去繁就简,独特地将蜿蜒的水系沿着 350 米的商业街南北贯通铺设,并以纯粹的材质去营建林下无障碍的畅行空间。同时,我们从场地附近的海滩沙丘地貌和海洋生物的形态出发,提炼和塑造了艺术地景和景观雕塑,使之成为与“水”相融的景观元素。在设计中通过对无形之水元素的多种有形呈现,不仅勾勒出现代社区中“小桥流水人家”如诗画般的理想家园景象;也在“溯溪”这一动态路径的过程中,为不同的人群带来了行走中的风景和与水互动的多样体验,“缘溪行,忘路之远近”。
The Aranya North Coast Water Park is a vibrant axis that connects the community from north to south. It blurs the boundaries between traditional public park and residential landscape, integrating commercial and residential areas within the community. This infusion of new vitality and energy enhances life on the north shore.
Through innovative spatial organization and experiential pathways, Z’scape breaks away from the conventional patterns of commercial street landscapes. Using water as a unifying and continuous design language, the park features a winding water system that spans 350 meters along the north-south commercial street. The use of pure materials creates an unobstructed pedestrian space under the trees.
Drawing inspiration from the nearby beach dunes and marine forms, artistic landscapes and sculptures harmonize with the water element. The design not only evokes the idyllic scene of ‘small bridge, flowing water, and home’ in a modern community but also provides diverse experiences for different people as they walk along the dynamic stream, interacting with water. It truly captures the essence of ‘following the stream, forgetting the distance of the path.’
▼场地鸟瞰,aerial view© ChillShine 丘文三映
▼鸟瞰动图,top view gif©ChillShine 丘文三映
乐园 公园 家园
Paradise, Park, Home
When exploring the northern coast, the pronounced seasonal variations in this region are considered essential factors shaping its unique natural and cultural landscapes. In winter, frozen sea ice, howling winds, and vast solitude prevail. In contrast, during summer, the coastline experiences an influx of holidaymakers, becoming a vibrant destination with azure seas and clear skies. This seasonal contrast mirrors the rhythmic cycles of nature, revealing the beauty of the northern coastal area and highlighting its distinctive character and charm.
▼阿那亚冬日海岸和鲸鱼秋千,aranya winter shore © 在野照物
▼夏日的海岸和带来设计灵感的海滨沙丘地貌,aranya summer shore© 鲁冰
九期社区离海岸有一定距离,而从古至今,在人们的生活构想中,水从未缺席。它显现于诗文、图像,传达的却不仅是风景,更是空间、记忆与感知。马致远在《天净沙 秋思》中描绘的“小桥流水人家”,不只是简单的自然景观范畴,更是中国人心中的家园印象和乡情寄托。小桥是连接与沟通,流水关乎生产与生活、也是时间和生命的流动,人家则是与土地相连的人间烟火。
As a witness and participant in this transformation, Qinhuangdao Aranya has transcended the traditional boundaries of a vacation area. After years of careful construction and operational maintenance, it has become a northern coastal community that combines abundant content, quality lifestyle experiences, and an appreciation for nature, culture, and art.
Aranya North Coast, an extension of the older park area, is situated at the confluence of rivers and seas. The initial Phase Nine community, with nearly three thousand households, features amenities such as the North Coast Auditorium, Youyi Bay, RIVERAIN, and the Central Courtyard Commercial Street, providing convenient services and enhancing daily life. Although the Phase Nine community is a distance from the coastline, water has always been an integral part of people’s lives, appearing in poetry, imagery, and conveying not only scenery but also space, memories, and perceptions.
The depiction of “small bridge, flowing water, and home” by Ma Zhiyuan in his poem “Autumn Thoughts under Clear Sky and Sandy Path” goes beyond mere natural landscapes—it embodies the impression of home and nostalgia in the hearts of the Chinese people. The small bridges connect and communicate, flowing water relates to production and life, and it represents the passage of time and life itself. Homes are intertwined with the land, representing the warmth of human existence. People gaze at water and swim in the “Linquan Gaoci” and “JiexiDuangu” areas. They draw and use water in the “Floating Cups Along the Winding Stream” and “Floating Melons and Sinking Plums in Cooling Water” spaces. Whether it’s the Eight Tunes Stream in Jichang Garden or the Spring Pavilion in Huanxiu Mountain Villa, water is an essential element that carries the collective imagination of a waterside life.
Driven by people’s innate affinity for water and their diverse needs, the commercial street axis within the North Coast community needed to create a waterfront space—a place that combines the attributes of an amusement park, a park, and a home. Thus, the Aranya North Coast Water Park was born.
▼兼具乐园、公园、家园属性的北岸嬉水公园,north coase water park © ChillShine 丘文三映
▼北岸嬉水公园,north coase water park© ChillShine 丘文三映
Site, Scene, Place
When we first arrived at the site, the buildings were already topped off. Straight and distinct residential boundaries flanked both sides, while a cluster of commercial buildings occupied the center. From a landscape perspective, the leveled strip of land appeared open yet rigid.
▼项目区位,location© Z’scape
曲水不仅带来动人的景观, 也能成为场所精神的载体,它融合了社区的商业和住宅,通过创造性地营建“溯溪”这一体验路径,将乐园与公园融入在家园之中。
▼平面图,plan© Z’scape
Inspired by the concept of “small bridge, flowing water, and home”, Z’scape incorporates meandering water features. Using modern design language and techniques, we have created an accessible and intergenerational space under the trees. Our aim is to evoke memories of traditional Chinese homes within the North Coast community, eliciting emotional resonance. The winding water not only provides a captivating visual landscape but also serves as a conduit for the spirit of the place. By creatively integrating a “upstream exploration” experiential pathway, they seamlessly blend elements of a Paradise and a park into the concept of home.
Upstream exploration, a popular outdoor activity in recent summers, involves walking through mountainous terrain, feeling the cool breeze, and wading through babbling streams. People appreciate the changing scenery of valleys, gorges, and lush vegetation, fostering a connection between humans and nature. In this context, Tao Yuanming’s “Record of the Peach Blossom Spring” represents one of the earliest detailed accounts of “upstream exploration.” Following the stream, forgetting the distance of the path, arriving at an idyllic paradise—these experiences are irreplicable in the dimension of time and resonate with our inner longing for an ideal home.
▼北岸嬉水公园鸟瞰,aerial view of north coase water park© ChillShine 丘文三映
▼北岸嬉水公园鸟瞰,aerial view ofnorth coase water park© ChillShine 丘文三映
Upstream Exploration
阿那亚北岸嬉水公园沿着中央水系展开,是在 350 米蜿蜒变化里的一幅“溯溪”画卷,承载着人们社区生活的动与静、声与色。相对于现代景观设计中多数水景是几何形内聚的水池或折线性的水渠,这里给使用者的印象更接近自然的曲水溪流。它有长度、有高差、有起伏跌宕、水面开合,又统合于纯粹的自然石材。配合地形起伏与截面宽窄,自然形成不同的深浅与流速,给人在溪、涧、潭、瀑等不同水体中穿行的变化感受。水系从南向北分为:泡泡广场、分水为岛(鱼嬉林间)、聚水为潭;环水为洲(漂浮绿岛)、叠水为瀑;旱溪;曲水为湾(跳泉广场)、浅水为溪、涌水为泉;石上清泉、夹水为涧、汇水于水剧场。
The Aranya North Coast Water Park unfolds along the central water system, creating a 350-meter winding “upstream exploration” panorama. This space embodies the dynamic and tranquil aspects of community life, blending sound and color. Unlike many geometric water features found in modern landscape design—such as enclosed pools or linear channels—this park evokes the natural flow of meandering streams. It boasts length, elevation changes, undulating terrain, and varying water surfaces, all integrated with pure natural stone. The topography and cross-sectional width naturally create different depths and flow speeds, providing visitors with a diverse experience as they traverse the stream, ravines, pools, and waterfalls. The water system, running from south to north, includes features like the Bubble Plaza, the Island (where fish play among the trees), the Gathering Pool, the Water Ring (with floating green islands), cascading waterfalls, dry creek beds, the Bay (at the Jumping Spring Plaza), shallow streams, bubbling springs, and the Stone Spring—all culminating in the Water Theater.
▼溯溪画卷,upstream exploration© Z’scape
▼尺度分析,scale analysis© Z’scape
The Bubble Plaza at the southern end of the water system seamlessly connects to the Eighth Canteen. In this public area, a circular paved pattern features bubbling springs at its center, resembling numerous spring eyes. These bubbling springs, along with arched linear fountains and four stone pillars, mark the beginning of the meandering stream journey within the park.
▼泡泡广场,The Bubble Plaza © ChillShine 丘文三映
▼泡泡广场衔接着第八食堂市集,The Bubble Plaza connects to the Eighth Canteen© 鲁冰
▼泡泡广场与第八食堂市集,The Bubble Plaza and the Eighth Canteen© 鲁冰
Fish Frolic in the Forest: At this point, the stream widens, dividing into islands. These islands, large and small, are artistic landscapes distilled from the form of marine creatures—the whale. On the coast, Z’scape created a series of landscape art installations: whale swings. Whale friends emerge from the ocean to the northern shore, and the water-covered islands resemble the soft backs of whales breaking the surface. The lifelike whales swim here, exhaling water as they play. The crescent-shaped terrain by the water undulates like coastal sand dunes. Flowing water, fish, bubbling springs, and mist intertwine, while interactive water guns along the shore create a beloved play area beneath the forest canopy.
▼鱼嬉林间,Fish Frolic© ChillShine 丘文三映
© ChillShine 丘文三映
Water Gathering as a Pond: Like mountain streams converging into a ‘pond’ in nature, the flowing brook gradually quiets down here. The fish-tailed landscape, embraced by the surroundings, forms a unique circular space.
▼林下溪流蜿蜒聚水为潭,Water Gathering as a Pond © ChillShine 丘文三映
▼聚水为潭,Water Gathering as a Pond© ChillShine 丘文三映
▼鱼尾状的地景,fish-tailed landscape © 鲁冰
Water Encircles the Island: Situated at the junction between commercial and residential areas, this slightly open space features a central circular green island. It is embraced by water channels formed by solitary large trees, creating an ‘island.’ Around it, interactive water pedals for bicycles have been added, making it a vibrant square that attracts people.
▼由孤植大树,水系环抱而成“洲” ,Water Encircles the Island© ChillShine 丘文三映
▼自行车踩水互动装置,water pedals for bicycles© ChillShine 丘文三映
Spring on the Stone: This marks the starting point of the northern water system. The phrase ’Spring water flows over the stones, mutually enhancing each other’ from the book ’The Craft of Gardens’ describes the complementary relationship between water and stone in garden design. Water cascades down from stone sculptures, creating an auditory landscape even in areas without significant elevation differences. Additionally, interactive installations enhance the dynamic flow of water, adding a natural and playful touch.
▼石上清泉,Spring on the Stone© ChillShine 丘文三映
Water Encircles the Ravine: On the northern side, a meandering forest stream forms a ‘ravine.’ Some parts of the terrain rise, creating undulating crescent-shaped coastal sand dunes that define this unique feature.
▼夹水为涧,Water Encircles the Ravine© ChillShine 丘文三映
▼灵感源于新月形的海滨沙丘 ,inspired by crescent-shaped coastal sand dunes© ChillShine 丘文三映
Water Converges at the Water Theater: Like the finale of a symphony, water gathers in a circular water theater. It connects the commercial street with the RIVERAIN across, forming a festive square adorned with various fountain features.
▼欢快的庆典水剧场动图,Water Converges at the Water Theater gif© ChillShine 丘文三映
▼水剧场,Water Theater© ChillShine 丘文三映
In the ‘Upstream Stream’ scroll, despite various unfavorable factors such as underground utility pipes, we planted a variety of trees to create a lush forested area along the winding stream. Tall deciduous trees form a green spatial framework, including species like white wax, Japanese maple, and mountain ash. Under the forest canopy, we employed a simple and transparent ground cover design. Grassy mounds with subtle topography intertwine with patches of grasses like feather reed grass, Karl Foerster grass, and Japanese silver grass, echoing the curves of the waterway paths. The landscape design utilizes plants to shape the space, facilitating a transition and interaction between the public water system area and private residential courtyards within a verdant setting.
▼公共水系与私密住宅小院之间的绿意盎然,a lush forested area© 周婷
Explore and Think
1. 景观的时间性与路径体验|Temporality and Path Experience in Landscape
At the North Coast Water Park, in the early morning, a stream meanders through the sparse forest, resembling a tranquil scene from a small bridge over flowing water. People walking here can appreciate the flowing landscape. As daylight intensifies, this area transforms into a vibrant, publicly accessible water play park. When night falls, street shops light up, their reflections dancing on the water, turning the water system into a hub of commercial vitality.
▼溪流在林下蜿蜒,a stream meanders through the sparse forest© 鲁冰
▼充满活力的嬉水公园,a vibrant, public water park© ChillShine 丘文三映、周婷、瑾怀
▼水系也构成了商业街的景观街景,a hub of commercial vitality©鲁冰
▼夜景,night view©鲁冰
In the cold winter of the north, the snowscape adds to the beauty of the artistic landscape, and one can quietly hear the snowfall without leaving a trace. Different people arrive at different times, each experiencing their unique journey through the ‘upstream’ path in this landscape. As time progresses, they foster a connection between people and nature, deepening emotional bonds. Every moment of the scenery carries the imprint of time, resonating with the human heart, weaving together unique memories of time and space.
▼冬日雪景中呈现的地景艺术之美,winter snowscape© 在野照物
2. 无界与包容|Unbounded and Inclusive
▼流线分析,circulation analysis© Z’scape
The Water Park blurs the boundaries between amusement, public space, and home. The entire water system is open and continuous, allowing people to walk along the water, wade through it, and explore upstream. The gradual and gentle surface changes make the boundaries fade away. Without raised embankments above ground level, the water feels more accessible and inviting. The park’s landscape aligns with the elevation of commercial buildings and residential courtyards, ensuring an inclusive environment for people of all ages. Children, adults, and seniors can pause by the stream, interact with the water in various ways, and move freely between the waterway and the pedestrian streets using bicycles, scooters, or strollers.
▼连续而平缓的曲面变化让边界模糊消隐,blurred boundaries© ChillShine 丘文三映
▼营建林下无障碍的畅行空间,accessible spaces© 瑾怀
▼无障碍的林下空间包容着人们各种不同的活动,multiple activities© ChillShine 丘文三映
▼夜景喷泉,fountain at night© ChillShine 丘文三映
3.无形之水与有形呈现|The formless water manifests in tangible shapes
Rivers, lakes, seas, ponds, springs, and brooks—all these various forms of water in the natural world possess boundless life force. Water is formless, unrestricted by fixed shapes. The landscape of water is influenced by natural climate, scenery, topography, and external spaces. In his work ‘Water Album,’ the Southern Song dynasty painter Ma Yuan meticulously observed water and used different brush techniques to depict twelve distinct and evocative water images. These include descriptions like ‘gentle winds on Dongting Lake,’ ‘rippling waves in layers,’ ‘shimmering lake reflections,’ ‘clouds drifting over rolling waves,’ and ‘clear shallows in a cold pond.’ Each expression captures the essence of nature and the rhythm of life.
▼雨中的景致,at rain©周婷
At Water Park, variations in terrain elevation and underwater features determine the specific forms of water flow. The undulating landscape and differences in cross-sectional width create diverse expressions of water depth, width, and flow speed, resulting in simulated natural water features like streams, ravines, pools, and waterfalls. Additionally, influenced by natural factors, water interacts with its surroundings—the sky, sun, moon, and tree shadows—forming rich visual scenes. The ripples caused by wind brushing the water surface and the ripples that appear during rain collectively provide a multifaceted sensory experience. Water, with its characteristic of benefiting all things without contention, exemplifies adaptability and alignment with nature’s wisdom.
▼水与周围环境的关联,Water with its adaptability©ChillShine 丘文三映
The sound of water at Water Park adds a rhythmic quality to the landscape. The gurgling of springs, the murmuring of streams, and the thundering of waterfalls create an intimate auditory experience with nature. As the Chinese saying goes, ‘Not only musical instrument produce clear sounds; even mountains and waters have their own music.’ Additionally, the use of water play installations further enriches the expression of water. Linear, spherical, fan-shaped, misty, and basket-like fountains, as well as jumping springs and bubbling jets, enhance the dynamic beauty of water at Water Park, evoking sensory perceptions.
▼多种水形态触发人们的感知,water evoking sensory perceptions©ChillShine 丘文三映
4. 多元的水乐互动体验:等待、寻找、追逐|Diverse water play interactive experiences: waiting, seeking, chasing
At North Coast Water Park, the water play interactives experiences go beyond conventional activities like water guns and pedal-powered water bicycles. The park also delves into the subtle perceptions and interactions between people and water. This experience isn’t limited to lively water play; it permeates moments of waiting, seeking, and chasing. At the circular jumping fountain plaza in the commercial area, spherical fountains randomly erupt, creating a dynamic and intriguing atmosphere. During mealtime, the plaza is always ‘filled’ with children eagerly waiting to catch water droplets. Armed with paper cups, they watch with wide eyes as the fountain prepares to leap—a delightful form of ‘waiting’ that engages them with water. They anticipate not only the water droplets but also the joy of surprises and uncertainty. When the fountain finally erupts, they swiftly capture the droplets, enhancing the interactive experience with instant feedback and a sense of achievement.
▼跳泉广场,the circular jumping fountain plaza © 鲁冰
Beyond waiting, children discover new ways to play in the shallow stream. They release paper-folded lotus flowers and miniature boats into the flowing water, enjoying the thrill of ‘chasing.’ Hidden fountains in treetops, occasional arch-shaped jets leaping from the square, and bubbling springs beneath calm water surfaces—all offer unexpected encounters for those who seek them. People sit or walk amidst the water features, fueled by curiosity and a desire to explore during their ‘search,’ adding to the unique allure of Water Park.
▼孩童们追逐嬉戏,chasing children© 瑾怀、ChillShine 丘文三映、周婷
▼享受“寻找”“追逐”的乐趣,playing kids© 周婷
5. 艺术地景与雕塑|Artistic Landscape and Sculpture
▼平面设计,darwings© Z’scape
The design inspiration for these coastal landscapes draws from the nearby sand dunes and marine life. By abstractly refining and transforming elements like whales, corals, jellyfish, natural rock formations, and sand dunes, they are translated into stream landscapes, sculptures, water tables, and benches. These artistic features seamlessly integrate with the water system, becoming unforgettable memory points for those who explore the upstream journey.
▼石雕,stones© ChillShine 丘文三映 、满媛、鲁冰
▼水母状的景观石雕,landscape stone sculptures© 周婷
▼细部,details© 周婷
6. 图纸与落地|Construction Drawings and implementation
为了更好的控制曲水的宽度与深度,我们在标准段里推敲了好几个斜度方案并绘制详细的剖面图纸,最终通过现场打样确定实施的版本。首先保证水深在 0~450mm 安全深度之内,同时也为了维系水系的流动性,设计模拟了溪流的自然坡降,在地库顶板、建筑出入口的高差限制中精确计算并设计水流的方向与起止点,并尽可能延长其流程。水系南端的分水为岛是嬉水池也是艺术地景,抽象的、不规则的鲸鱼形体在图纸的精准表达和现场施工把控上都有难度。在施工图纸完成后,针对此处我们再次进行模型复建,对每处弧面进行细致的微调,使其造型更加流畅优美,然后通过模型再次生成等高线,反馈到施工详图中并据此严格指导施工。嬉水公园在林下无障碍的畅行空间之下,分布了泵房 2 个,大小的设备基坑 28 个,设备井 30 余个,水电管线纵横无数。
The design of stream winding through a forest appears deceptively simple in its form and vocabulary, yet it demands high precision in design, construction drawings, and craftsmanship. While initial design inspiration may emerge in sketches and conceptual plans, the journey from concept to realization is a long one. Designers face challenges beyond the realm of drawings; between the design on paper and its execution lies a critical phase of continuous communication with the construction team, equipment suppliers, nurseries, and other professionals. This ongoing dialogue ensures precise implementation and high-quality engineering.
To control the width and depth of the meandering stream, we explored several slope options within standard sections and created detailed cross-sectional drawings. Ultimately, on-site testing confirmed the chosen version. We ensured a safe water depth within the range of 0–450 mm and simulated the natural slope of a stream to maintain its flow dynamics. Precise calculations factored in elevation differences at the basement ceiling and building entrances, determining the water flow direction and endpoints while maximizing its course. At the southern end of the water system, a bifurcation island serves as both a play pool and an artistic landscape. The abstract, irregular whale-shaped form posed challenges in accurately expressing it on paper and controlling its execution during construction. After completing the construction drawings, we reconstructed a model specifically for this area, fine-tuning each curve to achieve a smoother, more elegant shape. Using the model, we generated contour lines to guide construction meticulously. Beneath the unobstructed forest pathways of Water Park, numerous pump rooms, equipment pits of varying sizes, and utility chambers crisscross with water and electrical pipelines.
▼施工过程,construction details© Z’scape
To achieve a seamless water’s edge, we used two types of small aggregate stones with different specifications and surface materials. When combined, they formed a gently flowing, textured surface. Beveled edges and surface treatments were carefully controlled to prevent tripping hazards and slips. For areas where elevation constraints prevented continuous water flow due to basement ceiling heights, we used the same paving material as the stream to create a curving dry creek bed. The varying color shades subtly symbolize water depth, maintaining visual coherence.
▼细致拼接的小料石形成曲面和旱溪,small aggregate stones details© Z’scape
▼全程参与景观石雕的概念到落地,full progress involvment© Z’scape
In the stone carving aspect, our team was involved from conceptual design and model refinement to detailed drawings. We collaborated closely with stone suppliers, ensuring precise sculptural forms, engraving depths, and surface textures. The entire process, like a linked chain, ensured better quality in the final implementation.
▼落地呈现的细节,final details©ChillShine 丘文三映
▼落地呈现的细节,final details©ChillShine 丘文三映
End Words
2024 年阿那亚戏剧节以“常规和例外”为主题,我们也期望这个用不太常规设计手法营造的北岸嬉水公园,能经历时间的考验,成为一个例外的、有独特记忆感的存在。它不仅是为北岸社区的居民和游客提供了一处可以开展多种活动的林下公共空间,促进区域的活力;还能在这个北方滨海的度假胜地、日益成熟的社区里,唤起人们对“小桥流水人家”的家园印象,让离开城市喧嚣、来到阿那亚北岸的每个人,在通往“桃花源”的路上,都能沉浸于自我的“沿溪行,忘路之远近”的感知与体验之中。
In the Eastern Jin dynasty, Tao Yuanming depicted the experience of a fisherman from Wuling County in his work ‘The Peach Blossom Spring.’ The fisherman made a living by catching fish. As he followed the stream, he became so absorbed in the surrounding scenery or his inner longing for the unknown that he forgot about the distance he had traveled. This not only reflects the fisherman’s psychological state and adventurous spirit but also symbolizes his transcendence of the real world and pursuit of an ideal world.
In 2024, the Aranya Theater Festival, themed ‘Conventional and Exceptional,’ aims to create a unique and memorable presence with the unconventionally designed North Coast Water Park. This space not only provides a forested public area for residents and visitors in the North Coast community to engage in various activities and promote regional vitality but also evokes the impression of a ‘small bridge, flowing water, and peaceful home.’ Whether leaving behind the hustle and bustle of the city or arriving at the North Coast of Aranya, everyone can immerse themselves in the perception and experience of ‘following the stream, forgetting the distance’ on the path to their own ‘Peach Blossom Spring.’
▼小桥流水人家,‘small bridge, flowing water, and peaceful home’© 鲁冰
▼细部,detail© 鲁冰
河北 秦皇岛
2022 – 2023
占地面积:1.8 公顷
业主:阿那亚 aranya
景观设计:Z’scape 致舍景观
摄影:ChillShine 丘文三映、鲁冰、在野照物、周婷、瑾怀、满媛
Aranya North Coast Water Park
Qinhuangdao, Hebei
Area: 1.8 Hectare
Client: Aranya
Landscape Design: Z’scape
Principal Designer: Liangjun Zhou, Ting Zhou
Design Team: Xueting Liu, Pei Han, Yuan Man, Shuting Wu, Xinyue Ma, Zehao Chen, Wenhong Xu, Fang Qin, Shanshan Ma, Yuxin Kang
Water Equipment and Construction: Shanghai Lizhi Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.
Landscape Construction: Changzhou Chuangxin Landscape Construction Co., Ltd.
Lighting Design: Shanghai Tungsten Lighting Design Co., Ltd.
Video Shooting and Production: ChillShine
Photo: ChillShine, Bing Lu, Zaiye Studio, Ting Zhou, Huai Jin, Yuan Man